“Why do we have to protect her.” Naruto complained.

“Excuse me, Shion Lord occasionally predicts the death of people like just now.” The guard said apologetically, “But please don’t care.”

“What is it? “Naruto put his head in his hands, and said indifferently, “Does it often make predictions wrong?”

“No, so far, so far.” The guard replied.

“Well, then don’t make the prediction so…” Naruto suddenly stared wide-eyed and jumped up, “Hundreds of times? Doesn’t that mean it will happen? Then you say don’t care! “

“I mean, it’s useless if you care, you will definitely die.” The guard shrugged.

“You didn’t comfort him at all by saying that.” Lee murmured.

“Listen! I will never believe this thing! Im going to become Hokage!” Naruto yelled.

“Okay, don’t talk about this for now.” I waved his hand, “You go to gather the guards first, and I will discuss the plan with my team members.”

Soon after the guard left, Naruto played a long time in the room, then walked out wearing a pair of steel plates.

“Well, with this, I won’t be pierced to death by guan, haha. I’m so smart!” Naruto said with a smile.

“Naruto, because of a witch’s prediction, you are dressed like this. It’s too courageous spirit.” Neji intervened and looked at Naruto, who was contemptuous.

“No! I’m not worried about my safety to dress like this! If I dress like this, I can complete the mission with peace of mind!” Naruto quibbleed.

“Naruto, the world is about to be wiped out by Hui, you still have this leisure.” Sakura mocked.

“Prophecy cannot be changed!” Shion walked over and said, “New prophecy, you will be broken by ge.”

“Neck?” Naruto returned again In the room, Ding Ling fiddled with it for a while, and then staggered out of the room covered with steel plates, “That’s all right.”

“Wait for you to die!” Shion poked forward. Naruto fell to the ground, “Everyone, let’s go.”

“hey hey hey! Pull me!” Naruto struggled on the ground, but because the steel plate was too heavy, Naruto could only look at everyone one by one Went out.


In order to avoid the enemy Fire-Style’s attack, we chose to take the water route, so that we can quickly use the water source to counterattack. However, the waterway is very rugged and the terrain is steep, which makes Shion on Sakura’s back very uncomfortable.

“Why keep walking on such a dangerous road!” Shion finally couldn’t bear it, and jumped off Sakura’s back. “Can’t you change another path?”

” Do you want to change the route?” Lee asked.

“no, to go to Land-of-Swamps, only this road has the most abundant water sources and can effectively deal with the enemy’s Fire-Style attack.” Neji explained.

I was nodded, did not speak, looked towards the distance.

“The enemy is coming.” I said coldly.

In the distance, a huge water dragon flew towards us very fast against the river.

“Water Dragon!” everyone exclaimed.

“This is not Fire-Style, but Water-Style!” Shion complained, “I said this route is a big mistake!”

“Everyone back.” I stepped forward and slowly pulled out the Azure Edge Sword.

“Don’t worry! Any Ninjutsu will display one’s slight skill before an expert in front of Kurone teacher.” Naruto said with a smile.

“Yes, Kurone teacher is proficient in various attribute Ninjutsu.” Sakura also admired and said, “The way Kurone teacher taught us back then is still vivid.”

“Okay, don’t take the flattery anymore, protect Shion, and go high.” I am coldly-snorted, and the lightning current is wrapped around the Azure Edge Sword, “Lightning-Style · Lightning giant sword!”

The oncoming water dragon was chopped in half by me and turned into splashes in the sky.

“The man who manipulates the water dragon should be nearby, Neji!” I ordered.

“On the cliff side, there are two enemies!” Neji observed all around with Byakugan and said.

“In that case, I’ll go and clean up those two guys!” Naruto said, leaving the team.

“Naruto!” Neji yelled, but Naruto went his own way, “damned, this idiot!”

“It is too dangerous to let Naruto go alone, I will follow Go.” Lee said, following Naruto.

“Kurone teacher, what should I do now?” Sakura asked worriedly.

“There is still an enemy who hasn’t shown up, don’t act rashly.” I looked all around vigilantly, and said, “Naruto and Lee are enough to deal with those two people. Even if they can’t beat them, the whole body still retreats. No problem.”

“While Naruto and Lee dragged the enemy, Neji, take Shion away.” I suddenly thought of a way to pull a snake from its hole.

“Kurone teacher, what about you?” Neji asked.

“I’ll help Naruto and the others.” With that said, I voted for Neji a kunai, and then ran towards Lee and Naruto.

“Reverse Lotus!”

When I arrived, an enemy had been solved by Lee, who had opened five doors.

“Good job, Lee, take a break, I’ll go to Naruto.” I gave Lee a thumbs up.

“Rasengan!” At the same time, another enemy was hit by Naruto’s Rasengan and turned into a pool of water.

“Not bad, but my body can liquefy freely. You can’t hit me.” The enemy yelled.

Naruto threw a lot of shuriken in a row and was avoided.

“Liquefaction? Interesting.” I walked out of the woods with a smile.

“You are… the Jonin who leads the team!” Seeing me coming, the enemy’s tone was obviously tense, but pretending to be calm, “So what, what can you do to me?”

“Kurone teacher, I can’t deal with him, his liquefaction technique is very tricky!” Naruto said.

“Naruto, go get Lee on your back and join Neji and the others!” I ordered.

“Okay! What about this guy?”

“clown that’s all.” I sneaked a hand seal, “Particle-Style · The original world peeled off!”

The hands clasped fiercely, and the enemy screamed and then disappeared. I thoughts move and immediately left the scene.

Another side, Neji was delayed by an enemy’s clone, and Sakura was also anaesthetized and fell from the tree.

“It’s over!” The enemy looked terrified Shion, and the short blade slammed.

“Yes, it’s over! Raikiri!” I suddenly appeared, and a blow pierced the enemy’s xiong mouth.

“Um…how could it…” The enemy struggled and looked back, looking at me in disbelief.

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu, have you heard of it?” The corner of my mouth raised a strange arc.

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu? You are Konoha’s black lightning…Hatake Kurone? But ah…” The enemy stared wide-eyed, then gave a contemptuous laugh, and fell to his death.” You are late.”

“What?” I lifted the head, only to realize that Shion xiong’s mouth had been pierced by short blade ci, and my eyes were looking at me blankly.

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