Yes, this very pretending person is me. As for that move combination of Fire-Style, I don’t dare to receive it firmly. With my Water-Style, I can’t handle it either. So I used Fourth Hokage to transfer Tailed Beast Ball and Flying Thunder God Jutsu to transfer the fire away.

“What! Our Combination Ninjutsu has been cracked!” Uchiha everyone looked at each other in blank dismay and said with a look of surprise, “Senju’s room is so powerful, how did he do it? It’s?”

“No, it’s not Senju’s room!” A Uchiha member said, “Look at the masked guy who suddenly appeared in front of him, I’m afraid he took it.”

“Oh my God, I was able to take over our Great Fire Annihilation Fifty Verticals. Even if it is Tajima Clan Leader and the old Clan Leader, it would be difficult to do it! Who is he?” Uchiha everyone is because of me Shocked, did not dare to step forward, and began to argue.

“Many thanks, help me.” Senju gritted his teeth in the room and cupped the hands at me. His whole body was filled with shuriken, but he didn’t die immediately. Sure enough, Senju Clan’s life force is very powerful. “Dare to ask the hero’s surname Daimyo, if I can survive this time, I will definitely thank you.”

“I dare not be a hero, I am a rogue-ninja, my name is Xie Qi, I see so many people Chase you, draw a knife to help that’s all.” I said, while staring at Uchiha everyone glare like a tiger watching his prey. After all, there are more than fifty Uchiha elites. I have to deal with it very hard and I must do my best. , But you can’t overdo it. It’s troublesome to kill people and change history. If itachi’s ancestor is here and I accidentally killed it, the trouble will be serious.

“So many people, it’s tricky.” I clenched the teeth and said.

“Yes, these fifty-odd people are all Uchiha elites.” Senju’s room pondered said, “I can’t escape. Most likely will die here, but I can’t hurt the hero. You, you go! Although the old man is going to be dying, it’s not a problem to delay in a short time.”

“Don’t worry, although I can’t deal with so many people, as long as you hold on for a while, Senju’s The reinforcements should come.” I laughed.

Senju saw my insistence in the room, so he stopped persuading him, after all, he also wanted to survive.

Uchiha everyone seems to have discussed the results, and sent two people over to test.

“Hey! Boy! Who are you! Senju Clan’s!” one of them asked, holding a knife.

“I am not, just passing by. Seeing you bully a Senior and help by the way.” I said casually.

“What Senior! He is Senju Clan’s Clan Leader Senju room! There are countless murders! You…”

“Stop talking…” Another Uchiha member stopped. He said to me, “Since you are just passing by, don’t be nosy, and go quickly! Otherwise, we are not welcome, we are Uchiha Clan’s, you should have heard of it.”

“Uchiha Clan, what a mighty prestige.” I stood with my hand in hand, “then try, I want to see how you are not welcome.”

“Boy, you have Kind! Do you think you can deal with more than fifty of us alone!” That Uchiha seems to be somewhat dreaded my strength, and continues to threaten.

“You are so much nonsense.” I glanced at him and said impatiently, “Hurry up or get out!”

“Good boy! Then let us Let me teach you a guy who doesn’t know the immensity of Heaven and Earth!”

Two Uchiha clansman rushed towards me with knives, and I double wielded kunai and greeted them.

Dang dang dang!

After several rounds of confrontation, the two found that they couldn’t beat me, so they opened Sharingan and made countermeasures by predicting my attack. To be honest, if it were not for fear of exposure, I would really like to use Sharingan. In the white sword battle, Sharingan played a very significant role.

After more than a dozen rounds of confrontation, I gradually became overwhelmed. After all, they could predict my style, and it was two people who cooperated. Although my strength was much stronger than these two people, I was still stunned. Together.

“Ninjutsu should be used.” I stabbed, then took the opportunity to step back, slammed out two shurikens, and threw them.

“such insignificant ability!” Uchiha member coldly snorted, indeed, playing shuriken in front of Uchiha Clan, some display one’s slight skill before an expert.

But, of course, I would not just cast two shurikens so easily. Just when their knife was about to knock and fly shuriken, I slammed the hand seal.

“Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

Two shurikens turned into four, and then turned into eight, sixteen……hiding the sky and covering the earth’s Chaoliang People fly away.

“What!” The two obviously hadn’t seen this Ninjutsu, startled, but after all, they were experienced ninja, rich experience, and immediately swung their swords and parry. This is the case, there are still several shuriken inserted in the body.

Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu is the A-Rank Ninjutsu created by Third Hokage. It has a very impressive attack power and is suitable for crowd attacking enemies or attacking huge opponents. The principle is to use Shadow Clone Jutsu on shuriken to form a shuriken sword rain.

In this era, Third Hokage has not been born yet, let alone the development of Ninjutsu, so it is normal for the enemy to be injured by me when least expected.

Although the two were hit several times, they were not fatally injured. Under the cover of their companions, they fled back.

“This guy’s strength doesn’t seem to be that strong, let’s go together!” Someone from Uchiha everyone suggested.

“Yeah, one on one fight, we may not be able to deal with him. Let’s go together, he must have no way.” Someone agreed.

“Go! Kill him!”

So, more than fifty Uchiha members rushed towards me together.

“It’s really tricky. If you don’t fight well, you can’t fight it. If you fight well, I am afraid of killing people.” I took out four shurikens and threw them out, trying to repeat the trick, “Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

The shuriken hiding the sky and covering the earth flew towards everyone.

“Here again! Form a defense!” Uchiha everyone shouted from the leader.

“Earth-Style·Earth-style wall!” Several Uchiha everyone will use Earth-Style while hand-sealing them. A tall earth wall blocks all shuriken.

“Fire-Style · Great Fireball five hundred bombs!” After blocking the shuriken, more than fifty people used Fire-Style together.

The Fireball hiding the sky and covering the earth is flying towards me. This time I can’t transfer it with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, because it’s all scattered Fireballs.

“No way! Eight-Inner Gates Six Sect, Gate of View, open!” Green steam radiated from me, I was soaring high into the air, and quickly rubbed the air with the fist. “Morning Peacock!”

The air appeared sparks in my fast friction, and ejected out, constantly offsetting the oncoming Fireball, and some even hit Uchiha everyone through the Fireball. .

“Ah!” Several bad luck Uchiha members were hit by my Morning Peacock and flew out heavily, but I was also uncomfortable and was hit by Great Fireball twice.

“Um…” After resisting all the Great Fireball, I finally couldn’t support it and fell to the ground.

“Hiss…” I got a burn on my shoulder and on my leg. I quickly used Ice-Style to temporarily seal the wound.

Uchiha everyone has more than forty people with fighting strength left, and the imposing-manner immediately surrounded me fiercely.

“damned, it’s too late to use Sage Mode, it looks like I’m going to run.” I looked back and glanced at the Senju room, he was already lying on the ground, motionless.

“Senju room, it seems that you must die.” I shake one’s head, and when I was about to run with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, a few feather arrows flew over.

Whish sou!

pu! pu!

The two Uchiha members running in the front were shot down by oncoming arrows.

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