Flying Thunder God Jutsu!

I grabbed Senju Hotokema violently, thoughts move, and returned to the shore.

“Hoo…it’s very risky…” Senju Hotokema’s patted chest was lingering, and then turned to me in surprise, “I didn’t expect your Body Flicker Jutsu to be so powerful. I have never seen a Body Flicker so fast. Jutsu. Before the fight, you didn’t try your best. With your ability, it’s probably not difficult to beat me.”

“I always wanted to explain, you always interrupt me.” I am white He glanced at him, “I don’t want to be the Clan Leader at all. If you grind with me, I’m not welcome.”

“What? You came back specially, isn’t it to be the Clan Leader? Based on your strength, the whole Senju Clan, I’m afraid it’s no better.” Senju Hotokema said in surprise, “You actually…”

“Don’t say it, I just have something else to deal with when I come back. , This thing will stop here. If I really want to be the Clan Leader, I will kill you directly, and I won’t risk saving your father.” I waved his hand impatiently, then squatted down and watched the ground.

“Then I won’t mention it, it’s really weird. My Earth-Style is very strong. The earth bridge collapsed in a muddle. It’s a hell.” Senju Hotokema complained. To.

“I’m afraid there is a problem with the soil here.” I grabbed a handful of the soil on the ground and raised it up, “The soil on this ground is very loose, and it will naturally collapse when used as a bridge.”

“Let me see.” Senju Hotokema also squatted down, twisting the sand on the ground, and said solemnly, “No wonder, this is probably something someone deliberately did, just to prevent outsiders It’s so easy to reach the other side. Earth-Style is useless. Wind-Style, Lightning-Style, and Fire-Style are also impossible bridges. And there is no water source here. If you want to use a powerful Water-Style, it’s not too bad. Probably. The only way is to rely on tools, or…” Speaking of this, Senju Hotokema glanced at me suddenly, as if he had discovered a new world.

“Wood-Style Kekkei Genkai like you can bridge over.” He said in surprise.

I am nodded, indifferent expression.

Senju Hotokema is right. I can use Wood-Style to bridge it easily. Crystal-Style can also be used, and Ice-Style can also be used, which is a dangerous point. Even, I can throw Flying Thunder God Kunai over, and then jump directly over with Flying Thunder God Jutsu. However, I don’t want to expose my ability and avoid unnecessary troubles.

“Wood-Style. The technique of wooden bridges!” I folded my hands together, and a wooden arch bridge immediately extended from the soles of my feet to the opposite side, “Let’s go.”

My Wood -Style is no better than Earth-Style. Naturally, it will not break due to the soil quality, so we can easily get to the other side.

“Thanks to your Wood-Style, otherwise we have to go back and ask for help, that would be a shame.” Senju Hotokema laughed embarrassingly.

“Don’t be happy too early.” I still have a serious face, “Maybe there is something in it.”

Sure enough, as I expected, I just walked inside. After a while, a huge lake stood in front of us.

“This…this, this…” Senju Hotokema looked surprised at the huge lake in front of him. It took a long time to speak, “I didn’t expect that there is such a big lake in this cave. How could it be possible!”

I also looked at the lake in doubt, and fell into deep thought. It stands to reason that it is impossible to have such a large lake in the cave. What is this scenario? Barrier Lake? Crater Lake? A lake formed by the convergence of underground rivers? I still know some geography, it doesn’t look like it.

Could it be that…

“barrier!” Senju Hotokema and I yelled in unison.

Yes, this is most likely a barrier set by an expert, just to block the outsider’s footsteps. However, how can a lake trifling stop a ninja’s footsteps. Even Genin, you only need to condense Chakra on the soles of your feet and you can stand on the water.

“That’s not right… it’s not that simple!” My frowned.

“It’s just a lake. Just walk over. The person who set up this barrier may be a fool.” Senju Hotokema said, he was about to go up.

“Hold on!” I grabbed Senju Hotokema and said, “I always feel that there is something wrong with this lake. Don’t act rashly.”

“It’s just a lake. What’s the problem.” Senju Hotokema said disapprovingly.

“Be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years, let’s go boating.” I really want to use Sharingan to observe the lake, but Senju Hotokema is next to it, so I have to give up.

“Wood-Style. The wood is in a boat!” With my hands folded, an Independent Wooden Boat dropping from the sky fell into the water.

si si hiss…As soon as the Independent Wooden Boat entered the water, white smoke appeared, and it was instantly oxidized to black as charcoal. In less than half a minute, it was completely dissolved in the lake water.

“My God, fortunately you stopped me, or I will at least become a cripple.” Senju Hotokema hurried back a few steps, for fear of the lake splashing on him.

“As expected, this lake water is made of strong corrosive acid, which is extremely dangerous.” I analyzed.

“In this case, it will be very troublesome, unless you continuously apply Chakra to the Independent Wooden Boat and constantly repair the wood, but then, Chakra consumes too much.” Senju Hotokema said helplessly.

“Yes, this is a method, but my Chakra can’t afford it.” If it is First Hokage, this method can be used to reach the other side, but I can’t. My Chakra Reserves are not that huge.

“Strong acid?” I thought about it. What can withstand strong acid…

“Glass! Glass can withstand strong acid!” With a thought, I shouted.

“Glass seems to be resistant to strong acids, but…Where did you make glass?” Senju Hotokema faint smile looked at me, “Could it be possible that you can still use glass to escape?”

“I don’t know how to escape from glass, but, have you heard of Crystal-Style?” I looked at him with a smile and said. By now, my Crystal-Style seems to have to be exposed.

“I haven’t heard of it. It sounds like a Kekkei Genkai. But even if you can make glass, the glass will sink. How do we get there?” Senju Hotokema quibbled.

I know he doesn’t believe what Crystal-Style I will do. After all, it’s a miracle that I know Wood-Style. If I meet Kekkei Genkai, which is irrelevant to the first gate, it’s awesome.

“Plating a thin layer of glass crystal on the Independent Wooden Boat is not enough.” I shake one’s head and hand seal each minding their own business.

An Independent Wooden Boat dropping from the sky hasn’t landed yet. I quickly hand seal it again, and the pink crystal wraps the hull. The Independent Wooden Boat fell into the water, but it was not corroded as expected.

“!!!” Senju Hotokema can squeeze an egg with his mouth open, “This… how is this possible! You… why are you two Kekkei Genkai?”

“There are so many things you can’t think of, let’s go!” With that, I jumped onto the boat.

In this way, we passed this terrifying acid lake very easily.

As soon as I went ashore, I saw a stone tablet standing tall on the shore.

“Wood-Style people please go forward, others please go back the same way-Shikkotsu Forest Katsuyu Yangliu.”

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