“This…damned!” I punched the tree angrily, “I’m still a step late.”

“Sorry…has… No help…” Sakura knelt down, checked it and said.

It shouldn’t be, Shion is not dead in the original work, I remember, is it because the butterfly effect happened after I came? I thought about it.

“I’m here! Everyone is okay!” Naruto ran from a distance with Lee on his back. He ran up to me and looked at the dead Shion, shocked.

“This…what’s going on? Kurone teacher, Shion…” Naruto didn’t dare to attack me, turned to Neji and shouted, “Neji! What’s the matter with you! Why is there no protection? Good Shion! How come this is happening! You said something!”

“Enough…” Shion walked out from behind the tree, “I’m not dead.”

“Shion What’s going on?” Naruto looked at Shion lying on the ground, and asked with a look of confusion, “Why are there two Shion?”

After Shion’s explanation, it turned out to be The last remaining guard next to Shion used Secret Jutsu to look like Shion and was killed for Shion.

So, after Naruto and Shion quarreled and escaped, we buried the guard and began to discuss the next countermeasures.

“I think the enemy should still come to chase and kill, so we should leave some people here to set up ambush.” ​​Neji suggested, “Then another group continued to escort the witch to the Seal Temple, Kurone Captain, What do you think?”

“Neji made sense, so let’s do it.” I nodded, “Naruto, you continue to escort Shion to Land-of-Swamps, we stay and help you stop the chase Soldier.”

“But, Captain, Naruto is carrying a prophecy of death.” Lee said.

“Yes, is it better for other people among us to go?” Sakura also said worriedly.

“Because of this, I think Naruto is the most suitable.” I looked Naruto and said, “I believe in you.”

“Okay! Leave it to me !” Naruto smirked at me, then put Shion on his back and hit the road.

“Kurone teacher, you intend to protect Naruto secretly.” Neji said.

“I’ll leave it to you here. If you can’t stand it, I will send a signal and I will come right away.” I did not answer Neji, and followed in the direction Naruto had left.


“I think it should be here.” Naruto said when he came to a cave.

“Have you been here?” Shion asked.

“No, but I think it looks like this.” Naruto said, jumping down and running towards the entrance of the cave.

Suddenly, the rocks on the ground split one after another, and many pottery figurines came out.

“Terracotta Warriors and Horses!” Shion called.

“What…what figurines?” Naruto looked puzzled.

“If there are terracotta warriors and horses here, it means that the guy is nearby.” Shion glanced around nervously.

“Terracotta Warriors and Horses? This plagiarism…” I turned on Thorough Escape, spitting on the side, “But it seems that Naruto shouldn’t pose a threat. I’d better not take action first.”

Just as expected, Naruto used Rasengan and Shadow Clone to make a path and escorted Shion to the entrance of the cave.

“Quick! Go in! I’m guarding at the entrance of the cave…”

pu! Suddenly, a terracotta warrior pierced Naruto’s heart with a spear.

“What?!” My pupils shrank.

Boom! It turned out that it was only Naruto’s Shadow Clone that was poked, and I was relaxed.

“Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Naruto’s army blocked the terracotta warriors.

Shion had a fight with Naruto, and then ran into the hole. I knew there must be a problem in that hole, so I followed silently. As for Naruto, I guess he will be fine if I die.

In the depths of the cave, there is a long and narrow bridge, under the bridge is a hot lava, and on the other end of the bridge sits a person who describes the withered.

“Grow up, it looks like Miroku.” The man slowly said, “Let’s say hello to the young witch formally.”

A few The terracotta warriors and horses moved towards Shion walked over, and as soon as they approached, Shion sat on the ground in fright. The necklace on his chest flashed several purple lights, and the terracotta warriors and horses immediately turned into fragments.

“My name is Yomi, the one who was once blocked by your mother’s ambitions. Back then, the resurrected Moryo led me to wait and rebuild the glory of a thousand years ago, if your mother was not there.” Yomi Shion, who looked lose one’s head out of fear, laughed blankly. “Don’t you understand your own power? It’s amazing. So far, what you loser have learned.”

“For today, I am doing it day after day…”

“Learning the art of seal?” Yomi laughed, “hehehe, then come quickly and seal me, can you do it?”

Shion ignored him and walked forward. Stepping forward to cast Sealing Jutsu, Yomi’s body slowly melted, and a cloud of black mist appeared.

“Tell you the truth, I can’t kill you, and you can’t seal me, because we are one.” The voice of the vicissitudes of black mist sounded, “You opened this barrier, then we only have If one can go out, either I will replace you, or you will become me. It depends on each other’s Chakra.”

I know, it’s my turn to take action at this time.

“Summoning Justu!” I took out a capsule from the Ninja Tool Pouch and smashed it fiercely.

Just then, Naruto rushed in.

“How about! Shion, is it over?”

“Naruto, I…” Shion turned back in tears.

ka-cha! The ground of Shion’s underfoot cracked and Shion fell off.

“Shion!” Naruto yelled and ran over.

At this time, the black mist suddenly became larger, and a lot of tentacle stretched out, moving towards Naruto stabbed.

“Light Escape·Howl of the Tiger!”

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