As soon as Kakashi shot, I immediately became nervous. As soon as he got out of the horse, he saw through my thunder-invisible tactics. Although he knew me well, to find the position of my main body in such a short time, he still needed very keen Clear Sight Ability and analytical ability.

“Kakashi teacher, Kurone teacher is too strong, Naruto and I are probably not his opponent.” Sakura dragged Naruto aside, and then used Medical-Ninjutsu to help Naruto relieve his paralysis, “We have to I want tactics.”

“Of course.” Kakashi nodded, then pulled up the headband, revealing a scarlet Sharingan, changing his lazy expression and becoming serious, “It’s a bit troublesome, but I won’t admit-defeat easily, Kurone.”

“I don’t know how to make concessions.” I laughed, “Come on, let me see how far you are now.”

Sakura looked at Kakashi’s Sharingan, thoughtfully, and said, “Kakashi teacher, how is Kurone teacher’s Genjutsu ability? Can we join forces to get him to hit Genjutsu and delay a few seconds? Let Naruto attack.”

“The idea is a good idea. It may be tricked by someone else, but…” Kakashi shake one’s head, “Kurone… Although he doesn’t use Genjutsu, he is almost immune to everything. Genjutsu, so this move doesn’t work.”

“So, sure enough, worthy-of is Kurone teacher.” Sakura gave a wry smile.

At this time, Naruto stood up, and Carefree yelled, “What Genjutsu should I use, let me say, we three go together, Kurone teacher’s Sword Art is no match for the three of us. Attack at the same time.”

“Naruto makes sense.” Kakashi nodded, took out the kunai and shook hands. “Try it and see if Kurone’s speed can cope with our three attacks at the same time.”

“Naruto and I are holding him down, Sakura, you wait for the opportunity to give him a fist.” Kakashi and Naruto rushed up from left to right.

Dang dang! I waved the Azure Edge Sword to block the parry from the left to the right to attack Kakashi and Naruto at the same time.

“Why are you scared!” Sakura suddenly shot out of the slope and hit me with a punch.

Under the siege of Kakashi and Naruto, it was too late to dodge. I hurriedly put Qingfeng across the chest and slammed Sakura’s punch.

“Wu!” I was shocked and flew more than ten meters away before I was able to stabilize the figure, the feeling numb that was shocked, “This Chakra Enhanced Strength is really scary.”

“What a pity! I almost hit Kurone teacher.” Sakura said regretfully.

I was speechless for a while, damn it. Fortunately, it didn’t hit me, otherwise I would have to be sent to emergency treatment.

“It seems that this method is effective.” Kakashi took out another kunai, holding one of the left and right hands, “Naruto, use Shadow Clone Jutsu, don’t use too much, just a clone will do. , Kurone, he can’t cope with our simultaneous attack, Sakura, you continue to look for a weak spot sneak attack!”

“Good!” Naruto created a Shadow Clone, and Kakashi rushed over.

Qingfeng belongs to the long sword, which is suitable for mid-to-close-range fighting, but it is not conducive to close combat. I can barely cope with two kunai, and I cannot use Azure Edge Sword with four kunai.

I inserted the Azure Edge Sword back into the scabbard on my back and quickly hand-seal it.

“Crystal-Style · Double Edge of Crystal!”

Two pink crystal daggers immediately appeared in my hand.

dang dang!

I held two daggers and confronted four kunai, which made people dazzled fast.

Although I can deal with the rapid attacks of Kakashi and two Naruto, Sakura’s harassment from time to time makes me a little tired of dealing with it. In addition, Kakashi can use Sharingan clear sight to reach my attack trajectory, and I Only rely on proficient fighting skills and naked eye observation, the situation is very unfavorable for me.

No way! If this continues, I will either be stabbed by them or let Sakura’s fist hit me. However, I am now entangled by Kakashi and Naruto, and I can’t spare any time to hand seal. The two of them don’t give me a chance to gasp for breath at all, and they keep attacking.

“I have to take a little distance, delay for two seconds, and let me hand seal.” I made a sharp round kick, Kakashi and Naruto took two steps back, taking advantage of this gap, I quickly hand seal.

“Why are you scared!” Sakura didn’t know where it came from again, and punched me in the head.

I had to give up the hand seal, turned my back, dodge the attack, then grabbed Sakura’s arm and threw her out like a hammer throw.

After delaying these few seconds, Kakashi and Naruto came up again, and I moved towards Naruto and Kakashi. Threw the dagger, and then secretly knotted a seal.

clang! clang! Neither Naruto nor Kakashi flew the crystal knives without suspense, and continued to rush.

I immediately took out a shuriken from the Ninja Tool Pouch and threw it out.

I was very inaccurate with this throw, and most of the shuriken flew into the sky.

“Kurone teacher shuriken was inaccurate, just like me, it went up all over the sky.” Naruto laughed and teased.

“Naruto, don’t be careless, Kurone will not do meaningless things, be careful.” Kakashi reminded.

“Yes, you guessed it!” I laughed and quickly hand-seal, “Magnet-Style · Annihilation!”

The shuriken who originally filled the sky looked like eyes. , One after another moved towards Kakashi and Naruto flew away.

“Fuck! Kurone teacher cannot use Ninjutsu? What’s the matter with such a powerful Ninjutsu?” Naruto asked suspiciously.

“Yes, I really can’t use offensive Ninjutsu, but auxiliary Ninjutsu can be used. This move Magnet-Style just makes the Kunai in your hands magnetic, so it’s not a violation. “I explained.

“It’s really not a violation, but you inspired me…” Kakashi smiled and hand sealed, “Earth-Style · Mud Wall!”

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