“roar!” A death worm opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and was about to swallow a little girl.

“Ah!” The little girl closed her eyes in fright and squatted down holding her head.

Shua! I rushed over, hugged the girl, and rolled forward, avoiding the death worm’s attack.

“roar!” Seeing that the death worm hadn’t eaten any delicious meat, he turned his head and roared at me.

“You hide behind me, don’t run around!” I pulled the little girl behind and fixed my eyes on the death worm.

The death worm seems to be afraid of the sword in my hand, and hesitates.

Suddenly, a death worm next to him also rushed over. The two death worms exchanged a bit and finally rushed towards me.

pu! At the crucial moment, a lance flew over and pierced the head of one death worm accurately, while the other froze for a moment.

“Come here!” A shout came from the direction of the palace. I followed the fame. It was Nars and Zisha waving at me. I didn’t dare to hesitate, so I quickly picked up the little girl and ran over.

Another death worm reacted and immediately rushed towards us. At this time, I was holding the little girl moved towards the palace and ran away. Although my back was facing, I could still feel the death worm chasing after me.

“Low nodded.” Zi Sha yelled at me, her eyes slowly turning red.

I immediately lowered my head and immersed my head to speed up. I feel that the top of the head has a huge space fluctuation, which even affects me here.

pu… The death worm’s head fell on my feet.

“many thanks.” I put the little girl on the ground and let her run to the palace for refuge by herself, and then said to Zisha and Nars.

“You are welcome.” Nars scratched his head sorryly, “The previous thing was that I was wrong, sorry.”

“It’s okay, the enemy is now. Smolm.” I waved his hand and didn’t care.

“Queen Your Majesty, go back to the palace.” Nars persuaded.

Since Zisha has just used space and time abilities, she is a little struggling now, on the verge of collapse.

“No, I want to coexist and die with my people.” Zisha said categorically, “When everyone hides in the palace, or fights back Das Worm, I will leave! “

“Guard, protect the Queen Your Majesty, if you hurt a hair, I will ask you.” Nars drank, and the guards immediately surrounded the Queen.

“I know, if you lose to me, you will definitely not accept it. Let’s compare.” I smiled and said to Nars, “More than Das Worm killed, and saved There are more people.”

“Good! Compare it! I don’t know how to admit-defeat!” Nars smiled and took a lance from the guard and rushed towards the death worm.

In addition to a few guards to protect the queen, other guards also joined the battle…

Under the vigorous siege and suppression of Nars and I, the surviving women and children were basically Rescued, and only four of the dozen or so death worms were left.

“How many Darths did you kill?” Nars and I were back to back, staring at all around.

“Eight.” I shook the blood from the sword and said coldly.

“You won, I killed six.” Nars curl one’s lip, “The guards also united to kill two, and Queen Your Majesty killed one.”


“You haven’t lost yet.” I pointed to the remaining four. “Unexpectedly, there are still 21 Das Worm who survived. It’s really a miscalculation. I don’t know that it is underground. Below, is there still Das Worm that begins to stir hidden?”

“No matter what, let’s solve what’s in front of you.” Nars not saying anything further, rushed up.

When a death worm saw Nars rushing up, he immediately spit out a big mouthful of acid at him. Although he was strong, he was very agile. He rolled forward and escaped the acid. Liquid, and then a spear stabbed the death worm to death.

When another dead worm saw it, he immediately turned his head, moved towards Nars and sprayed the venom. The range was very large and it was almost impossible to dodge.

“Crystal-Style ·Spiral cell!”

I immediately stepped forward in front of Nars, and a spiral crystal wall stood in front of us.

His…Although the venom corroded some of the crystals, it quickly flowed to the ground along the spiral crystal wall and did not continue to corrode.

“Before it was my prejudice, you Ninjutsu is indeed very powerful, it is not a deceptive unorthodox way.” Nars saw that I saved him, sorry said, “many thanks your life- If saving grace, if there is an opportunity, I also want to learn Ninjutsu and make myself stronger.”

“No problem, when this time is over, I will teach you, as for those who don’t learn. , I can’t guarantee it.” I laughed and teased.

“No problem, but I will grab the head first.” Nars jumped up, kicked on the crystal wall, moved towards the death worm and threw lance heavily .

puci! The death worm was pierced through its head and crashed to the ground.

“This time, it seems to be a tie.” Nars smiled and gave me a thumbs up, reminding me of Guy.

Suddenly, a young woman ran out of the crowd in the palace, regardless of obstacles, and shouted heartbreakingly: “child! My child! My child is still outside!”

“child?” Nars and I reacted immediately and immediately looked around.

“There!” I suddenly found a baby on the ground not far away, and a baby inside was howling.

The cry of the baby alarmed the remaining two dead worms. They opened their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and moved towards the baby spit out acid.

“It’s too late to hand seal.” I quickly threw the kunai out, and then thoughts move came to the baby.

Got a bet, bet the acid can not kill me, I blocked the baby with my body.

“En? Why doesn’t it respond?”

I lifted the head and found a huge body blocking me.

“Nales!” I cried out in surprise, “What are you doing?”

Suddenly, I recalled that the moment I used Flying Thunder God Jutsu just now, Nales seemed to It took my shoulder…

Looking at the death worm in front of me, one was pierced in the head by Nars. The other one, seeing that his companions were all dead, immediately slipped away and got under the ground.

Nales slowly turned around, his whole body was hit by acid, and his flesh and blood were almost corroded, exposing the white bones, and even his face turned into a skeleton.

“It seems…I won…”

Nales managed to squeeze out the last few words, and then fell to the ground, turning into a pool of blood.

“Nales!” I gritted my teeth and went to the place where the last death worm had escaped, and plunged Qingfeng into the ground.

“Lightning-Style·Raising Snake Chase!” Dozens of snake-shaped lightning immediately followed the Qingfeng and dived into the ground. As for whether the escaped death worm finally died, I don’t know. Up.

However, on this day, Roran’s War God fell.

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