“Finally escaped.” After leaving the Gobi area, I immediately put on a silver white mask without any patterns, in order to prevent another girl from being handsome Dumped.

haha cracking a joke, mainly to prevent someone from writing down my appearance, which would cause the bad consequences of changing history.

“Shikkotsu Forest…Where will Shikkotsu Forest be…Who should I find out…” I am clueless now, walking aimlessly in the wilderness.

sou! A sharp arrow was shot at me, but I had recovered my strength, these little tricks couldn’t hurt me at all.

ka-cha! I raised my hand and cut the flying arrow into two pieces.


Suddenly, in front of me came the cry of killing the sky and covering the earth. When I looked up, there were at least a hundred and eighty people. He rushed towards me with a weapon.

“Fuck, it’s really troublesome.” I took out a *** from the Ninja Tool Pouch, smashed it on the ground, and immediately hid it aside with the use of Di Fu.

It’s not that I’m afraid of these people. It’s just that in this unfamiliar place, I can’t kill people casually, otherwise it’s easy to change history and have an impact on the future. Unless someone poses a threat to me, I won’t kill people without being a last resort.

Just as I was observing in secret, from another direction, a team of one hundred and eighty people came and confronted the team next to me.

“Hey, Yu Aoi, hurry up and hand over your food, or we will break your village. When the time comes, not only take your food, but also your woman, hahaha! “In the new team, a leader walked out, with a face full of flesh and scars, and the imposing-manner was menacingly intimidated.

“You can pull it down, Konan Ozawa, everyone knows that the strength of your village is not much different from our village. If you take our village, you can crack a joke.” Another one The leader of the team also stood up, pointed a fork at the full-faced Honan Ozawa and said, “I think it was we who captured your village!”

“Come on! ! Try if you are not convinced!”

“Okay! You come first! I’ll wait!”


I was sitting on the ridge, looked two The leader of the team scolded for more than an hour, but still didn’t do anything.

“It’s really hard, let me help you.” I picked a rock from the ground, pointed it at Ozawa Honan’s forehead and smashed it.

“Ouch! Your motherfucker’s sneak attack Laozi!” Konan Ozawa immediately swelled a big bag on his forehead, blood was flowing, he gritted his teeth and slapped Aoi slap, and then waved his hand. , Yelled, “Damn it, brothers, do it for me!”

“Damn! Do you dare to hit me! When I am a vegetarian!” I fell over and rushed over, “Fuck me, fuck them!”

The two waves of people were in a mess and started to fight. You sword my sword. The scene is very chaotic.

“It’s really boring, I’d better hide my merits and fame, and slip away.” By hiding completely, I left the scene.

The era I am now in is the Warring States Period of Naruto World. The order is very chaotic. There are often wars between village and village, tribe and tribe, and clan and clan. However, although wars occur frequently, they are not of a large scale. Compared with the wars of hundreds of thousands of people in my country’s Warring States Period, it is entirely a small fight between villages.

Among them, the most famous one is the war between Senju Clan and Uchiha Clan. Because these two clans are the most powerful, as long as one party hires Senju Clan as a foreign aid, the other party will definitely hire Uchiha Clan.

I came one hundred and fifteen years ago, that is, one hundred years ago from Attack of Nine-Tails, when I came to Naruto World. At this time, First Hokage Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara should not have been born or are still very young. Senju Clan’s Clan Leader Senju Hotokema and Uchiha Clan’s Clan Leader Uchiha Tajima are probably in their twenties and may not have taken over the position of clan Clan Leader.

After some analysis, I decided to find the settlement of Senju Clan first, and then investigate the clues of Shikkotsu Forest. After all, First Hokage Senju Hashirama once trained in Shikkotsu Forest and left this note in my hand.

Looking through the notes Tsunade gave me, I was a little unable to complain. First Hokage and Senju Hashirama, known as God of Shinobi, turned out to be not only a funny comparison, but also a pit comparison. The notes he left, although they wrote about training Senjutsu’s experience in detail, are mostly nonsense with emotion. The most important thing is that the location of Shikkotsu Forest is not written in detail, it is just a stroke, which makes me confused at all.

“Place of charm and beauty after waterfall.” Only this sentence in First Hokage’s notes has a little value. It probably means that there is a waterfall somewhere, and you can go to Shikkotsu Forest by entering the waterfall. .

However, where the waterfall is and how to get in is not known.

“Forget it, wait for the person who finds Senju Clan.”

After several days of rushing, transmigrated dozens of villages and witnessed several more games. I am a little tired of fighting.

Because I am afraid of changing history, I try to avoid contact with people here, so I stay away from them all the time. Now it seems that you can only catch individuals and ask questions.

I came to a small village again. This is a very small village with only a dozen households.

“There are so few people, I guess I can’t ask anything, forget it.” I was about to turn around and leave when I suddenly heard a shout from the village, so I quietly touched it.

“Yano Sou, your village has only a dozen households, and you can join our village! Just charge a little protection fee, and we can protect you.” A bad-looking man moved towards an old man .

“Pull it down, you are not looking at our fertile land! Don’t be foolish!” The old man yelled, “If I die, I won’t let you succeed!”

“old bastard! Don’t be shameless!” The big man kicked the old man down and fiercely said, “Just you old, weak and sick, can you stop us?”

” My grandson has already invited Senju Clan’s people! Wait! They will definitely teach you!” The old man stood up, patted the soil, and said.

“Senju Clan!” When I heard the old man’s words, my eyebrows moved.

“Senju Clan? Teach me? I’m so scared!” Robust man laughed, and waved his hand, “Is it like this!”

A youngster with bruises and bruises He was framed and thrown to the ground.

“Xiaozhi! What’s wrong with you!” The old man hurried over and hugged the youngster, “Didn’t you go to rescue soldiers? How come…”

“grandfather… Sorry… I was caught by them halfway… They couldn’t get the reinforcements…” the youngster cried.

“Hey…the heaven is dead, my harvest village…” The old man sighed up to the sky.

“Okay! old bastard! Your death date is here!” The robust man pulled out a handful of Greatsword and slashed it at the old man.

“Xiaozhi, grandfather, I’m sorry.” The old man hugged the youngster in despair.

clang! A jet-black kunai blocked the Greatsword that fell, which is naturally my handwriting.

“Who are you!” Robust man was a little surprised at the sudden appearance of me, “If you don’t want to die, get out!”

“Give you five seconds, or disappear by yourself, Either I help you.” I looked at him coldly, with a killing-intent look.

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