“The Lost Tower is right in front of me. There are about nine minutes left. I rushed to the basement and opened Ryumyaku. It takes about five or six minutes. It should be too late.” The door fell, looking back glanced at this world.

Because of my coming out, there was a violent earthquake in this world outside, and even the loose sand in front of me cracked open. It’s just because this plane is relatively large and not as affected by Shikkotsu Forest, so it won’t collapse for a while.

“It’s time to go.” I turned around to enter the Lost Tower, and suddenly heard a low roar sound from behind.


Since one hundred years have passed, although hearing this sound makes me feel familiar, I can’t remember what it is for a while.

I turned my head, and a huge fiery-red worm emerged from a crack in the ground. It seemed to be awakened by the shock.

“This is…Dassworth? Death Worm, when I think about it, I didn’t expect that its race hasn’t been extinct yet. Also, it escaped.” I suddenly remembered, but I didn’t plan to grind to it any more, my time was running out, so I raised my hands and pinched a mark on it.

The death worm gave me a suspicious look. Pounced at me.

“Daytime Tiger!”

Boom! A mighty tiger’s head grew from small to large from my mark, and shot out at extremely high speed, directly blasting the oncoming death worm.

Without any hesitation, I turned around and entered the Lost Tower. I came to the gate of the basement with my familiarity, with a rusty Madara Madara iron lock on the door.

clang! I kicked the iron lock and pushed the door open into it. Ryumyaku was in the center, shining with a faint rays of light.

“I, Hatake Kurone, finally came back.” I ran to Ryumyaku quickly, untied the seal on it, and condensed Chakra, pressing it on.

“Um…” After a while, I closed my eyes slowly, and opened them after my body stabilized a little.

There is still nothingness in front of me. My body is moving extremely fast with the turbulence, and I can hardly open my eyes when the wind blows.

This time Officer Lei Ling did not appear, but I did not wander around with the turbulent flow of time and space. Instead, I was drawn by a force and moved in a fixed direction. It seems that Officer Lei Ling Although he didn’t show up, he was still helping me.

“Many thanks.” I said every word.

sou! As my body was thrown into a dazzling rays of light, I lost consciousness.

I don’t know how long it took, I felt my whole body hot, and woke up leisurely, only to find that I was lying on the sand.

“Hot!” I jumped up suddenly, only to notice that my body was suffering from the side effects of Eight-Inner Gates. In a hurry, I opened the seventh gate directly, and now I have to endure very severe pain.

“Um…” My legs softened, and I sat down on the ground.

“Ahhh!” As soon as my butt touched the sand, I jumped up, “Mom, my butt is almost familiar!”

I struggled to climb into the Tower of Lost , And then use Ice-Style to cool yourself down.

“It should be back.” I stretched my head from the door, looked around, and suddenly saw a corpse of a death worm not far away.

“Why is there a corpse with a death worm? Didn’t I come back? This is the one I killed before I left?” I was a little confused.

However, under careful observation, the corpse was cut into pieces by a sharp tool, because it was very dry here, and it did not rot.

“It shouldn’t be the one I killed with the Daytime Tiger, but…” The gazed death worm’s corpse, I walked away knowingly, and suddenly remembered, “Yeah, I was there before I came here. I killed one under the tower, and that one was cut into pieces by me using Azure Edge Sword.”

“It should be back.” I thoughts move and returned to Izumo nook.

“I’m back.” In the familiar cabin in front of gazed, I staggered in with a smile on my face, and fell on the bed, plunged into darkness.

When I woke up, it was already 3rd day night, and I was shaken by the Tiger King.

“Hey! Kurone, wake up!”

“En?” I opened my eyes in a daze, wiped the drool from the corner of my mouth, and saw it as soon as I opened my eyes A big tiger’s head leaned forward to me, his paws were still shaking me.

“Fuck! What is it?!” I jumped up and almost kicked up, “En? Tiger King? You startled me.”

“… …” Tiger King smiled and cried, and asked with a smile, “What did you do before, how did you sleep for so long?”

“I…have I slept for a long time?” I am still somewhat Sleepy, shake one’s head and wake yourself up. Only then did you find that the side effects of Eight-Inner Gates were basically gone. “It seems that you have slept for a long time.”

“You slept for almost three years. Oh my god, when I passed by here the day before yesterday, I saw the door open, so I came in and took a look. I saw you in a difficult situation sleeping there. I thought it was because you were too tired to train, so I didn’t care. Then yesterday I came to see again and found that you were still asleep and did not call you. Until tonight, you hadn’t woken up yet, and I was a little worried, so I woke you up.” Tiger King said, “Why did you sleep? So long?”

“Thank you, I had something before. I opened Eight-Inner Gates. The side effects are relatively large. Coupled with long-term high-intensity training, it may be really tired.” I laughed, “However, I have trained into the three major Senjutsu, and now I can try to inherit the inheritance left by the Tiger Fairy and the Rabbit Fairy.”

The Tiger King is not very surprised, as if he feels as it should be by rights.

“Izumo no Kaku would not choose the wrong person, but you brat is ok. I thought you would have to study for a hundred years to master the three kinds of Senjutsu. I didn’t expect you to use only a short one. A few years.” The Tiger King looked at me quite admiringly, nodded.

In fact, what he didn’t know was that I really used it for more than 100 years, but the mysterious expert helped me.

“I have to do something now. When I come back, it will be the day of inheritance.”

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