Stab it! The Tiger King’s light hit Moryo’s tentacle, and the tentacle melted immediately like it was splashed with sulfuric acid. I rode Tiger King, soaring high into the air, and caught Naruto dropping from the sky.

“Fire-Style · Great Fire Annihilation!” I stand on the back of the tiger king, facing Moryo’s tentacle is a Fire-Style.

bang! Moryo’s tentacle is surrounded by raging fire, and even the surrounding rocks are scorching hot. No matter how tenacious creatures, even viruses or bacteria with extremely strong life force, they cannot withstand the long-term burning of flames. High temperatures can spoil all proteins.

The flame burned for a long time and finally went out.

“What?” I stared at the intact Moryo tentacle in surprise, a little unbelievable.

“I didn’t expect Fire-Style to have no effect on it, let’s try this!” My hands quickly formed marks, “Landun·Black Madara is bad!”

roar! The ferocious panther bit at Moryo’s tentacle. But when the two touch, they immediately disappeared without a trace.

“How to fatten????” I stared at Moryo, “Although my strength has dropped to Quasi-Kage Level, the attack is still good, and it can cause Moryo some trouble. . But according to the current situation, this Moryo seems to be able to absorb or immune to Ninjutsu.”

“Kurone Captain! Don’t waste your efforts!” Shion reminded, “This Moryo is a semi-entity, a normal Ninjutsu. It can’t do much harm to it, only my witchcraft can restrain it.”

“It turned out to be like this.” I suddenly realized, looked at the Tiger King, and asked Shion, “The Tiger King’s It seems to hit it in the first spell, what’s the matter?”

“I just saw that your mount uses a rare Ninjutsu similar to Light Attribute. This kind of Ninjutsu may be restrained. Moryo is a Dark Element monster, but with the strength of your mount, the formidable power should not be enough to defeat Moryo.” Shion analyzed, “If Kurone Captain is also a Ninjutsu, we work together and we should be able to defeat it.”

When I heard this, I couldn’t help but smile. If I used to, I could use the light to escape, but now, my Senjutsu and spell are all sealed by the light spirit officer.

“Well, let me cover you with Naruto and give you a chance to seal Moryo.” I said, staring at the dark Moryo intently.

Shion didn’t say anything, nodded.

“Good!” Naruto eager to get into action or start on a task, “I must beat this monster!”

“My Ninjutsu can’t hurt this monster, Tiger King, it’s up to you.” I and Tiger King looked at each other with eloquence, and the Tiger King rushed up with me like an arrow from the string.

“Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Naruto also knew that ordinary Ninjutsu couldn’t hurt Moryo, and summoned hundreds of Shadow Clones, dragging Moryo tentacle’s actions.

Under our cover, Shion came to Moryo and got into Moryo’s body all at once.

At this time, Shion’s whole body emits holy rays of light, just like an angel. Moryo stopped moving, and gradually moved towards lava and fell, holding Shion together.

“Not good! Shion wants to be together with Moryo perish!” I immediately noticed something was wrong.

“Hateful!” Naruto hurriedly moved towards Shion and ran, “Originally you predicted that it should be me who died, why are you going to be together with this monster perish!”

“Naruto, ah This is the fate of each generation of witches, seal Moryo, he has to pay the price of his life, just like my mother.” Shion slowly closed his eyes, “I’m dead, the prophecy will not come true, you The curse of death will be released, and you must live well.”

“Shion! You idiot witch!” At the crucial moment, Naruto rushed over and gave Shion a hand. Pulled into his arms.

“What bullshit fate, curse, or prophecy, let me break it! Rasengan!” With Shion’s Chakra also injected into Rasengan, the original blue little Rasengan slowly became huge and changed Become bright purple.

“This is the power of Shion and I! Super-energy Rasengan!” Naruto held the purple giant Rasengan, and moved towards Moryo fiercely and smashed it down.

“I don’t know if I defeat this Moryo, can my within-the-body lock be unlocked.” I thought, “Try it and give an assist.”

“Tiger King, we also use Combination Ninjutsu! I use Lightning-Style to strengthen your light escape!” I moved towards Tiger King and said.

“Yeah! I haven’t fought side by side for a long time, I’m almost rusty!” Tiger King laughed.

“Light Escape·Ultimate Tiger Roar!”

“Lightning-Style·Dragon Roar!”

As the Tiger King’s light escape, My Lightning-Style hovered just right above the tiger’s roar, forming a perfect Combination Ninjutsu, showing the effect that one plus one is greater than two.

“Combination Ninjutsu ·tiger dragon roar!”

Under our combined attack, Moryo scattered ashes and dispersed smoke, the rest of the body also fell into the lava, Turned to ashes.

Due to the huge impact, the lava underneath erupted, turning the mountain into a volcano……

After the war, the Tiger King returned to Izumo Cape. Naruto carried Shion on his back and left here with me. Not far from the cave, our companions were all waiting there, seeing us coming out, one by one thumbs up.

“Kurone, good job!” Kakashi boasted.

“Where, I didn’t help much, mainly because of Naruto and Shion.” I scratched my head sorry, after all, I just gave an assist and didn’t help much.

Naruto ignored it, just laughed, put down Shion, and said: “Now, the witch’s mission is over, you can live the life of an ordinary person.”

“no , I will continue to be a witch.” Shion looked back at the volcano and said firmly, “Moryo is transformed by the darkness in people’s hearts. Although this time has been wiped out, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not reappear in the future. I will continue to bear this. Responsibility and pass the ability to the next generation witch. Naruto, are you willing to help me?”

Speaking, Shion looked at Naruto with a smile. When everyone heard this, they were stared wide-eyed, and the meaningful looked Naruto. Only Naruto, raised his hand indifferently, patted his chest, and said.

“No problem, it’s on me!”

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