“Quickly! Time is running out. I guess the enemy has already set out to assassinate the Shion witch. Let’s speed up and stop taking a break in the middle. Take Food Pills and rush to Land-of. -Demons!” The team I led swiftly shuttled through the bushes. I looked at Naruto, who was in the forefront and full of fighting spirit.

If I remember well, this plot seems to be a theatrical plot, because more than ten years have passed, and I can’t remember the specific details. I only remember that Shion seemed to predict that Naruto would die. In the end, Naruto’s obsession moved Shion, and the two together defeated Moryo. Finally, Shion also hinted at Naruto and confessed to him, but Naruto didn’t hear it.

Having been on the road for a whole day without stopping, we finally arrived at Land-of-Demons in the evening.

“The mansion of the witch Shion is right below.” We lie on the mountain in the distance and watch the gazed. In the courtyard below, corpses everywhere across the field, it seems that we have been attacked. I commanded, “Neji, open Byakugan investigates the following situation. Don’t know the enemy’s situation. Don’t act rashly. Especially Naruto, don’t rush in.”

“Kurone teacher…Naruto…he…has already rushed down… …” Sakura said embarrassingly.

“What?” I glanced at, Naruto is already not in. Looking down, a yellow-haired fool rushed into a house in the center of the courtyard.

“Fuck, Neji, take a look at what’s going on in that house.”

“In the house there is a guard looking like a young woman who has escaped from the secret road with a young woman on his back, Naruto. We are fighting four strange enemies. From Chakra’s point of view, those four are very strong, probably all of Jonin Level.” Neji Fowns said.

“It’s really messy.” I rolled one’s eyes, the four enemies of Jonin Level. Based on my current situation, it might be difficult to deal with them, but Naruto has already played against them. We only I can go down, “Let’s go, let’s go and help Naruto. After a while, I will deal with two of them, Neji deal with one, Lee deal with one, Sakura will save Naruto, and then help Lee, go!”

With I gave an order, and the four figures rushed to the courtyard from the mountain.

“Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Naruto’s voice rang out in the room. Then, thousands of Shadow Clone squeezed out of the room, and the four enemies also ran out, surrounded by Naruto. intermediate.

“I can summoned so many Shadow Clones, it really is not a waiter.” An enemy said, “Quick! Use Combination Ninjutsu!”

“Good!” Another one immediately Stepping forward, “Earth-Style · Earth Corridor!”

The huge mound wrapped Naruto’s Shadow Clone.

“Ha! Found the exit!” Naruto’s Shadow Clone ran out of a hole one after another.

“Fire-Style · Flowing Fire!” Another enemy kicked a ball of Fireball in a strange posture, but Naruto easily avoided it.

“What, what a weak Fire-Style!” Naruto laughed.

“Wind-Style ·divine wind!”

wind assist fire power, the raging fire immediately surrounded Naruto.

“I’m going to find that witch, I’ll leave it to you here.” The leader of the four enemies confessed and turned and left.

“The witch was deep in the waterfall, and an enemy passed towards them.” Neji reported to me.

“Leave it to us here, Neji, you go to waterfall and protect Shion.” I pulled out the Azure Edge Sword, “After we solve the enemies here, go to waterfall to join you.”

“After hitting this Ninjutsu, the skeleton doesn’t exist.” The three enemies taunted standing in front of the burning Earth Corridor.

“Scared that!” Sakura dropping from the sky, smashed the Earth Corridor with one punch.

“Leaf Whirlwind!” Lee fought with an enemy, and I also faced two enemies.

Dang dang! Dealing with two ordinary Jonin Level enemies, I am still very relaxed, and soon I have the upper hand.

“Really, how come the reinforcements came suddenly? Chakra is almost running out.” An enemy complained.


Suddenly, the three stopped fighting at the same time, then turned and left.

“I still want to run!” I stuck my sword on the ground and quickly hand-seal, “Landun·Black Madara is bad!”

“roar!” The black panther roared, The enemy who ran at the end was knocked down from in the sky.

“Leaf Whirlwind!” Lee took a kick and kicked the enemy towards me.

I pulled out Qingfeng and made a cross cut, and the man immediately separated from his body.

“Fire-Style · Great Fireball Jutsu!” In order to avoid Moryo using Evil Arts to revive the enemy, I directly burned his corpse to ashes.

The remaining two people ran away. I looked up at glanced at and said: “Go, meet Neji.”

After a while, everyone sat in the great hall in.

“This is the witch of Land-of-Demons, Shion Lord.” The guard introduced.

“We are Konoha Team-7, I am Captain, Hatake Kurone.”

“Hyuga Neji.”

“I am Rock Lee.”

“I’m Haruno Sakura.”

“Uzumaki Naruto, please treat me kindly.”

“You are the black lightning of Konoha? Hatake Kurone, long Yang. “The guard said respectfully.

“Thank you, our mission is to escort Lord the Witch to Ancestral Hall in Land-of-Swamps.” I regretfully said, “You seem to have a lot of casualties.”

“Yes, as Shion Lord predicted, because of this attack, all the guards except me and all the other people died.” The guard said calmly.

“As it should be by rights.” Shion said coldly, “I can be safe and sound. It is also the long-cherished wish of these people. They are also considered dead.”

“What did you say!” Naruto jumped up angrily and picked up Shion. “So many people died for you, what kind of attitude are you!”

“Naruto, stop! You! Sit down for me!” Sakura ran up and pulled Naruto down.

Shion walked down suddenly and looked at Naruto for a while.

“Why do you look at me that way? Is there anything on my face?” Naruto said impatiently.

“You…will die.” Shion whispered.

“Huh? What did you say?” Naruto put his hand to his ear and said, “Be loud, you are so low, who can hear it.”

“You use It won’t be long before he will be pierced through his chest and die!” Shion shouted.

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