“Queen?” I immediately reacted, and quickly nodded to salute, “Queen Your Majesty, hello.”

“Hello, I am the new appointment of this tribe. The queen of China, named Zisha, is called as the hero at will, and there is no need to be courteous.” Queen nodded motioned, and said, “Listen to Lie Shou, the hero, you have wiped out the entire group of Daswomu by yourself.”

“Um…it seems like this.” I scratched my head, not knowing what to say.

“Yes, Your Majesty, I saw with my own eyes this hero used the five elements Ninjutsu to kill all Das Worm, very brave.” Lie Shou said on the side.

“Five Elements Ninjutsu?” Zisha wrinkled her frowned head, thought for a while and said, “Then, the hero is what the outside world calls ninja?”

“Is that right? , What? Roran doesn’t welcome outside ninjas?” I am a little nervous, if this tribe hates ninjas, then I will have to fight to escape.

“That’s not true, heroes don’t worry.” Zisha laughed, “It’s just that our place is relatively remote, and there are very few ninjas here, so I was a little surprised.”

“It turns out that this is the case. You don’t have to call me a hero or a hero all the time. I am sorry. My name is Xie Qi. You can just call my name.” I was pondered and still didn’t tell her the name of Hatake Kurone. After all, this is the name of Hatake Kurone. More than a hundred years ago, it would be bad if it left any traces in history.

“Then I will call you the hero of the solution. You wiped out the Daswomu race and saved our entire tribe.” Zisha bowed deeply, “I represent me My father and the whole tribe thank you.”

“Queen Zisha, you are polite, no effort at all that’s all.” I waved his hand.

“Our tribe will have a dinner every month that everyone has to attend. This is to bless the tribe, and it is a coincidence that the hero has come. Tonight is the dinner.” Zisha smiled and turned back to the palace. , “Everyone will welcome you.”

“Then I will deference is no substitute for obedience.” I laughed at the background of gazed Zisha’s fading away.

“It’s too early to solve the hero, so let’s go to the humble house and sit down.” Lie Shou smiled and pulled me to his house.

In the evening, all the people of the tribe, men and women, young and old, gathered in the square at the gate of the palace.

In the middle of the square is a platform made of a large rock. It may be an arena at ordinary times. At the dinner, it is probably the place where the chief of the tribe speaks.

Sure enough, surrounded by the guards, Queen Zisha walked out of the palace slowly and stood on the stone platform.

“Perhaps many people are understood. Our tribe has a visitor today. By the strength of oneself, he wiped out the entire Dasmoum race and avenged our tribe.” Queen Zisha After I finished speaking, I turned my eyes to me, “Xie Qi hero, come up! Let everyone see!”

“…” I scratched my head a little sorry, and walked up under everyone’s gaze. .

“This hero, Xie Qi, avenged the people in our tribe who were killed by Das Womu. He deserves our admiration and gratitude. Please be respected by me.” finished-speaking, Zi Queen Shah bowed deeply to me. Tone barely fell, the people below all followed the Queen’s bow, and even more so, they knelt and knelt in excitement. I think, maybe some of their family members were killed by the death worm.

“Eh eh eh, don’t be like this, I can’t stand it, everyone quick get up!” I was a little panicked, and I waved my hand and signaled everyone to get up.

“hmph! It’s just an unorthodox way, what to pretend!” Suddenly, a disdainful curse came from behind me.

I turned around, and a robust man wearing armor from the Queen’s Guard came up.

“What do you mean? How did I pretend to be?” Unfathomable mystery came up and scolded me alone, and anyone else would be angry.

“Nales! Don’t be rude to the hero! Get out!” Zisha scolded, and quickly compensated me with a smile, “The hero does not need to follow him lower oneself to somebody’s level, he It’s my guard Captain, just a foolish man, no brains.”

“Nales? So you are the legendary Roran War God?” I looked at him with my arms, if it weren’t because of him. It was Queen Zisha’s men, so I directly taught him, “Why, do you have an opinion on me?”

“Yes? I’ll just say, how could someone be able to by the strength of oneself? Kill the entire Das Worm tribe. I am not blowing, even if it is me, Roran’s once-in-a-century War God can only deal with two at the same time.” Nars raised his head proudly and looked through his nostrils. I said, “You just used the unorthodox way called Ninjutsu from the outside world. This behavior is insulting to Samurai. You should rely on your own strength and bravery to fight and kill Das Worm, and I will convince you.”

“Fuck, do you have a brain hole! I helped you eliminate such a big threat, your attitude?” I can’t help loudly cursed, “then what do you want?”

“You don’t use these unorthodox ways. I win by fighting to win against you, so I can convince you.” Nars looked at me with disdain, “Otherwise, please step down and don’t affect our dinner.”

“Is this Nars sick?” I walked to Zisha and said, “Why is unfathomable mystery provoking me.”

“He is Roran’s War God, and again My father’s old man, I can’t control him.” Zisha said somewhat sorry, but even through the veil, I still noticed that her cheeks were slightly flushed.

“Queen Zisha, what’s wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?” I asked casually.

“It’s…it’s okay.” Zisha’s face was even flushed.

“It’s like this.” A maid next to him quickly took over. “The old king died from his injuries during the battle with Das Worm three months ago, so the queen made an oath, no matter it was Who, as long as you avenge the old king, the queen will marry him. Then, as we all know, this Nars has been secretly in love with the queen…”

“Little flower, don’t talk about it.” Zisha Sorry, he pulled the maid behind, “You don’t care about this Nars, he doesn’t dare to impudent with me.”

“It turned out to be like this.” I laughed at the queen, “It’s okay. I will meet him, he will always yell in the province.”

I don’t have the idea of ​​marrying the queen, but the provocation of Nars made me a little unhappy.

“Don’t be impulsive, although I admit that you are very difficult to deal with, but you don’t rely on Ninjutsu. You are not an opponent of Nars. He is Roran’s once-in-a-century War God. Fight two Das Worm’s experts.” Zisha quickly grabbed me, frowns said.

“Don’t underestimate me, if you win, you have to marry me.” I joked with a smirk, and pretended to reach out and take off the queen’s veil.

“Aiya…” The queen was so scared that she hurried back a few steps, and then said angrily, “I kindly remind you, why do you do this, then I don’t care about you.”

” Hey, kid! Do you dare to molest our queen, are you courting death?” Nars glared at him, “As you helped our tribe so much, I will give you two choices, either fight with me or kneel Let us confess the mistake to the queen, otherwise, don’t want to get out of this stone platform!”

“Then you have to look at your Excellency, how many catties you have.” I looked at him with a smile, and said pretendingly.

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