The two old people who played against each other, one of them was an old woman and the other was an old man. Hearing my voice, the Old Lady raised her head first and said to the old man.

“Oh, it seems someone is coming.”

“En?” The old man also raised his head, “Really? Xiaoji.”

“The two seniors, Junior Xie Qi, strayed here, dare to ask where this is.” I think the hearing of these two old people seems to be poor, so I repeated it again.

“We are not deaf.” The old man stood up and looked at me, then the dust on his body was patted and walked slowly in front of me, “Sitting for too long, a little embarrassed, youngster don’t mind. .”

“Yes, Daao and I played chess for hundreds of years, and finally waited until someone came.” Old Lady also stood up, shaking off the thick dust, “youngster, Where did you come from?”

“Junior came from a place called Izumo Corner. When accepting inheritance, I didn’t know why and came here.” I respectfully said, ” I don’t know what this place is? Please advise.”

First of all, this place must not be Ninja World, because I can’t feel the existence of Chakra at all, otherwise I would have used Flying Thunder God Jutsu to go back. What I am most worried about now is that unfathomable mystery comes to other planes, which can be troublesome, especially the kind of weird cultivation and fantasy world.

“Don’t worry, youngster, this is just an Illusory Domain, you can go out at any time, you can see if your hands are not wounded.” old man nodded with a smile, “Besides, you are not here to accept inheritance Is it? Inheritance, right here.”

“Inheritance is here?” I looked at my hand with some confusion. There were indeed no bloody wounds, not even scars, just here with me. I imagined it was different, “Do you know Tiger Fairy and Rabbit Fairy, senior? Are they here?”

“Pu Chi, how come Successor is a fool?” Old Lady couldn’t help but laugh ,”The Rabbit Fairy and Tiger Fairy you are looking for are far away in the sky, right in front of you!”

“En? ????? Two…… two……” I stared wide-eyed looked These two old people are completely human. “The two are Tiger Fairy and Rabbit Fairy Senior?”

“You should also be a Chinese, don’t you know that the spirits with a thousand-year cultivation can transform human forms Is it?” The old man turned to roll one’s eyes and said, “Talking to you in original form, I’m afraid you won’t adapt, so I deliberately set up an illusory shadow of our two human figures in this place.”

“So that’s the case.” I suddenly realized, “The two seniors, how can I accept the inheritance of the two?”

“Don’t worry, listen to me slowly, sit down “Hu Xian waved his hand, and there was another stone bench beside the stone table.

When the three of us sat down, Huxian stared at the chessboard and said: “Since you can be selected by Izumo Corner, it proves that there is no problem with your innate talent and strength. You are young You can learn the three major Senjutsu, and coming here is enough to explain everything.”

“It’s really ashamed that Junior’s strength and the two predecessors are different as heaven and earth. As for learning the three major Senjutsu, luck that’s all.” I said modestly.

“undervalue oneself, too modest, but a bit hypocritical. You know, we have only reached God Level Peak after we have been training for thousands of years. Finally, Transcending Tribulation failed, and we can only leave this incomplete The inheritance and illusory shadow. You seem to be less than 40 years old. Now that you have completed the three major Senjutsu, you should have entered the Sage level. This is already considered an innate talent.” The rabbit fairy smiled and shake one’s. head, “When I was in my forties, I just barely had some cultivation base, that’s all the little bunny who didn’t even reach the half Sage Level.”

“I’m really ashamed, I learned the third Senjutsu At that time, I didn’t learn solidly, plus the original strength was not high, so I ended up stuck on the half Sage Level Peak.” I lowered my head in shame.

“Although it’s a pity, it doesn’t matter. Originally, if you reach the Sage level and accept the inheritance, you can directly break through to the middle of God Level. Now, you should be stuck in God Level Early- Stage is a shortfall from the mid-term. After training for one hundred and eighty years, with some opportunities, it should be able to break through.” Tuxian said with regret.

“God Level Early-Stage? That’s enough, enough for me to become the number one in Ninja World.” I am very satisfied. Compared with the difficulty of studying the three Senjutsu, I just accept the inheritance. You can break through two great realms, which is simply open and hang.

“Then how can I accept the inheritance of the two predecessors? What do I need to do.” I think accepting inheritance is probably not that simple. I am afraid that there is something else between the rabbit fairy and the tiger fairy. To explain.

“Youngster, listen.” Huxian’s expression became serious. “Although we are both monsters in your human mouths, we also have moral integrity and will insist on the justice in our hearts. Therefore, our successor must be good in character. Otherwise, no matter how strong the strength is, it will only harm one party. Your strength and innate talent without a doubt, but we don’t know anything about your character, so we need to do the final thing to you. A test.”

“The human expert who is reasonable and inferior is actually the real demons and ghosts. What is the difference between kind-hearted fairies and human beings. “I pondered and said, “I am willing to take the test.”

“Don’t rush to agree. If you fail the test, you will be trapped in this Illusory Domain forever, only when your body dies. Only then will you be relieved, the feeling of being alone for a thousand years, life is better than death. If you give up inheritance, I can let you out right away.” Huxian said calmly, “You choose yourself, but hurry up, our illusory Shadow, after too long, energy is almost not enough. After we have completely dissipated, based on your strength, you will definitely not be able to get out here.”

“I still choose to accept inheritance, accept the test, I believe in myself.” I said firmly.

“It shouldn’t be too late, let’s start.” Huxian pointed to the chessboard on the stone table, and said, “This game of chess, I have played with the rabbitxian for hundreds of years, but we still haven’t Create wins or loses, it’s up to you to finish it.”

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