“hey hey hey…” I was tied into a zongzi, and then thrown on Zisha’s bed, “Don’t mess around! I warn you! I’m very fierce! “

“You scream, you broke your throat and no one will come to rescue you.” Zisha stared at me with a smile, her eyes flashing with complicated rays of light.

“Broken throat! Broken throat!” I shouted twice.

“pu chi…” Zisha covered her mouth and cupped her belly and laughed, then took off her veil, “Unexpectedly you are so humorous.”

“I…” Actually I didn’t want to be funny, I just wanted to postpone the time, so I started to wrestle again, “Queen Zisha, I don’t deserve you, don’t look at me as handsome, tall and cold, civil and military, wise and brave, highly skilled in martial arts, I’m righteous…actually, I’m quite old, almost forty…”

“hahaha…” Zi Sha was amused by my words and laughed, “I see You look like you are in your early thirties, that’s all, you are not too old, it’s quite appropriate. Moreover, I like you, a person with a sense of justice, humor, and a strong strength. It gives me a sense of security. Let’s talk about it. , I am not young anymore.”

“No way.” I stared at her face in disbelief for a long time, and I saw Zisha Face is red, “You look at most Twenty, is it that the maintenance is better?”

“I hate it! I was just eighteen years old.” Zisha smiled and hit me, “So, I’m not young anymore. I’m an adult.”

“Fuck…” I was unable to refute what she said, so I had to say in a long-term focus, “I am thirty-six years old this year. If I get married early, I The child is almost as old as you, you…”

“Do you want to delay time?” Zisha eyesbrows raised and said, “Don’t think about it, you can’t run away. Medicine efficacy has Twenty-four hours, I know that you are an expert, so I took twice the dose, hehehe!”

“…” I rolled one’s eyes (not Hyuga Clan Byakugan…), and then said helplessly, “You have such a good condition. Isn’t it okay to find a young man? You have to find me an uncle for something!”

“I don’t care about me… …” Zisha completely put away the Queen’s shelf, and acted like a coquettish little girl in front of me. She looked at me pitifully, “Isn’t your servant beautiful?”

“I …” I just wanted to say something, Zi Sha suddenly rushed to me, and wen came up, “Um…”

“hehe…” Zi Sha smiled evilly at me, and then started tuo. Go to the clothes on the body.

“Fuck it, don’t…” I just wanted to fight back, Zisha stayed with me again, because I was so weak that I couldn’t move at all.

“Mom, I didn’t expect that I would have such a day…” I was born unloved and rolled the eyes, “If it was more than ten years ago, I would be very happy. But now, if I was really caught If she succeeds, I can’t go to Shikkotsu Forest. I must stay responsible.”

At this time, Zisha has been stunned, and a perfect donation is brought into view. Each position of the body is very well-proportioned, like a perfect work of art.

oh shit!

In this case, any normal man will react, and I am no exception.

“How about it, look good.” Zisha smiled charmingly, and then came and went on me, “Shen said no, she is still quite honest.”

“I…” I turned my gaze to the side with a look of shame, and suddenly felt Zi Sha batting my clothes, “Hey! Don’t tuo my clothes! Don’t mess around!”

” This rope is really in the way!” Because the rope was tightly tied, Zisha couldn’t get my clothes off, so I had to untie the rope first.

“Good opportunity!” As soon as I saw that the rope was untied, I quickly stood up and prepared to run.

As a result, as soon as she stood up, her legs became ruan, and she fell forward sharply, putting Zisha Ya underneath, and conditioned her hands on her xiong.

Don’t say it, it’s pretty dad and ruan… No, it’s not the time to think about it now.

“Hey…I hate it!” Zi Sha Jiao gasped, her face flushed, “So what’s wrong with Xing.”

“I…” I thought to myself, Am I really anxious? My legs are soft… I want to run, no, I can’t give up.

I got off Zisha and rolled to the floor.

“Where are you going, Husband!” Zisha pulled me back easily, and then tuo dropped my kuzi.

“Fuck, it’s cold!” I was surprised.

“Since you can’t move anymore, let me do it. Although I am doing it for the first time, I have heard the general steps from my mother, um…it should be like this…” Zisha in The deadly earnest climbed onto me, aimed at an indescribable position, then closed my eyes and was about to sit down.

Of course I can’t let her succeed. The moment she sat down, her waist moved vigorously, and Zisha sat down on my lap.

“En? Why doesn’t it hurt?” Zisha opened my eyes and realized that I was playing tricks, so she glared at me, and then tightly grasped my indescribable parts with her hands.

“Look at how you run this time!” Zisha clutched tightly, let me disable to move even a little bit, and then sat down abruptly.

“Sure risk, I caught up.” Sage’s eyeshadow crawled onto my face, and the abundant Natural Energy filled my whole body. Although I can’t condensed my own Chakra, there is no problem in absorbing Natural Energy. I have been procrastinating and finally caught up at the crucial moment.

“Where is the person?” Zisha suddenly felt that the thing she was holding disappeared, so she opened her eyes and found that I had already stood on the floor.

“When did you…” Zisha and I looked at each other, her eyes moved to the indescribable part of me.

Because we are all honest and candid now, and I can move now, Zisha shyly covered her si, glanced aside, and secretly glanced at me.

“How can you break free if you did it!” Zisha asked.

“Sorry, I should go now. If I don’t go, I’m afraid I can’t help it.” I didn’t dare to look at Zisha’s attractive body, looked at the ceiling and walked towards the bed, groping for clothes.

“Who told you to endure it! Don’t leave!” Zi Sha rushed towards me without hiding her shame.

“Don’t make trouble!” I made a fake act, pretending to attack Xiong, and then picked up my clothes.

Zisha froze for a moment, took a step back reflexively, and then reacted and rushed towards me.

At this time, I had already got the clothes, but I didn’t expect that she would jump over directly. Before he could react, Xiong hit my hand and threw me down. An indescribable part, Ceng almost went in with the dong mouth.

“It seems that I won!” Zisha’s mouth raised a strange arc, and she was about to press back strongly.

“Offended!” While squeezing her xiong with my hand, I quickly hand sealed, “Sage Art · Ice-Style · Quick Freezing Technique!”

ka ka Click!

Zisha was frozen instantly, only her eyes were staring at me.

“It’s so risky, I almost can’t hold it.” I quickly pulled out, quickly put on my clothes, and then quickly released Ice-Style for her, otherwise I would have to freeze her to death.

“You, you, you!…it’s too much…” Zisha shook her arms and trembled all over.

“Sorry, but I can’t help it.” I wrapped her in a quilt and used Senjutsu Chakra to raise her body temperature to prevent colds.

“Do you feel wronged by doing something like this with me…” Zisha’s curl one’s lip aggrieved, tears flowed down.

“I’m sorry, I have my mission, I’m sorry…You are a good girl, a good queen…I…” I don’t know what to say, turning around and preparing to leave, “I’m so sorry, you just When all this is a dream, I don’t belong to this world.”

Run as soon as she is not wearing clothes!

I turned around and ran out of the palace quickly, ignoring the cry of Zisha behind me.

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