“Bluffing!” Seeing me pretending to be forced, Nars roared and punched me.

I wanted to hand seal subconsciously, and suddenly remembered that I had agreed not to use Ninjutsu, so I turned my palm into a punch and greeted me with a punch.

Boom! Two fists bumped into each other, I backed up seven or eight steps again and again, my hand was feeling numb, the tiger’s mouth almost split, in contrast nars, completely motionless.

“Strong strength.” I smiled and shook my hand.

“I only used 50% of this fist, and you can’t handle it. It seems only this.” Nars smiled contemptuously.

I originally wanted to use Eight-Inner Gates so that I could easily defeat him, but pondered, for them, the steam of Eight-Inner Gates would probably be regarded as Ninjutsu, and I can’t explain it clearly. , So don’t use it anymore. I also want to see how far I have come by pure fistwork.

“I’m going to do my best this time, and see if you can take it!” An imposing-manner burst out from the whole body of Nars, and the fist swept towards me.

sou! My head tilted slightly, and I escaped the full punch of Nars, but the fist wind brought out by that punch made my eardrum sore. Seeing that this fist didn’t hit me, he immediately turned his fist into a palm and struck my neck. If I get hit this time, my cervical spine will definitely be broken, and I will be paralyzed if I die.

Shua! I immediately flipped sideways and escaped the life-threatening palm. Then I caught Nars’s arm with my foot and twisted it, and then hit his chest with a heavy punch. Nars not to be outdone, also waved his other hand and hit my chest.

I didn’t dare to receive firmly, so I had to give up the attack, a backflip, and opened the distance.

“The worthy-of is Roran War God, it’s really not covered.” My eyes are fixed on Nars, a two-meter robust man. His attack is very powerful and fast. Soon, without Chakra’s increase, I am afraid that my teaming up with Guy will not necessarily be able to win him.

“Why? Afraid?” Nars saw that I had not been moving, and laughed, “If you are afraid, surrender, otherwise it will be no good if I miss you and kill you later.”


Without Chakra’s increase, I would definitely not be able to beat him, so I secretly opened the Eight-Inner Gates on the fourth gate. As long as I didn’t open the fifth gate, there would be no steam. I didn’t use Ninjutsu anyway, it’s not a violation.

Nars saw that the imposing-manner on me was different, and became serious: “Are you serious? Interesting.”

sou! I rushed up, and Knars touched four punches. After opening the fourth gate, my speed was basically the same as his, but I still couldn’t see his attack clearly, and I could only fight by feeling.

sou! I dodged a straight punch from him, but I didn’t expect him to kick my chest with a high whip. I had no time to dodge, so I had to both hands crossed near chest and took it forcibly.

Boom! I was kicked heavily to the sky.

“This guy is attacking so fast, it seems that I can only…” My eyes closed and opened, and three tomoes climbed up blood red’s eyeballs. As long as I don’t use Dojutsu, it’s not a violation.

sou! As I was kicked into the sky, Nars also jumped up, trying to attack my back. With the assistance of Sharingan, I finally saw his attack trajectory.

sou! Nars punched him over, was easily avoided by me, and grabbed his arm.

“What?” Nars was taken aback. “It followed my movements.”

“Front Lotus!” I grabbed Nars’s shoulder, quickly Spin down.

Unfortunately, when he was about to land, Nars broke free of my shackles, rolled, and released the strength of the fall.

“Boy, it’s kind of ability.” Nars laughed.

I have no expression on my face, thinking about countermeasures. This guy’s physical strength is definitely stronger than me. Then I continue to fight. It is estimated that the bad luck is me. I must end the battle as soon as possible.

“Yes, try this move Kurone triple combo I invented!” I remembered the style I developed when I learned Taijutsu with Guy a few years ago. It was originally used to deal with Guy, but I haven’t had a chance to use it, “The success or failure depends on this move!”

“What a daze! Look at the punch!” Nars roared and punched at me.

Under Sharingan’s clear sight, I saw the trajectory of the punches of Nars, so I tilted my head slightly, avoided it, and the whole body moved forward, clinging to Nars tightly. His body, my fist also touched his chest.

“You can’t hit me even so close. With your small body, do you want to knock me down?” Nars mocked.

“Have you heard of Cunquan?” The corner of my mouth raised a strange arc.

“What punch?…Um…”

The next second, Nars was hit in the chest fiercely with my fist, and he stepped back several steps. Before he could react, I stepped forward and slapped on his chest, came a backflip, and clamped his neck with my foot. By the inertia of the backflip, Nars’s center of gravity was unstable, and I fell to the ground, while I landed steadily on the ground.

“Life-threatening elbow!” I jumped up, rotated in the sky for three and a half weeks, accumulated a lot of strength, and then fell quickly, hitting Nars’ chest with my elbow heavily.

“wu!” The sound of broken bones came from Nars’ chest, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

My Kurone three combos consist of three parts: close punch, somersault throw and life-threatening elbow. They hit the opponent with an inch punch, then knock down with somersault, and finally hit one hit kill with an elbow. I have started off leniently at the last moment, otherwise Nars is more than just breaking a few ribs.

“Unexpectedly, he won Nales!”

“Heavens! Nales was defeated!”

…………Bottom The audience discusses spiritedly.

“I think, I should have won.” I walked up to Zisha and said with a smile.

“Unexpectedly, you actually defeated Nars!” Zisha also looked surprised. Suddenly, her face changed drastically and she shouted, “Nars, stop!”

I turned my head, Nars didn’t know where he took a lance, and the imposing-manner stabbed at me fiercely.

“You scoundrel! Go to hell!”

It’s too late to dodge, I can only open Mangekyo Sharingan instantly, and then use Susanoo to resist.

Suddenly, I felt a wave of fluctuations in the surrounding space.

clang! The lance in Nars’s hand was broken by a mysterious force.

“This…this is Space-Time Ninjutsu?” I opened my eyes wide in surprise.

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