“This is…time and space ability!!!” I looked surprised at Lance, who was twisted and fell to the ground, slowly turning around, “Could it be that…”

Sure enough, it is Queen Zisha. Her original cyan eyes became blood red, and her chest was undulating, panting.

“Come on, take Nars along to withdraw and lock it up.” Zisha drank.

Several guards stepped forward and took away the bewildered Nars.

“Your eyes…” I asked a little surprised, but I don’t know how to start to talk, “Is this your ability?”

“I’ll be Nal Si apologized to the hero, he was too competitive.” Zisha did not answer, but turned to leave, and returned to the palace surrounded by guards, “The hero and my people will enjoy the dinner together, I’ll go Take care of Nars’s matter, I’m lost.”

After Zisha left, some youngsters underneath immediately surrounded me, all looking at me with fanatical gazes.

“wa, hero, you defeated Nars! That’s amazing!” A beautiful young woman stared at me with admiration.

“It’s… so amazing… he can defeat War God.” A young man next to me looked at me with a bit of resentment, but he was full of helplessness. Probably the two are a couple. The man was jealous when seeing the woman so excited, but he couldn’t beat me and couldn’t help it.

I was shrugged and didn’t pay much attention to it. The crowd gathered around me to ask questions for a while and then dispersed, and the dinner party finally began.

It is said that it is a dinner, but it is not very luxurious. It is just that the villagers took out part of the stored food and made it into a large pot of food. However, the wine is very mellow, and it’s good enough. Unfortunately, as a ninja, drinking in an unknown land is drunk. If you are drunk, you will most likely die. So, I had to excuse alcohol allergies and avoided the villagers’ toast.

After drinking for three rounds, most of the villagers were drunk and fell on the ground. Most of the people on the court were women and children. There were also a few men who drink well and who do not drink are still gorge. oneself.

Suddenly, I found that the gatekeeper when I came before, I can’t remember what it was called, and fell on the ground dumbfoundedly, and kept pouring alcohol into my mouth, but most of them were drunk. Poured on the face.

“Cool! Come again! Hah again!” still shouted vaguely.

I frowns headed him onto the bench and asked: “How do you drink like this? Does anyone pick up your class to watch the door?”

The janitor looked at me At a glance, he smiled and handed the small wine jar over and said: “Hey, solve…hero, come…a drink!”

“I ask you, is there anyone who will guard the gate for you?” I took the jar and put it on the table.

“Look… what’s the big… Great… door! Big… home… all come to join… to the dinner… banquet, hiccup…” the gatekeeper waved His hand, picked up the small wine jar and continued to pour the wine, “It’s so cool!”

“No one of you guards the door, what should I do if an enemy comes in?” I said silently, “You all used to Is that the case?”

“Before… there used to be Das Worm, so… I, I, I, and I… will stay at the gate… But… this time Das Worm is all Killed by the hero…you…Kill Kill Kill…killed, of course don’t worry.” The gatekeeper said with a smile, “As for the enemy…not to worry…don’t worry, we…Roran, yes yes …This is the largest…tribe…no one dares…hiccup…”

Before the words were finished, the gatekeeper fell to the ground and snored.

“Really…in case there is an invasion by a foreign enemy, it will be over. It’s too lax.” I was a little angry, and I picked up the Azure Edge Sword and prepared to go to the gate and looked.

“Don’t worry about the hero, the surrounding tribes don’t dare to attack us.” Lie Shou grabbed me. “Das Womu is gone, the hero can rest assured to eat, you can sit back and relax…”

Before he finished speaking, Lie Shou’s face changed drastically.

“What’s wrong?” My hand touched the hilt of Azure Edge Sword, because I saw Lie Shou’s expression a bit abnormal.

“Dass…” Lie Shou’s mouth squirmed, his whole body twitched, as if he had been electrocuted, “Wom…”

After speaking, plop fell down. On the ground, there was no movement.

As soon as I looked up, I found a death worm appeared behind it, and the lightning current flashed on its head.

“damned! Darth Holm is here! Hurry up, everyone!” I yelled and pulled out the Azure Edge Sword and rushed up.

“Guangdan·Backlight Blade!”

Because the surroundings are relatively dark, I didn’t use Lightning Sword Sword, but used Guangdan. The blade of Azure Edge Sword immediately grew several meters, becoming a giant sword shining rays of light, and illuminating all around.

ka-cha! After fighting for two rounds, the death worm no suspense was chopped into several knots by me and stopped moving.

I turned around and realized that the scene had become chaotic beyond control. More than a dozen death worms have penetrated the ground and are massacring unarmed women and children, but most of the men with fighting strength are drunk and completely unable to resist.

“clang! clang! clang!” A villager desperately rushed to the alarm bell, and just struck it three times, he was swallowed by the death worm.

“damned! Fire-Style · fierce fire…” I was halfway sealed, and suddenly I found that the death worm was mixed with the villagers. There was no way to start, so I had to give up.

“I can only fight hand-to-hand.” In order to avoid accidental injury, I reduced the lightsaber to one meter long and rushed into the chaotic crowd.

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