“En? Are you here for reinforcements?” I turned around, and a large group of fully armed soldiers rushed towards the settlement of Senju Clan, with a total of one or two hundred people.

“damned! Senju Clan’s support is here, retreat!” Uchiha everyone waved the leader’s hand, and the injured retreated.

I was thinking about what to do when the Senju Clan team suddenly surrounded me.

“Hey! Who are you? Are you from Uchiha?” Someone asked.

“I just passed by. I saw Uchiha Clan’s people chasing you Clan Leader, so I helped.” I explained.

“Only you? There are more than fifty people in Uchiha? We Clan Leader can’t stop it? You alone do not know how to die.” The person next to him said disdainfully Then, “I think you are Uchiha Clan’s spy!”

“Or kill him! Avoid trouble!” Someone suggested, and everyone agreed.

“damn it! I saved your Clan Leader and kill me? What’s the reason?” I was a bit aggrieved. If it weren’t for fear of changing history, I would have to teach them a lesson, but now, I Ready to run away.

“It’s all quiet!” Senju Hotokema walked up, took a look at me, and said, “Don’t get excited, the injury on his body is indeed caused by Uchiha Clan’s Fire-Style, he said , It should be true.”

“Buddha! The defensive heart is indispensable! What if it is a bitter trick?” Someone next to him said vigilantly.

“Since you don’t believe me, then I’m leaving, really.” I got up and prepared to leave.

“The hero stays!” A faint voice sounded. Everyone turned around and found that Senju’s room lying on the stretcher was awake. He beckoned and let Senju Hotokema pass, “It is indeed This hero saved me, you must not be rude! Buddha, please go back to the cold house to sit down and entertain you.”

Clan Leader Senju’s words in the room naturally convinced everyone, so everyone was convinced. No longer making irresponsible remarks to me, but politely invited me back to their settlement.

When I came to the gate of the settlement, a strange gate made me feel a little strange. The Sharingan was very restless, as if to appear automatically. I suppressed the power of Sharingan as much as possible. If the Sharingan was used here, I wouldn’t be able to clean up even if I jumped into the Yellow River.

“Buddha, what is the situation with this daoist sect? Why do I feel some fluctuations in Chakra?” I asked tentatively.

“Hero rest assured, this daoist sect is only used to prevent Uchiha Clan people from getting in. There is a special material in the door that can release energy and echo the Sharingan, so that Uchiha spy “Sharingan exposed.” Senju Hotokema patiently explained, “Hero, you are not from Uchiha Clan. Of course, don’t worry, just go directly. After the past, the influence on Chakra will disappear.”

“I… “This is terrible. As long as I go over, Sharingan will have to be exposed, but for a while, I can’t think of a solution, so I just froze in place.

The people of Senju Clan saw that I was staying where I was afraid to come forward, so they immediately became alert and surrounded me.

“Is there something wrong with the hero?” Senju Hotokema stared at me, slowly drawing the knife, “Could it be… you are really Uchiha Clan’s spy? If not, please pass it. If it is, we are welcome!”

“hahahahaha!” I laughed up to the sky and everyone was shocked.

“What are you laughing at? Is it a guilty conscience?” Senju Hotokema pulled out the knife and pointed at me.

“Senju Hotokema, I ask you! Uchiha Clan, can you use Wood-Style?” I looked at him from a faint smile.

“Wood-Style? Of course it’s impossible! Wood-Style is my Senju Clan’s unique Kekkei Genkai. Only the direct clansman has a one-percent chance of inheriting it, not even me! Now! Senju Clan, only our Clan Leader, my father Senju room can be used! Uchiha Clan is impossible!” Senju Hotokema said in surprise, “What do you mean by this? Do you know Wood-Style?”

“Then let you see and see!” My hands clasped fiercely, “Wood-Style ·Deep Forest Creation!”

In everyone’s astonished eyes, my surroundings grew With a few big trees with thick mouths, I can only get here with my ability. After all, I am not First Hokage, and I can create a forest by myself.

“This, this… how is this possible!” Senju Hotokema’s chin almost fell to the ground, “Although it is not as strong as my father’s Wood-Style, it is indeed Wood-Style! What are you doing? Maybe… Are you also our Senju Clan?”

“Yes, my name is Senju Kuroma.” I made up, “It’s just that I didn’t meet my parents when I was very young. It’s a rogue-ninja who brought me up.”

“It’s possible. We fight all the year round, and clansman often disappears. Although I haven’t heard of your name, you can go back and investigate you. Which branch is it?” Senju Hotokema in deadly earnest said.

I’m secretly thankful that I succeeded in fooling around. Fortunately, Laozi is smart.

“Then this can prove that I am not from Uchiha.” I said with a smile.

“Of course, brother, please come in soon.” Senju Hotokema took my arm and walked in. “Anyway, you are not from Uchiha. Don’t worry about this.”

“damned! Go in here again.”

Fortunately, I took advantage of their shock by Wood-Style just now and sneaked in a Flying Thunder God Kunai.

thoughts move, I went straight into the door, and waved to Senju Hotokema.

“Oh? Kuroma brother so fast’s Body Flicker Jutsu! Admire it!” Senju Hotokema saw me directly using Body Flicker Jutsu to enter the door, and didn’t say anything. I probably thought I wanted to show off. strength.

In this way, I successfully entered the settlement of Senju Clan.

I just didn’t expect that after I just went in for a long time, news came out that the old Clan Leader Senju was seriously injured and killed in the room.

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