“As expected, you are the successor of Izumo no Kokaku. No wonder such an extraordinary talent can use so much powerful power.” Katsuyu Sage said with a smile, and suddenly the conversation changed. “It’s been nearly a thousand years. Huxian and Tuxian finally have inheritance. You guys are pretty good. Except for pretending, everything else is pretty good.”

“Pretending to love…emmmmm… Okay, I’m speechless.” I looked at Katsuyu Sage speechlessly with a meaningful expression and said, “Katsuyu Sage, do you have any questions? Except for some that must be kept secret, most of the information I can tell you that it is convenient for you to confirm my identity. After all, teaching Senjutsu is a big deal.”

“No, you can use Senjutsu from Mount Myōboku and Ryuchi Cave, which is actually enough to prove it. , Even more how you also used Izumo no Kaku’s spell. Although it is very weak, it can prove that you are indeed accepted by Izumo no Kaku. As for why you have the abilities of Sharingan and Wood-Style, I don’t have much I asked, I think you have your own story.” Katsuyu Sage shake one’s head, “I, it’s not like the Old Antique of Toad Maru and Oshean, but they are very enlightened, haha.”

“Many thanks to Katsuyu Sage’s trust.” I bowed to express my gratitude. This is just right. If Katsuyu Sage asks the bottom line, it would be really inconvenient for me. After all, if it knows too much, it may change history.

“Okay, sit on my back, I’ll take you to the inside of Shikkotsu Forest.” Katsuyu Sage slowly crawled in front of me and lay down, “You have also seen the hydrochloric acid lake in the cave. Now, this swamp is almost the same. Be careful not to fall.”

“Ok, many thanks Katsuyu Sage.” I jumped up and jumped onto Katsuyu Sage’s back. “That’s right. , Katsuyu Sage, is your main body inside Shikkotsu Forest? Isn’t it particularly big.”

“My main body? Haha!” Katsuyu Sage laughed, “My main body is here. Below.”

“En?” I looked at the bottomless swamp and didn’t care too much. “Katsuyu Sage, is your main body hidden under this?”

” Let’s put it this way, or say, Shikkotsu Forest is on the back of my main body.” Katsuyu Sage said calmly.

“What????” I was surprised to close my mouth from ear to ear, “You…your main body is so big??? That…isn’t it…”

“Otherwise, do you think the lake and where the acid from the swamp comes from?” Katsuyu Sage said indifferently.

“No wonder, Katsuyu Sage, you just send a clone every time you come out.” I suddenly realized, “It turns out that the main body is carrying Shikkotsu Forest on its back. It can’t be moved.”

“Okay, here it is.” Just as we babbled, Katsuyu Sage pulled me into the Shikkotsu Forest.

Shikkotsu Forest is full of swamps, so someone paved a large square with wooden boards and built a few wood houses on it.

Pap! I jumped from Katsuyu Sage’s back to the board.

ka-cha! The wooden board I stepped on cracked directly. If I hadn’t reacted quickly, my feet would have to step into the acid.

“Mom, why is this wooden board so brittle.” I complained and looked at this square. The wood in many places has been corroded and broken, and even many places have been cracked. Big hole, it looks like no one has been taking care of it for a long time.

“This place is the place where the Wood-Style genius training of Senju Clan used to be. This square and these wood houses are all built by them using Wood-Style.” Katsuyu Sage explained, “It’s just No one has been here for hundreds of years, so the wood boards here are almost corroded. If you want to live, remember to use Wood-Style to repair it. By the way, I remember you will use Crystal-Style, that’s better , The glass can prevent corrosion, you can plate another layer of glass by the way, so that you can live safely.”

“No problem, but such a large area, it is estimated that it will consume a lot of Chakra.” I nodded “I’ll fix it later, Katsuyu Sage, please tell me about training Senjutsu first. I’m in a hurry.”

“Okay, actually Senjutsu in Shikkotsu Forest is better than Mount Myōboku and Ryuchi Cave. In terms of it, it is the easiest, the best to learn, and the side effects are minimal. If I remember well, Mount Myōboku will become a toad if it’s troublesome, and Senjutsu at Ryuchi Cave can easily make people lose control, and you can overcome it. It’s amazing. Senjutsu from Shikkotsu Forest doesn’t have such serious side effects. It’s just that frequent use will soften your whole body’s bones. Just pay attention to calcium supplementation. It’s not a big problem, haha.” Katsuyu Sage laughed and teased. But his expression became serious again, “But, you have learned two Senjutsu, the difficulty of learning the third Senjutsu will be tens of thousands of times, I think you should already know this.”

“Um Sage White Snake told me that the difficulty of learning First Type Senjutsu is about ten times that of Ninjutsu, the difficulty of learning second Senjutsu will be a hundred times, and the difficulty of learning third Senjutsu will be 10,000 times.” I nodded, Speaking of, “I have used Senjutsu of Mount Myōboku for about half a year, and I have used Senjutsu of Ryuchi Cave for more than two years.”

“This is already very fast, and I learn it here. Senjutsu’s Senju Clan’s genius is the fastest, and it took more than two years to learn.” Katsuyu Sage exclaimed, “You learned Senjutsu of Mount Myōboku in only half a year. , Is already a miracle. Normally, it takes at least five years for you to learn Senjutsu of Ryuchi Cave, but it only took you two years. However, the third Senjutsu is 10,000 times more difficult. In theory, you need five hundred years, but your extraordinary talent should not last that long. However, no matter how strong the innate talent is, there is no one or two hundred years, and I am afraid it is impossible to learn. I’m worried about you…”

As he said, Katsuyu Sage showed a worried expression: “When Huxian and Tuxian made this request, I didn’t care, because I didn’t expect that the successor would It’s a human, and the lifespan of the ordinary person category can’t reach this long, so you… a little troublesome. “

“Don’t worry, an expert has set a time limit on me. Within a hundred years, I will not age. “I’m laughed embarrassingly.

“Is there such an expert? Even the experts of God Level Peak like Huxian and Tuxian can’t control time. The person who helps you is probably…even if it is not a god, it is Demi-God. “Katsuyu Sage was surprised again, and said with a smile, “Since there is an expert to help you, I won’t ask more.” “

“But, for a hundred years, it is also a big challenge. Learning the classics of Senjutsu is in the wood house. Good luck. “After speaking, Katsuyu Sage slipped into the swamp and disappeared, “Just call me if something happens. “

“A hundred years, a long time, can’t you really learn it?” “Looked at the endless swamp, I was a little confused, but after touching my own eyes, I became firm again, “Xiaoxue, for you, no matter how long, I will not give up.” “


Katsuyu Sage doesn’t deceive me…it’s so hard to learn. Twenty years have passed, and I haven’t touched the doorway at all.

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