I don’t know if it was because Moryo was defeated by Naruto and Shion, or because the unlocking needed to defeat a human expert, or some other reason. In short, I sealed the lock of my power and it didn’t solve it. open. Although I was a bit lost, I still accepted the reality. After all, unlocking all the locks is a long way to go, and now it is only more than a year before the final battle. Many things will happen this year.

A handful of calculations, I have been in Naruto World for sixteen years. From a young and energetic young man to a mature and stable middle-aged uncle, I have I’ve really experienced a lot of things, and I’m a little tired, but fortunately, all of this is about to end.

Starting from Akatsuki to collect Tailed Beast, the wheels of history began to roll quickly.

“Akatsuki has started. The sixth generation Kazekage Gaara was taken away by two Akatsuki members. According to preliminary estimates, Akatsuki’s goal is to seize Gaara within-the-body’s One-Tails.” Tsunade called the village to be free. Jonin and Chunin came to Hokage’s Office and solemnly announced.

The discussion spiritedly underneath is very noisy.

“Is it finally going to start?” I looked calm, without any expression.

“Quiet!” Tsunade patted the table, frowned, “The specific situation, Temari, let’s talk to everyone.”

Temari stepped forward and said:” Last night, the two of Akatsuki escaped the guards and sneaked into Hidden Sand Village. Gaara Lord discovered that they fought against each other. In order to protect the village, Gaara Lord was abducted by the enemy because of heavy injury. Kankuro was chased by the enemy. Go up, but was also labeled a serious injury. She was poisoned and she is now unconscious. The enemy has also lost track. Gaara’s life and death are unknown.”

“What! Gaara was taken away!” Naruto No. One jumped up and shouted excitedly, “What are you waiting for, Mother-in-law Tsunade will order! Let’s save him!”

“Naruto, don’t get excited, Lord Hokage will naturally give the order. “Sakura pressed Naruto excitedly, comforted.

“However, although the enemy lost track, Kankuro desperately obtained some fragments of the enemy Human-Puppet. I think through Ninken, it should be possible to track the enemy.” Temari continued, “In addition, Based on Kankuro’s description before the coma and portraits of witnesses, we infer that one of the intruders is Missing-nin of our Hidden Sand Village, Lady Chiyo’s grandson, Sasori of the Red Sand. The other is Hidden Stone. The Missing-nin of the Village, the grandson of Third-Tsuchikage, and Deidara, the backbone of the original Hidden Stone blasting force.”

“Kurone, you are familiar with Akatsuki, and you have played against them many times. You know these two Personal?” Tsunade asked suddenly.

I was nodded and said: “I met Sasori of the Red Sand and Deidara at the Fifth-Kage Kazekage Pakura at the Land-of-Rivers ritual tower, and fought fiercely.”

“I heard Fifth-Kage Lord-Kazekage said about this. She tried her best and was no match for Sasori of the Red Sand. In the end, it was Kurone Lord that you took her away with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.” Temari Recalled.

“Yes, at that time, for some reasons, I could only play the strength of Special-Jonin, so I was lost. Fifth-Kage Kazekage helped me delay for a while, allowing me to restore Chakra and be able to play at At the crucial moment, I used Flying Thunder God Jutsu to escape.” I sighed, “Speaking of which, it’s been almost seven years.”

“Since you fought against Sasori of the Red Sand, Then you should have an estimate of his strength. With your current strength, it shouldn’t be a problem to defeat him.” Tsunade said.

“Sasori of the Red Sand is very strong, definitely has Kage Level strength, and seven years have passed. Now his strength, according to my estimation, should be above Asuma, comparable to Kakashi, Lord-Jiraiya is weak.” I pondered and said, “And that Deidara, his ability is to use a kind of Ninjutsu similar to Explosion-Style. Although the strength is not as good as Sasori of the Red Sand, it is also difficult to entangle. Kage Level up and down.”

“Two Kage Levels, I think there is no problem at all with your strength.” Tsunade smiled and said, “This time you will have to work hard for you to run, so that I can You don’t need to send too many people. You take a few people, go and squeeze the two Stinking Insects from Akatsuki, and then bring Gaara back.”

If you put it before, I’m half Sage For the strength of Level, against Sasori of the Red Sand and Deidara, enough and to spare. But, now, unfortunately, my strength has been suppressed to Quasi-Kage Level, let alone dealing with two people at the same time, even if I singled out Sasori of the Red Sand, it would be a little strenuous.

“Kurone Lord, Gaara Lord, please, must save him safely.” Temari bowed deeply at me, “please.”

“Yeah, Kurone teacher is very difficult to deal with. You can definitely beat the enemy and save Gaara.” Naruto also said.

“Okay, I’ll take a trip.” I am nodded with a smile, although it’s a bit tricky, even if you don’t care about Temari and Naruto’s plea, Tsunade has assigned a mission and I have to go, which is just right It is an opportunity to unlock the brass lock. As long as you don’t face two people at the same time, if you play heads-up, it should be okay to use your brain, but it doesn’t work. I still have a trump card, Mangekyo Sharingan, I haven’t used it for a long time.

So, the rescue plan was finalized, and I led the team to lead Team-7 and the third team to support.

After all, we are facing two Kage Level experts. The ordinary person will be sent to death. The fewer rescuers, the better. In Team-7, Naruto must be clamoring to go, Sakura’s Medical-Ninjutsu is very useful, it is convenient to solve the poison of Sasori of the Red Sand, and Kakashi’s tactical mind is also very useful. As for Might Guy’s third shift, it is used as a cover and reserve team.

In this way, after finalizing the personnel, we did not dare to neglect, and immediately rushed to Hidden Sand Village.

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