“Earth-Style Mud Wall!”

Kakashi used Earth-Style to block all shuriken.

“It’s really troublesome. You can’t use the offensive Ninjutsu, but I can easily be blocked by other tricks.” I can’t help but shake one’s head. It seems that I can only start from Taijutsu.

“It’s been a long time since I used a knife, let me play with you.” Kakashi took out a scroll from the scroll bag on his chest, summon took out a silver white short blade, and he turned his head to Naruto And Sakura said quietly, “You two…for a while…and then…and again…understand?”

“Understood! Worthy-of is Kakashi teacher, so smart! “Naruto gave a thumbs up and exclaimed, “High!”

“En? ??” I looked at a question mark in the distance, only to see Kakashi took out the short blade White Fang, but also What did you tell Naruto and Sakura? I don’t know what conspiracy is.

“Understand, act!” Kakashi rushed up with the short blade in his hand.

Naturally, I don’t know how to admit-defeat. No matter what crafty plots and machinations, I’ll take a look first. I also waved Qingfeng to greet him.

clang! The sword-heavy confrontation has wiped out sparks.

Although Kakashi didn’t have all the true biography of White Fang, he also learned almost sword art, which is very powerful; and for me, in every battle, no matter how big or small, Qingfeng has almost never left his hand over the past ten years or so. , Sword Art, can also be said to be Major Perfection.

Dang dang dang! White Fang’s swiftness and Qing Feng’s opening and closing are inextricably linked. Our attack speed is getting faster and faster, and we only saw a white light and a azure glow. Fly up and down in our hands.

I know why White Fang became famous in Ninja World only with an ordinary short blade. Kakashi is so, not to mention White Fang’s exquisite sword art. I even think , I played against White Fang, if I fight sword art alone, it may not last twenty rounds.

In this way, I fought with Kakashi madly for more than 50 rounds, and my hands began to tremble, and some of them couldn’t hold the sword. However, Kakashi’s situation was similar.

“I didn’t expect Kurone to have such a powerful sword art. It seems that I have to practice the sword art that has been abandoned for so long.” Kakashi started to slow down his attack speed and ridiculed.

“Kakashi, you are too humble. I am not a bossing. I can definitely rank in the top ten for the entire Ninja World. If you can draw with me, it is naturally a Peak expert.” I said with a smile, and at the same time slowed down, “However, you should really train training sword art and Taijutsu, you will definitely use it in the future.”

Think about the end of Shinobi World War Among the few BOSSs, one is more awesome than the other. Ninjutsu can absorb it casually, and can only be effectively hit with Senjutsu and Taijutsu, so it is necessary to practice Taijutsu well.

“If you use Ninjutsu to increase the gain, then I am afraid I can’t beat you, but now…” Kakashi raised the short blade and slashed at me, “Lightning-Style Lightning-Style Lightning Sword!”


Oops! I can’t use offensive Ninjutsu, so naturally can’t use Lightning-Style attached to Qingfeng, which weakens Qingfeng’s formidable power a lot. In the face of Kakashi’s attack, I can only brace oneself and hold the sword horizontally in front of me.

clang! Noisy! The White Fang with lightning fell heavily on the green front, and the powerful lightning current flowed into my within-the-body along the sword.

Fortunately, I ran the within-the-body Chakra in time, which offset part of the lightning current, but my arm was still paralyzed by the lightning current and lost consciousness.

Dang! Azure Edge Sword took off and fell to the ground.

Kakashi stabs White Fang forward and is about to pick the bell on my waist. Although my arm is temporarily paralyzed, there is no problem with my leg, so I quickly stepped back a dozen steps. Kakashi kept his distance.

“Aiya, I’m still a bit short, I underestimated you.” Kakashi put away the White Fang and spread his hands, “Naruto Sakura, don’t hurry up!”

“Scare Where is it!”

“Giant Rasengan!”

Sakura and Naruto attacked me from left to right.

Sakura’s fist came first. Although Sakura’s fist destructive power is very powerful, but its agility is greatly reduced, so I easily avoided the striker and moved sideways. Knocked Sakura out with his shoulder.

Coming one after another is the Giant Rasengan of Naruto. The imposing-manner is very sufficient, and the formidable power is also great. Once hit, it is either dead or disabled.

Giant Rasengan stopped ten centimeters in front of me, because I put my foot against Naruto’s stomach, preventing him from going any further. Being so close, I can clearly see the huge energy fluctuations in Rasengan, my ears are humming, and the trembling eardrums are painful.

My hand finally returned to normal, so I slapped Naruto’s wrist with a palm, disturbing his Chakra, and Giant Rasengan immediately disappeared.

Boom! I kicked Naruto’s stomach heavily and kicked him out, and at the same time, with inertia, a backflip came.

sou! sou! Before I landed, a sky-splitting sound came, and I had a glimpse of two shurikens from Kakashi.

I was in the sky and rolled over again for a few weeks, avoided Shuriken, and then landed steadily on the ground.

“It seems to be over.” Kakashi said.

“En? Time has come so soon? No way?” I was puzzled by Kakashi’s words.

“What do you think this is?” Kakashi smiled and drew out two bells and shook them.

Jingle Jingle! The clear sound of the bell floated over.

“What?!! How could it be possible!” I touched the bell on my waist, and it really disappeared, “When are you…”

“It’s with you Dodging the shuriken I threw.” Kakashi took out the two shuriken and approached the bell.

Pap! The bell was immediately attached to the shuriken.

“What? There is magnetism on the shuriken? Dont tell me…” I immediately reacted, “This is the shuriken that I threw when I used Magnet-Style!”

“Yes!” Kakashi nodded, “I just saw you put magnetism on shuriken, so I was inspired. Since shuriken is magnetized and the bell is iron, it can naturally be attracted. Then How can I get the bell to be sucked? In order to prevent you from using Azure Edge Sword to remove the shuriken, I will fight with you first, when least expected to knock down your Azure Edge Sword, and then let Naruto and Sakura pretend to be for me Throw shuriken to create opportunities.”

“So, when I was in the sky, what you shuriken aimed at was the bell on my waist, not my person.” I took his words and continued Said, “You know that I will roll over and avoid Shuriken. At this time, Shuriken flew past the bell, and then made the bell stick to it, and then Shuriken flew quickly and broke the line that tied the bell.”

“Yes.” Kakashi’s eyes narrowed into crescent shapes.

“It’s all caused by Magnet-Style.” I helplessly shake one’s head, “I lost, and the worthy-of is Kakashi. I’m convinced by the loss.”

bang bang bang bang! Tsunade and Jiraiya walked over from a distance, applauding.

“Wonderful! Kakashi’s tactics are closely linked with one another, very clever, Kurone, your strength is also very strong, you can achieve this level without Ninjutsu.” Tsunade admired.

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