“Finally…is it coming…” The words on the looked stone tablet made me a little excited, but in order to prevent Senju Hotokema from seeing it, I pretended to be expressionless.

“Shikkotsu Forest…” Senju Hotokema said to himself, seeming to be lost in thought. I didn’t disturb him either, just waiting on the sidelines.

After a long while, Senju Hotokema finally started to talk.

“Kuroma, go in Shikkotsu Forest and take a look. There may be some opportunities in it. I must get out.” Senju Hotokema said regretfully.

“Go out? Why? And, where is this Shikkotsu Forest?” I asked pretending to be ignorant, but Senju Hotokema asked to leave, which surprised me a bit.

“I always thought Shikkotsu Forest was just a legend, but I didn’t expect it to be true.” Senju Hotokema shake one’s head, “Our ancestors of Senju Clan left a legacy. Everyone has mastered Wood-Style. For clansman, you can go to a place called Shikkotsu Forest and find Katsuyu Sage to gain more powerful power.”

“And then?”

“But later, because of the war Clan Leader and Elder who knew the location of Shikkotsu Forest were all killed unfortunately. Since then, although genius clansman who learns Wood-Style will appear every several decades to a hundred years, no one can find the location of Shikkotsu Forest anymore. Hundreds of years have passed, and I even thought it was just a legend. It was just made up by our ancestors to inspire us to master Wood-Style. I didn’t expect it to be true, and it was in the cave of the mountainside waterfall.” Senju Hotokema is a bit difficult. Staring at the stone tablet with confidence, repeatedly.

“haha, you and I played against each other. I didn’t expect to discover this place that has been lost for hundreds of years. It’s fate.” I laughed and teased, “But why are you leaving? Go to Shikkotsu Forest and have a look, aren’t you curious?”

“Absolutely not! Since the ancestors say that only clansman who masters Wood-Style can enter, then I can’t violate it.” Senju Hotokema righteously refused, “No matter how curious it is!”

“It’s a pity, your father, the old Clan Leader in Senju’s room knows Wood-Style, but there is no chance to come again.” I regret. Speaking of.

“There is no way to live and die. But, you know Wood-Style in the dark, you can go in for us.” Senju Hotokema said openly, “I’ll go back first, you Remember to come out early. It would be better if you can get strong power.”

“If you can really see Katsuyu Sage, then I might not be able to get out for a while.” Suddenly remembered. What, I said immediately, “Hashirama this child is very innate talent. I think he can definitely learn Wood-Style. When he grows up and learns Wood-Style, let him come here.”

“Hashirama, this child is indeed an extraordinary talent, and I hope to learn Wood-Style. I will remember, we’ll meet again some day.” After speaking, Senju Hotokema rowed away.

“Shikkotsu Forest, I am here.” The gazed Senju Hotokema gradually disappeared, and I turned and walked deeper.

Not far behind the stone tablet, there is a long and narrow passage that can accommodate one person to enter. I went straight through, walked more than 100 meters, a beam of light entered, I walked out of the passage, and finally everything became clear at once beside me.

Different from the dark and deep caves, what you see is a large mangrove forest with thick water on the ground. It looks like this should be a Great Swamp.

“This should be the legendary Shikkotsu Forest. Looking at Hashirama’s description in the book, it is almost the same. Katsuyu does live in such a humid place.” I looked around.

“Nothing, Yin Qi is a bit heavy in this place.” I was frowned and felt the coldness of assaults the senses.

“Could it be that there is something strange under this swamp?” I looked down, and three black tomoes appeared slowly, “Sharingan!”

“This …This…” I was stunned by the scene in front of me. Under this large mangrove swamp, densely packed bones, some humans and animals, and even a lot of white bones still have creatures like leeches attached.

“Gosh, no wonder it’s called Shikkotsu Forest. I didn’t expect this place to be so terrible.” Although I was used to seeing the big scenes, I was still a little shocked, “No, Katsuyu Sage is very talkative, no Looks like bloodthirsty.”

puff puff puff! Suddenly, a green liquid shot at me.

“Crystal-Style · Crystal Array Wall!” A pink crystal wall immediately blocked the venom, making a corrosive sound.

“Sharingan? Unexpectedly, Uchiha Clan has a youngster that can use Crystal-Style.” A snail-like object slowly floated up from the bottom of the swamp, “Uchiha’s youngster, although I don’t know you are How did you find this, but I advise you to leave as soon as possible, this is not the place you should come. If you don’t, if you see it, I will make you a member of this white bone.”

It turned out to be Katsuyu Sage, but the Katsuyu Sage that appears in front of you is only one person tall and should not be the main body.

“Katsuyu Sage misunderstood, I am not Uchiha Clan.” I quickly explained, “My Sharingan is…”

“Oh? You actually know my name, but I have no interest in your Sharingan, even if you are not Uchiha Clan’s, please leave as soon as possible.” Katsuyu Sage was very determined.

“Wood-Style · a tree!” My hands clasped fiercely, and a tree grew out of the swamp.

“En? Can Wood-Style!” Katsuyu Sage was a little surprised. “Who the hell are you? Both Uchiha’s power and Senju’s power.”

” It doesn’t matter who I am. Since I know Wood-Style, I should be able to learn Senjutsu from Shikkotsu Forest.” I don’t want to explain too much. After all, who can explain transmigrated clearly.

“It stands to reason that you have mastered Wood-Style, and I should teach you Senjutsu, but the strength you revealed is too universally shocking. I must confirm your identity, otherwise I won’t teach you. “Katsuyu Sage was a little wary, “I have never seen someone like you, wait! What are you doing!”

“Will Wood-Style not be enough? How about this?” I have already Taking advantage of the conversation with Katsuyu Sage, I secretly absorbed Natural Energy, “Sage Mode, open!”

Sage eyeshadow and Sage facial makeup immediately climbed onto my face.

“This is…Toad Maru’s…” Katsuyu Sage was stunned, “You actually…”

“It’s not over yet!” I heard, “2nd layer Sage Mode” , Open! “

A pair of dragon horns drilled out of my forehead, and the Dragon Mark was also all over my skin.

“This is from Oshean…Oh my God…you actually have two kinds of Senjutsu…” Katsuyu Sage turn pale with fright, suddenly reacted, “You…you shouldn’t be out Cloud…”

Since it is pretending to be forceful, then pretend it to the end. I used the rest of Natural Energy and used the last trick.

“Light Escape·Double Light Shield!”

Two and a half tall golden light shinning light shields immediately appeared beside me, spinning around me, this is A defensive spell is also the strongest light I can use to escape.

“How?” I looked Katsuyu Sage proudly, “Now, I am qualified to learn Senjutsu of Shikkotsu Forest.”

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