“How about the casualties in the tribe?” I walked to Zisha and asked.

Zisha is watching the messy scene. All the corpses have been brought together by the guards and are being counted. I saw a few familiar faces in it, including the gatekeeper, Lie Shou, and Nars.

“I don’t know.” Zisha’s face was numb, as if she had lost her soul, and she kept chanting, “Dead, all dead…”

“Queen Your Majesty, the statistics are here.” A guard ran over and said, “In this Das Worm’s attack, a total of 433 people in our tribe were killed, including 159 children, one There are one hundred and sixty-seven women, one hundred and seventeen men, of which 18 are from the guards, and…Nales also…apart from this, and there are more than two hundred injured.”

“I understood, you go down first.” Zisha expressionlessly waved her hand.

As soon as the guards left, Zisha staggered, and then she fell down. I was afraid that she would fall, so I hurried over to hold her back.

“Why…how could it be like this…how so many people died…” Zisha threw herself in my arms, crying in pain, “Nars is also dead Now! How can I explain to my father…”

“It’s not to blame you, it’s because Dasvolum’s threat is too great, and it’s mainly because of the gatekeeper’s negligence. Now he seems to have been killed too. I can’t punish him anymore.” I didn’t know how to comfort her, so I had to gently patted her back and said, “Don’t blame yourself too much, it’s not to blame you, really, who can think of Das Worm will come to do this.”

“But…but do you know how many casualties are?” Zisha sobbed, “Do you know how many people there are in our tribe?”

“Probably…” Standing on the top of the palace, the entire tribe covering all at one glance, I estimated it, and said, “Looking at the size of your tribe, it’s about a thousand people.”

“There are a total of 1,136 people in our tribe. This time, plus the injured, there are more than 600 people, more than half of the total number, you say…” Zisha lifts the head, Azure Against the backdrop of tears, his eyes are more moving.

Now is not the time to think about this. I shake one’s head and take my thoughts back. Long-term focus said to her: “It is useless to complain about yourself. The dead will not survive. You. Father, and Knars, and all the dead and alive, I think they certainly don’t want to see you like this. They must hope you cheer up and let Roran regain glory.”

Zisha is a queen after all. She has been fascinated by her since she was a child. She is not the kind of vase that can only cry and cry. He cheered up immediately after hearing my words.

“Sorry, it’s impolite.” Zisha saw that she was always in my arms, and she immediately broke free, although she was wearing a veil, I guess her face must be completely red.

“You’re right, I want to cheer up, Roran won’t just collapse like this, we want to live better, take the part of the dead, and live better!” Zisha is determined Said.

“That’s right.” I nodded with a smile, “So I can leave without worry.”

“What? Are you leaving?” Zisha For a moment.

“Yes, I’m just a guest after all, and I still have my own business to do. Tomorrow, I should go.” I said in deadly earnest.

“There is something…I want to discuss it with you.” Zisha suddenly lowered her head, and her voice became much quieter.

“Queen Zisha, you say, as long as I Xie Qi can do it…”

“Marry me and stay in Roran!” Zisha said suddenly.

“I must…” I was tying a ticket, and Zisha’s sudden words made me choke, a long time before I realized, “No!”

” I have seen the heroism of you and Das Womu in wartime and the bravery in saving people.” Zi Sha said very shyly, “I have liked such heroes since I was a child, brave and elegant, except for my father. I have never seen a second person like this. Nars is rather brave, just too reckless and rude. But you are different. Seeing you, I know I found the right person…”

“I…I’m sorry…I…” I was speechless for a while, and didn’t know how to refuse without hurting her heart. In the end, I had to change the subject, “Roran is suffering a huge blow now, I think the queen Your Majesty, you should first consider how to restore the prosperity of the tribe. As for the hero in your mind, I am not suitable. I think you will meet it in the future.”

“no, not just because I like it You, I pleaded with you precisely because of the tribe.” Zisha said sincerely, “Nars is dead, and many people in the guards have died. A lot of young and strong laborers in the tribe have also died. We need an expert. To protect the tribe, Xie Qi, you are the best candidate. Do you want to look at me, look at Roran to be destroyed?”

“I…” Zisha’s words made me dumbstruck and unable to reply, I had no choice but to take it seriously and said, “Sorry, I really have something important to do. It’s really true. I can’t just be here.”

“You are Do you dislike me? Don’t think I’m beautiful enough? I don’t deserve you?” Zisha asked.

“No no, although your face is covered with a veil, but I feel…”

Suddenly, I was shocked because Zisha took off her veil.

The face under the veil is beautiful and suffocating. The wheat-colored skin and the delicate face are very well-proportioned. It is a perfect work of art, full of Foreign Land style, beautiful and incomparable. It is devastatingly beautiful. Among the women I met after I came to Naruto World, Zisha definitely ranked in the top three. Maybe only Xiaoxue’s face could be striving for high and low with her. It’s just that two people have different beauty and it is difficult to compare.

If it weren’t for the love between Xiaoxue and I, I might not be able to hold it, so I promised her and stayed.

“Your tribe shouldn’t have a custom. People who see your face must marry you.” I asked cautious and solemn.

“Otherwise, what do you think I am doing with a veil.” Zi Sha said with a smile, her eyes twinkling, full of charming, “How about, am I beautiful?”

“Beauty, Zisha, your face is definitely a woman’s Peak. But, I already have my heart, sorry.” I shake one’s head and glanced aside, not daring to look at her breathtaking face again .

“That’s all…” Zisha put on her veil again, sighed, “Tomorrow I will put wine for you to practice, you go, go as far as possible.”

“I’m sorry.” I was afraid that it would hurt her face, so I agreed to come down and leave after drinking the practice wine.

2nd day, Zi Sha set up a table of simple practice wine for me in the palace. There are few dishes, but a lot of wine. The villagers were busy repairing the damaged buildings, and only Zisha and her guards saw me off.

“Why? Want to get me drunk and stay forcibly?” I laughed and teased, “The Queen of Purple Sha, you are miscalculating.”

Speaking, I I picked up a jar of wine and drank it all in one fell swoop. After all, I was a little guilty of rejecting her.

Tons, tons…I drank several jars in a row, and then used Chakra to break down the alcohol, otherwise it would be terrible if I got really drunk.

“I know you are definitely not drunk, haha, it’s just…” Zi Sha raised a strange smile at the corner of her mouth.

An unknown premonition rose in my heart, so I quickly stood up and prepared to leave.

“Many thanks for the hospitality, I have almost finished drinking wine, so I will leave first.” Looked Zisha didn’t mean to stop me, I quickly got up to get the Azure Edge I put on the ground Sword, I suddenly found out that my sword was missing.

“Queen Your Majesty, what do you mean? Where is my sword.” I asked angrily.

“Sorry, there is nothing I can do, I will compensate you well, come here!” Zisha said somewhat sorry.

Suddenly, the queen’s guard ran out from the side hall and surrounded me. There were about thirty people.

“Do you think that if you steal my sword, you can stop me?” I said with a sneer, and suddenly, I felt something was wrong with the body within the body. I couldn’t sense my Chakra anymore. Even his hands and feet began to weaken.

“You…you drugged in the wine?” I stared wide-eyed and asked.

“Don’t worry, it’s just temporarily sealing your meridians, making you weak. Medicine efficacy only has twenty-four hours.” Zisha turned her head away and didn’t dare to look at me, “I’m sorry.”

“Take it for me!” Zisha ordered.

“damned!” I am weak now, even more how the queen’s guards are not good, they are all experts in close combat. At the beginning I was able to knock down a few guards who were close to me. As my hands and feet became weaker and weaker, coupled with the crowds, I began to be unable to resist. In less than five minutes I was pushed down by the guards and then tied up. Up.

“What…what are you going to do!” I said weakly, “Don’t mess around?”

“Take him to my bedroom.” Zisha evil charm With a smile, he gave me a meaningful look.

Fuck, what is this so called.

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