“En?” I slowly turned my head back. It turned out to be Senju Hotokema. I don’t know when it came to my back.

“I heard about the old Clan Leader. I’m sorry, but I still couldn’t save him.” I looked regretful.

“I know, it’s not to blame you, the damned Uchiha has that many chasing soldiers after all. You can block them for so long. It’s already amazing. I’m afraid I will do it when my father is in full bloom. It’s not easy to get to this.” Senju Hotokema was not particularly sad about his father’s death, but had a serious face and didn’t know what he was thinking.

“father!” Senju Hashirama ran over.

“Hashirama? You are here too, why don’t you go for training.” Senju Hotokema stared at him seriously and said.

“Today’s training is over. I will be able to teach you what the teacher taught!” Senju Hashirama proudly patted his chest, “I heard the big brother Kuroma tell a story here, so I stayed for a while. Father, Kuro The big brother is amazing! Better than you and grandfather!”

“Shut up! Lord, what does child know!” Senju Hotokema snorted, glaring, Hashirama hiding behind me in fright , Showing only half of his head.

“Eh Buddha, this is what you are not. I observe Hashirama, a child, extraordinary talent, and he must be one of the very best elites in Ninja World. You have to be patient with him.” With that said, I touched Hashirama’s head, said with a smile.

“Forget it.” Senju Hotokema shake one’s head, “Since Heima speaks for you, I won’t teach you anymore. Go and play with Tobirama. Remember not to run too far, you grandfather just After passing away, Uchiha Clan glare like a tiger watching his prey, it’s not safe outside.”

“Yes, father.” Hashirama nodded, then turned towards me, “Kuroma big brother, can you teach me if you are free? My younger brother Ninjutsu and I.”

“Okay, I will teach you if I have a chance.” I smiled and patted his shoulder, watching him disappear before my eyes.

“Heijian, come, I have something to talk to you.” The Buddha stared at me seriously, and then walked towards the mountainside. Although I don’t know what happened, after all, I will follow To the back.

After walking for a while, we came to a waterfall in the mountainside, and the Buddha stopped. I observed the surroundings. There is almost no who here, and the terrain is very empty and the scenery is pretty good.

“I asked you to come here, not to let you glanced around to see the scenery.” Senju Hotokema said coldly.

“No…sorry…what’s the matter, you say.” I retracted my gaze and scratched my head awkwardly.

“You fight with me, and the one left behind will become the new Clan Leader.” Senju Hotokema said word by word.

“Hmm…Okay…Hmm? What????” I paused, and suddenly reacted, “What the hell? The duel? For…”

Before finishing talking, Senju Hotokema took out a saber from some place and struck me at me.

clang! I quickly took out kunai and took it.

“What are you doing! I don’t…” I quickly explained. It seems that the Buddha thought I was going to grab his position as the new Clan Leader.

“Don’t explain! You come back suddenly at this time! And the strength is so strong! We, Senju Clan since ancient times, are experts are respected.” Senju Hotokema kept attacking and didn’t give me a chance to speak. “You don’t want to be the Clan Leader, who believe it!”

Dang dang! After several confrontations, my kunai was knocked several times and was about to be damaged.

“It’s a pity that my Azure Edge Sword passed away, otherwise it can be easily blocked.” I cried secretly, “This sword art by Senju Hotokema is really good, and the sword is also a good sword.”

“Why don’t you speak!” Senju Hotokema increased the attack speed, “What is bad in my heart! I can tell you, although I don’t use Wood-Style, strength may also can’t compare with you, but I am not so easy to deal with either.”

ka-cha! My kunai was chopped into two pieces, and I stepped back and touched the Ninja Tool Pouch.

“damned! It’s used up…there are only two shuriken and some Flying Thunder God Jutsu talisman papers left.” I am a lazy person. The Kunai and shuriken that I threw out generally won’t be picked up. I didn’t expect this Back to suffering.

“It seems that I can only use Ninjutsu to deal with him.”

Whose sou! I threw the last two shuriken, and took advantage of the effort of Senju Hotokema parry to quickly hand seal.

“Wood-Style·Wooden binding pillars!”

Four pillars were drilled out from the ground to bind Senju Hotokema firmly.

“damned! Let go of me!” Senju Hotokema struggled, but couldn’t get rid of it. Although my Wood-Style isn’t strong, it’s not superficial.

“Buddha, it’s almost done, actually I…” I came to the Buddha, ready to continue explaining.

“hmph hmph…” Senju Hotokema sneered and turned into a pool of water.

“Not good! Water clone!” I backed up a few steps quickly, stretched out my hand from the soil, grabbed my ankle, “It’s awful!”

” Earth-Style ·The Art of Ghost Hands!”

With a squeak, my body was pulled down for most of the time.

“Lightning-Style · Razer Chase!” Just when the soil didn’t reach my chest, I slammed the hand seal, and then patted the ground with both hands.

Two lightning snakes plunged into the soil all at once, only to hear a muffled sound from my underfoot, and my hand was loosened, I quickly opened the Eight-Inner Gates third-gate, and got out of the soil in one breath Jumped out. When I came out, I made two seals by the way.

In less than half a minute, Senju Hotokema crawled out of the soil in a difficult situation, with some blood stains on his body.

“I didn’t expect you to have such a powerful Lightning-Style. I underestimated you. If you don’t get rid of such a powerful person, I really can’t sleep well.” Senju Hotokema grinned and began to hand seal with both hands. “For so many years, I have forced me to use a trump card. Except for Uchiha Tajima, you are still the first one.”

“Let you see it before you die. “The water on the waterfall stopped flowing and condensed into a huge giant dragon, whizzing towards me.

“Water-Style Ultimate Secret Art · Water Dragon Bite!”

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