“What? The Clan Leader in Senju’s room is dead?” When I got the news, I was also very surprised, but pondered, I was relieved. If I didn’t sell it, according to the original trajectory, Senju’s house should have saved Senju Hotokema, and died by Uchiha Clan’s siege. And my appearance allowed Senju to live a little longer in the room, but he did not escape the fate of death in the end, and he did not change history.

“There is providence in the dark.” I sighed and walked out of the house, preparing to walk around the settlement of Senju Clan.

Senju Clan and Uchiha Clan often fought, so often clansman was killed and many houses were vacated. So Senju Hotokema arranged a building for me, but I don鈥檛 know why. The house arranged for me is a very remote place from the center of the settlement. Although it is very large, there are few residents around and it is surrounded by dozens of empty houses.

Senju Clan is Great Clan after all, rich and imposing. Almost every house here is as big as the Kakashi flag wood Old Residence, but many of them are closed, wooden houses, Twisting under the wind, I guess this place should look very gloomy in the middle of the night.

“It’s really a good place to shoot horror movies.” Gazed’s empty house all the way, I felt with emotion, and imagined myself walking on an empty path in the middle of the night, passing by rows of rows I didn’t know what was in the empty house, and returned to the dark house. As I thought about it, I couldn’t help but shudder.

“Really, what strength I am now, even if there is a ghost, I can beat him the soul flew away and scattered.” I am amused secretly, looked up, and finally came to the crowd Place.

The death of the old Clan Leader, as well as my identity, Senju Hotokema has notified the whole clan, so I walked in the settlement and did not attract much attention. I just heard that I am a rogue- The ninja and strength are still very strong, so there are always children and the curious Senju Clan people have been asking me about external affairs. I couldn’t grind my face, so I had to combine my own experience, plus some of what I saw, and adapted it into some strange things to satisfy their curiosity.

“Then I will tell you about my experience. Have you ever heard of a giant beast called Chiki?” I found a step and sat down.

As soon as someone was telling a story, men, women and children with no life at hand immediately gathered around, and some people ate melon seeds.

“I haven’t heard of it. Is this some kind of Summoned Beast? Or, Tailed Beast?” Everyone shakes one’s head.

“Neither, Chiki is a kind of giant beast of the legendary of China mainland. Legend has it that it is the son of a dragon, with the head of a dragon, the body of a whale, and an incomparable gigantic.” I began to recall, ” I used to think this was a legendary monster, until my companions and I went out to sea…”

As I talked, the familiar scene appeared before my eyes, as if Like a movie, scene after scene, Madara’s light and shadow, passed in front of my eyes.


“Finally, I reversed the space by flipping the boat and returned to this world.”

I took my Experience, adding details while telling a story, chopped off the head and tail, adapted it, deleted some information that could easily reveal the identity, and then told it. Senju Clan, who is in the Warring States Period, has heard such thrilling stories, one by one, and they are very fascinating.

When I finished telling the story, everyone was still thinking about it. Many young women looked at me with admiration, and the child looked at me with admiration.

“wa! Black room big brother, you are too good! Teach me Ninjutsu, okay! I overheard my father and said that you can use Wood-Style! Can you teach me?” The four or five-year-old child took my hand and said bouncely.

“Are you father?” Not many people know about Wood-Style, can it be said… I lowered my head and looked at the child in front of me. Suddenly, divine light flashed, “dont tell me. …. 鈥re you?”

“My Father’s name is Senju Hotokema, and my big brother is Senju Hashirama. I will be Senju Clan’s best ninja in the future! Ninja World’s most powerful ninja!” Child raised his head proudly and said proudly.

I didn’t expect that the unremarkable child in front of me would turn out to be the God of Shinobi in the future. Although I was somewhat mentally prepared, it was still startled.

“Little Hashirama, you haven’t stood up high with the sword? Just want to be a ninja, haha…” The surrounding few older children laughed, “I also boasting and said to be the best in Ninja World. Ninja, I’m not afraid of being laughed out of teeth.”

“You!” Hashirama stamped her foot angrily, “there will come a day, I will become a ninja like the big brother Kuroma, you wait Come on!”

“Little Hashirama, it is good to have a dream, but it must also be in line with reality. Even the Lord of the Buddha, and even the old Clan Leader, dare not say that Ninja World is the strongest.” Clansman, a handsome young man, said, 鈥淎lthough I don鈥檛 know what the strength of the big brother Kuroma is, from what he said, if you can play against the son of the dragon, the strength must be very strong, not losing to the old Clan Leader and the Buddha. Lord, you are still young and far behind.” Finished-speaking, he secretly shakes one’s head. He doesn’t know whether it is a denial of Hashirama or his lack of strength.

“there will come a day, I will prove it to you!” Hashirama turned and ran away, just a few steps away, accidentally tripped over a stone, and moved forward Fall off.

“Aiya!” Hashirama fell to the ground and broke his arm. I hurried forward to lift him up and dealt with it with Medical-Ninjutsu.

“Hashirama, I believe you, in the future you will definitely surpass me, surpass everyone, and become the strongest ninja, God of Shinobi!” I smiled and touched the head of the young Hashirama,” But now, you still have a long section of the road to go.”

“I see, big brother Kuroma, I will work hard.” Hashirama is nodded, seemingly understandable, “Kuroma big brother should work hard too. Don’t be overtaken by me easily.”

“You, you, I’ll take you home.” I scratched Hashirama’s nose and then He hugged it up.

“It seems that you are very clansman. They get along well. Everyone convinces you.” A magnetic voice came from behind me.

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