“Fuck! Where is this special?”

I don’t know what’s going on, I suddenly found myself walking in a wood, and I thought I can’t figure out how I got here.

“Slowly tap my recent memory, I don’t know if I am amnesia.” I found a tree, sat down and started to meditate.

Senjutsu in Shikkotsu Forest, I remember that I seemed to have finished studying and then returned to Hidden Leaf Village. Then, I was catching up with Naruto and Jiraiya back to the village… Well, then I lost that game…

“Following…I can’t remember clearly…” I knocked on my head. Thinking hard, “It seems…it seems to be returning to Izumo corner to inherit the spell…and then…”

Aiya, my brain hurts, my brain hurts, I can’t remember my brain hurts, Aiya …

“I remember…” I stood up abruptly, “With the help of the Tiger King, I entered the Illusory Domain and ran into the Tiger Fairy and the Rabbit Fairy, and then the Tiger Fairy asked me to They have played the game of chess that they have played for hundreds of years, as a test, and then…”

damn it, how did I play chess to reach this damned place…

“Didn’t I solve it, and then failed, so I was exiled here? Why did I have no impression at all… shouldn’t…” I then looked around, it should be Inside a mountain, I just don’t know where it is.

I still can’t use Chakra, even the Azure Edge Sword on my back and the Ninja Tool Pouch on my waist are gone, but the clothes I am wearing have not changed much, just scratched by branches. , It seems a difficult situation.

“It doesn’t look like this is Ninja World either. Did I go back to Real World?” I continued to look around, trying to find some traces, but found nothing, “Forget it… step out of this mountain and ask someone to ask Come on.”

“evildoer! Stop!”

Suddenly, there was a loud shout and rapid footsteps not far away.

I am from Huaxia! He shouted in Chinese!

“I’m back!” I pupils shrank and ran to follow the source of the sound.

On the path in the forest, a white-bearded monk dressed in a gorgeous cassock is holding a Zen stick and is chasing a white clothed young girl.

“Fuck, what’s so…” I quickly followed along.

“Evildoer! Where to go!” The monk did not know what shiny thing he threw, and hit the girl in the leg.

“Aiya!” The girl staggered and fell to the ground.

“evildoer! Run again! Hehe, see where else you can go!” The monk raised the stick and hit the girl’s head, “accept death!”



“Stop!” I violently jumped out, kicking away the Zen stick in the monk’s hand.

“Um…” This stick has at least seventy-eighty pounds. Without the blessing of Chakra, I am an ordinary person. I have tried my best with this foot, but my ankle is still feeling numb. .

“Who you are!” The monk took a step back alertly.

“This master, under the broad daylight, you actually wanted to kill this girl, it’s not justified.” I asked, “I remember that monks can’t kill, let alone kill. “

“It turns out that the donor is fighting injustice, so you have wronged the old man.” The old monk folded his hands and bowed, “Please see the donor clearly, she is not a human, but a monster, this poor monk does not violate the precepts to eliminate demons.”

“En? Monsters?” I looked back and glanced at and found that the girl in front of me, although she is very pretty and cute, is quite not interested in mundane affairs. temperament, but with two bunny ears, it is indeed a bunny monster. “It’s really… uh…”

“What happened to the monster! Is the monster damned!” The girl burst into tears. , Holding his injured leg aggrieved, shouted.

“Yes, what’s the matter with the monster? She is harmless, master, why do you have to kill her.” I squatted down, tore a piece of cloth from my clothes, and bound her up .

“Donor! Don’t be fooled by her beauty! The accession symbol in her eyes is gone, indicating that she has killed someone!” the old monk shouted.

“Entry Talisman? What is that?” I stared at the girl’s eyes for a while, and asked, “Is what the monk said true? You really killed someone?”

“The entry amulet is a contract signed by the Sect Founder Zhang Heavenly Master with all the monsters. Anyone, including monks, must not harm the monster with the entry amulet. Every little monster will see it after he is born. It will carry the talisman for entering the world, but it will disappear once it harms people’s lives. The monsters without the talisman for entering the world, any cultivator, are obliged to eradicate it. This evildoer’s entry talisman is no longer there, so it must be It hurts people!” the old monk explained.

“I have killed people, but…”

“Look! She admits it herself! Donor you dodge, let Lao Na cross her to Western Bliss world!” Monk Picking up the stick, he said he was about to fight.

“Wait a minute! You let her finish!” I raised my hand and glanced at the old monk.

“Thank you, benefactor.” The girl nodded to me, “That’s it. Some time ago I ran into a group of Mountain Bandit at the foot of the mountain. They were looting a caravan and killed a lot of people, so I took action. Helped, helped the caravan repel Mountain Bandit, but also missed and killed a Mountain Bandit, so the accession talisman disappeared… As a result, many monks and Taoist priests kept chasing me… But I did nothing wrong. ……”

Speaking, the girl sobbed.

“Stop talking nonsense! Since you killed someone! Then accept death!” The monk scolded angrily.

“Hold on!” I touched the girl’s head, smiled and said, “Little rabbit, you didn’t do anything wrong, you shouldn’t be punished, don’t worry, I am here, he can’t hurt you. “

“Donor, what do you mean!” A dull expression appeared on the monk’s face, “Are you going to protect this monster? Don’t forget, you are a human! She is a monster! She killed People! Donors, don’t distinguish between good and evil!”

“What happened to the demon? She killed people to save people, and she killed Mountain Bandit. You should kill!” I said righteously. , “I don’t care what kind of monster or human, as long as kind-hearted, there is no difference between monsters and humans. On the contrary, those wicked people are inferior to beasts, and then they are really damned.”

“As for good and evil, be at ease in my heart. “

“Donor, if you have to protect this evildoer, I’m not welcome!” The old monk raised his stick and threatened, “I have to take you to Western Bliss world together.” “You actually said this, now I understand it, you are Demon Monk!” I smiled contemptuously, “I’m still taking care of today’s matter.”

“Accept death! evildoer!” The monk raised the stick and moved towards my head.

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