“Who is this you brat! Suddenly came out and scared Laozi.” Robust man looked disdainful and wanted to reach out and take off my mask.

“courting death!” I waved kunai and pierced the wrist of the robust man. If it weren’t for Azure Edge Sword, I could definitely cut off his arm with a single sword.

Boom! boom! I kicked the Robust Man’s ring knife, and then kicked him out again.

“Lastly give you a chance, get out!” I really don’t want to kill him because I am afraid of any bad consequences, but if he insists on doing it, I will be welcome. I am also a dignified black lightning anyway, an expert of the super Kage Level that is as famous as Fourth Hokage, facing the majesty of someone provoking me, it is absolutely impossible for me to pretend that I have not heard it and let him go.

“The damned guy, dare to hurt me!” The robust man gritted his teeth and pulled out the kunai that pierced his wrist, and then wrapped the wound on his wrist with a cloth.

“Big brother, are you okay!” There were more than a dozen people around the robust man, and they gathered around.

“What do you mean! How could it be okay! Hack him to death!” Robust man waved his hand angrily and pointed at me.

“The big brother has spoken! This kid dares to hurt our big brother! The brothers hacked him to death!”

A dozen or so of them holding a knife and facing me imposing-manner aggressively Rush.

“Strong man, go quickly!” The old man hugged his grandson and shouted at me, “Many thanks for your help, they are too crowded, you can’t beat it.”

“Senior, that’s not necessarily the case.” The gazed rushed towards me, I glanced disdainfully, then grabbed a few shuriken from the Ninja Tool Pouch and threw them out.

“Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!” My fingers flew up and down, hand seal quickly.

The shuriken shot by me is one point two, two points four, eight points, and it turns into a sky full of shuriken rain.

puff puff puff puff puff pu pu!

Those who ran in front were caught off guard and pricked into hedgehogs by shuriken. Most of those who ran behind escaped, but they also One after another, there was a hit on the arm, or the blood on the leg.

“damned! This kid is a ninja!” someone shouted.

“Mom, ninja! How can this be dealt with?” the other screamed.

“What are you afraid of! Isn’t it just a rogue-ninja!” The leader’s robust man walked over, hid behind the crowd, and commanded, “It’s not from Senju Clan or Uchiha Clan, he It’s just a rogue-ninja, there is only one person! He can’t take care of it! Open! Get rid of him!”

The remaining seven or eight, I heard the words of the robust man and immediately scattered. I rushed.

If it is really an ordinary Genin, in this situation, it will naturally be hard to beat four hands with two fists and be beaten by a group, but it is a pity that they met me.

In the case of so many people attacking at the same time, Sharingan is the most suitable for clear sight. It’s just that I don’t want to expose that I have Sharingan to avoid misunderstandings. Secondly, there is no need for Sharingan to deal with these little guys.

whiz whiz whiz! I quickly threw three shuriken, and then quickly hand-seal, ready to repeat the same trick.

Dang dang dang! Unexpectedly, these people reacted very quickly, and immediately hit the shuriken with a knife. I had to change the printing.

“Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

Boom! The smoke cleared, and my Shadow Clone stood behind my main body, fighting side by side with me back to back.

“Water-Style ·all directions water gradually!”

“Lightning-Style ·Razer chase!”

I used my clone Combination Ninjutsu, with us as the center, splashed out a lot of water, and then, the Razer I released, swimming through the water, and biting the people who were covered by the water.


There was a scream, all fell to the ground, exuding bursts of burnt smell.

“Hoo…it’s done.” I let out a sigh of relief, ready to turn around.

“Danger!” the old man suddenly shouted.

Although I don’t know what the situation is, I am still subconsciously bent over.

Boom! My Shadow Clone was chopped up by a Greatsword.

“Unexpectedly, I would hide it!” Robust man said with a big smile, and then drew his knife to continue cutting me.

“I really didn’t expect that you could avoid it.” I smiled and escaped a few attacks from the robust man, and said, “It seems that I underestimated you.”


“There are more than one ninja who died by my knife. You killed my person, I must kill you today! If you don’t die, I’ll die!” Robust man roared He kept cutting me off.

“The tone is not small, then I will fulfill you!” I flashed a stab to the side, and then pinched his wrist with my left hand, making him impossible to move, right hand punched On his stomach.

“With this strength, are you tickling me, I…” Robust man laughed at first, then his smile gradually solidified, his eyes widened, and he fell down because I was using * *Fist, his internal organs have been completely blasted, flowing out from the back.

“This hero, thank you so much!” The old man held my hand tightly and couldn’t help shaking it, very excited, “You saved our whole village people! In our Let’s live this day, I must thank you very much!”

“No, I have something important. Senior, do you know where Senju Clan is? I have something to ask them.” I waved his hand and refused The retention of the elderly.

“Hero, are you going to Senju Clan look for trouble?” The old man asked tentatively, “Then I advise you not to go, although you are very difficult to deal with, but They are still incomparable with Senju Clan. They are one of the strongest clans, and they are comparable to Uchiha Clan.”

“Don’t worry, I am either looking for trouble or doing something.” I explained.

After listening to my explanation, the old man relaxed and told me about Senju Clan in full detail. After understood where I was, I set off immediately.

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