Yes, I am going to Roran now to retrieve my Azure Edge Sword. More than one hundred years have passed, and Queen Zisha must have passed away a long time ago. Azure Edge Sword will definitely be the inheritance of generations and will be in the hands of every queen. I’m not worried about finding it back, because I left the imprint of Flying Thunder God Jutsu on the hilt of the Azure Edge Sword. Although it has been so long, the Chakra on the imprint has long been lost, which means I cannot pass Flying. Thunder God Jutsu went straight over, but I can still sense the approximate location of the imprint-Azure Edge Sword is still within the valley of the Roran tribe where I was a guest.

For more than a hundred years, the Flying Thunder God Jutsu imprint that I left within the valley can of course not be used, so I thought move and came to the lost tower.

Gazed surrounds a large area of ​​abandoned houses near the Lost Tower, and I can’t help feeling a lot.

A hundred years ago, except for the Lost Tower, the surroundings were bare. I don’t know when, the Roran tribe moved here and thrived. Several decades ago, because of Ryumyaku’s entanglement, the last Queen of Roran took the people and left here, leaving the land where they lived in the last ages. (For details, please review the Lost Tower of Naruto theatrical version)

“It is Ryumyaku, Ryumyaku.” I sighed for a while, following my memory, I found the valley of the year.

It’s just that it’s different from the Roran tribe in Loutai temples and prosperity more than a hundred years ago. Now this place has been completely turned into a ruin, ruins, and ruins everywhere. The originally mighty and tall gate has long been dilapidated, the beams on the gate have collapsed to the ground, and the gateposts are also drooping. Looking in from the gate, most of them are the ruins of collapsed houses, and a few of them have not collapsed, but also weathered and dilapidated.

“Azure Edge Sword is really still here?” I wrinkled my frowned head. “It looks like it has been abandoned for a long, long time.”

However, I sensed to imprint. , It’s true that it’s true inside. Maybe, my Azure Edge Sword was not inherited, but it was hidden somewhere here by Zisha.

“Zisha…” Thinking of Zisha, that cute, arrogant little girl appeared in my mind, who was also a valiant and formidable looking, a calm and decisive Queen of Roran.

I don’t know what happened to her in the end. Maybe, after waiting for me for a few years, I will marry my son in duty, teach the throne, and take care of my life.

Don’t think about it so much, let’s find my sword first. The lack of a handy weapon will make my strength drop a lot.

Following the traction of imprint, I went straight to the original Zisha’s palace, walked up the dusty steps, walked through the deep and ruined corridor, and walked into the original Zisha’s palace. .

“En?! Someone!” As soon as I entered the room, I saw a person standing in the corner. The dim light in the room made me unable to see the person’s appearance.

“Who are you? Why are you here?” I pulled out Kunai vigilantly and walked over slowly, “Are you the ninja of Hidden Sand Village? Or a resident of this neighborhood.”

But carefully pondered, there are no people around here for a hundred miles, and there is an unfathomable mystery in this Roran ruins palace. There is someone who is really panicked. If it weren’t for my self-confidence in my strength now, I guess I would have won it a long time ago. The door came out.

“Why is there no movement, could it be a dead body?” Halfway through, I noticed something wrong with “that person”, lifeless, just like a corpse.

“Is it really a corpse?” I walked up and found that the man was masked, motionless, standing straight, like a plastic model in a clothing store.

So, I took off the man’s wooden mask.

“It turned out to be Yugito Nii. I really scared myself.” Looking at the puppet’s lifeless face, I couldn’t help laughing.

“Zisha is also true, the unfathomable mystery in the room made such a puppet, where did it serve as a hanger?” I smiled and looked at the mask in my hand, “En? This mask is so familiar… “

“Fuck? Isn’t this mask the same mask I wore back then? Although it’s just a wood imitation, but the style is the same.” I looked at the puppet’s dress and face for a while. I found out that this puppet was carved with me as a model.

“This fellow Zisha, eh…” The thought of rejecting her cruelly back then made me feel guilty.

I put the mask on the puppet again, and suddenly, I found that the puppet was carrying a sword behind him.

“It is so meticulous! Even the Azure Edge Sword was carved.” I reached out and pulled out the sword behind the puppet.

Chun! The sharp sword was out of its sheath, immediately emitting an azure rays of light.

“This is not carved from wood! This is my Azure Edge Sword!”

Although I have not seen my Qingfeng for a hundred years, it used to be like mine Like left and right hands, fighting alongside me, coupled with its unique cyan ray, how could I admit my mistake.

I removed the scabbard from behind the puppet. I am even more convinced that this is my Azure Edge Sword. I just don’t know why my Azure Edge Sword was legacy in Zisha’s bedroom by a puppet. Carry.

Did no one notice it when the people here left? Or is it too hurried to take it? Perhaps, these can only be answered by asking Zisha.

It’s just that the man is dead, I can’t find the answer.

“Anyway, Azure Edge Sword is back, and I should go.” I carried Azure Edge Sword behind me, and the familiar feeling made me very comfortable.

Suddenly, an old and hoarse voice came from behind me.

“You are finally here.”

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