Senju Hotokema’s this move water dragon bite is so powerful that it is very similar to the water dragon bite invented by Second Hokage Senju Tobirama. I guess that Second Hokage’s water dragon bite is probably based on his father. The transformation of this move.

In the Water-Style expert I know, Senju Hotokema can almost rank in the top three. No wonder, the Second Hokage called the Water-Style Grandmaster was born. It is really the student surpasses the master.

However, so far, no one can beat me in the Five Elements Ninjutsu. After all, I am a Konoha black lightning who is proficient in the Five Elements Ninjutsu.

Faced with the imposing-manner imposing water dragon, I have a calm hand seal on my face.

Senju Hotokema seems to have seen my make seals, and mocked: “Even if you use Earth-Style to conquer my Water-Style, you will suffer a heavy injury. I didn’t expect you to use Wind- Style, is your brain broken?”

“hehe, Wind-Style ·Pressure Damage!” A strange arc was raised at the corner of my mouth.

This move Ninjutsu is the Wind-Style Ninjutsu that Kakuzu used in his Wind-Style mask against Kakashi and Shikamaru team in the original work. The tornado compressed to a high density can be shot out in blocks from the mouth. Once it hits the target, it sweeps away all objects with the extreme ultra-high wind pressure. If it is used by the ninja, which is the ultimate in Nature Transformation of the wind, the storm that forms Uzumaki will explode in a large area, causing huge damage to the target and its surroundings. After Kakashi successfully avoided in the original work, Kakuzu also praised him for being the first person to escape the attack.

Although my Wind Attribute is not too strong, but with my current strength, using this move, it should not be underestimated.

Oh! The high-pressure tornado was shot from my mouth and shot into the water dragon within-the-body. When the tornado enters the water, it will also drive the water to form a water tornado. The imposing-manner water dragon was immediately twisted, very funny.

“damned! Gather me!” Senju Hotokema clasped his palms firmly, trying to press down the tornado.

Of course I can’t let him succeed. I immediately hand-seal and attack as he concentrates.

“Wind-Style ·Vacuum Sphere!”

puff puff puff! I moved towards Senju Hotokema and spit out several air bombs.

Senju Hotokema flickered left and right, the snakeskin walked, but was hit by an air bomb, and fell to the ground. The water dragon was also disintegrated by my tornado and exploded.

bang! Most of the waterfall’s water was lifted to the sky with the burst of the water dragon. The original waterfall was exposed to smooth rocks.

Suddenly, a dark cave appeared on the rock wall.

“This…this is…” Senju Hotokema and I looked at each other in blank dismay and stopped fighting.

“What’s the matter with this hole? I’ve lived here for more than 30 years. I have never heard the elders talk about it. I don’t know that there is a hole behind the waterfall!” Senju Hotokema looked surprised.

“Could it be…” I suddenly remembered that it was mentioned in First Hokage’s notes that going to Shikkotsu Forest seems to be going through a waterfall, could it be…

But in front of Senju Hotokema, it is not convenient for me to take out First Hokage’s notes and read them.

“Kuroma, let’s stop for now and go up and take a look at this mysterious cave?” Senju Hotokema said suddenly.

“I just meant it.” That feeling is good. I didn’t plan to fight him. Isn’t my goal to go to Shikkotsu Forest?


Although the cave is on a high rock wall, Senju Hotokema and I are both strong ninjas. We gather Chakra on the soles of our feet. Easily climbed up the rock wall and entered the cave.

“It’s so dark.”

As soon as we entered the cave, our sight was pitch black. Senju Hotokema took out a fire fold from his pocket and lit it.

“I didn’t expect the place of charm and beauty behind the waterfall. I just don’t know if it’s just a natural cave or what’s inside.” Senju Hotokema said to himself.

“If you go in and take a look, you can understood.” I laughed and teased, “Maybe it is the treasure left by the old Ancestor of Senju Clan.”

Originally with swords drawn and The atmosphere of bows bent instantly eased, and it was resolved in your words and my words.

“But after we go out, the duel between the two of us will continue. I don’t need to kill you, but as Clan Leader, I be determined to win.” Senju Hotokema said solemnly.

“I said if you are sick, I simply…” I was about to explain again, but was interrupted by Senju Hotokema again. He seemed to have seen something and ran to the front.

“damn it, never let me finish my sentence every time!” I kicked angrily to the ground and walked forward.

“This…this is…” Looking at the huge gap in front of us, both Senju Hotokema and I were shocked.

In front of us, there suddenly appeared a deep ditch about ten zhang more than ten zhang wide, and it didn’t reach the bottom.

“This…this is unlikely to jump over…” I teased.

“Why do we jump, we are ninja, and we don’t know how to use Ninjutsu.” Senju Hotokema quickly hand-sealed with both hands, “Earth-Style · The Art of Earth Bridge!”

From under Senju Hotokema’s feet, a long earthen bridge immediately stretched out to the opposite side.

“It’s not easy, let’s go.” Senju Hotokema waved his hand to me and walked onto the earth bridge.

“I always think it’s not that easy…” I left a Flying Thunder God Jutsu talisman on the shore, and followed along vigilantly.

ka-cha ……

“Eh, have you heard any sound in the Buddha.” I scratched my head, “Is it the sound of your earth bridge cracking.” “

“Impossible, you have a hallucination, my Earth-Style is very strong.” Senju Hotokema waved his hand, “It’s okay even if the elephant stands up.”

“That’s good.” I pondered, too. If Senju Hotokema’s Earth-Style can’t bear even two people, then I’ll kill you with a piece of tofu.

A few more meters.


“…this time the sound seems quite obvious…” I laughed in embarrassment.

“I heard it too, impossible.” Senju Hotokema looked at underfoot suspiciously.

crack crack!

The earth bridge suddenly shattered into powder.

“Ahhhhhhh Ahhhh!”

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