On the way to Hidden Sand Village, I was full of emotions. Seven years ago, I still remembered the scene of the fight with Akatsuki at the pagoda. In a blink of an eye, Pakura passed away a year ago. Now, Hidden Sand Village has things have remained the same, but people have changed. However, although Gaara has changed from the Fifth-Kage Kazekage of the original work to the current six-generation Kazekage, the general historical trend has not changed.

After arriving at Hidden Sand Village, we went directly to the intensive care unit of the hospital, looking at this familiar place, and then I remembered that I picked up the seriously ill Pakura from here. But now, lying on the bed is Kankuro, who is unconscious, sitting next to her mother-in-law Chiyo and her younger brother (because it’s been too long, I can’t remember the names of these extras).

“Lady Chiyo, Konoha’s reinforcements are here.” Temari said.

“Really, I have to go to Konoha to ask for some reinforcements. Is there no one in Hidden Sand?” Chiyo complained and turned his head and looked at us.

Suddenly, she stared at Kakashi, her eyes sharpened.

“Konoha’s White Fang! Take your life!” Chiyo jumped up and rushed towards Kakashi.

“old woman! What are you doing!” Naruto pulled out Kunai and stood in front of Kakashi.

I know they can’t fight, so I calmly said: “Chiyo-senior, you recognized the wrong person.”

“Yes, elder sister, you recognized the wrong person. , Konoha’s White Fang died more than 20 years ago.” Chiyo’s younger brother said.

“Really? I’m getting older and have a bad memory.” Chiyo froze and asked, “But you look like Konoha’s White Fang. White Fang is who you are.”

“It’s my father.” Kakashi replied, “Hatake Kakashi.”

“Copy Ninja Kakashi, I heard a little bit.” Chiyo walked back slowly and sat down. Speaking of, “Kankuro has been poisoned, and our Medical-nin is helpless. I guess that Katsuyu chick can study the poison. How about, is she here?”

“Lady Tsunade is now Hokage. He is busy with business and cannot come in person, so I will do it for him.” Sakura came up with the medical kit, “My name is Haruno Sakura, it’s…”

“What a joke! Konoha It’s so insincere! Katsuyu chick doesn’t come, and others don’t have the ability to rescue Kankuro.” Chiyo said angrily, “It’s an alliance, it’s a perfunctory thing.”

“You old Woman, what attitude! We are here to save Gaara! Not to listen to your complaints!” Naruto stepped forward angrily and was about to hit Chiyo.

“Okay Naruto! Stop it!” I yelled at Naruto, neither servile nor overbearing said, “Senior Chiyo, don’t worry, Sakura is Lady Tsunade’s discipline. It’s the true story of Lady Tsunade, Medical. -Ninjutsu is outstanding, I believe she will be able to save Kankuro.”

“Who are you?” I asked Chiyo looking badly.

“Hatake Kurone, the brother of Kakashi, is also the Captain of this rescue force.” I replied.

“Hatake Kurone? Never heard of it.” Chiyo shake one’s head.

“Lady Chiyo, Kurone Lord is brilliant and well-known Konoha black lightning, and the late Fourth Hokage Yellow Flash Namikaze Minato is also called Konoha black gold.” Temari explained.

“The old man has been retired for many years. The new talents in Ninja World, I am really not quite clear.” Chiyo waved his hand and said, “But I visually check your strength, and it’s only this , Konoha is really in decline.”

Naruto just wanted to argue a few words, but I stopped him.

“It’s all overpraised that’s all, not worth mentioning.” I laughed and didn’t argue about anything. After all, I really only have the strength of Quasi-Kage. Although this Chiyo’s attitude is very unfriendly, but the overall situation is important, I still stop arguing with her.

Finally, under Sakura’s treatment, Kankuro woke up leisurely, which really surprised Chiyo.


As soon as Kankuro woke up, he kept calling Gaara.

“Kankuro, you finally woke up.” Temari stepped forward and held the figure of Kankuro on the verge of collapse, letting him lean on the pillow.

“Sorry, I failed to bring Gaara back.” Kankuro finally fully awake, and said ashamed, “Sasori of the Red Sand is too great, I am not his opponent at all.”


“Don’t blame you, even if Gaara shoots, he may not be able to beat it.” Chiyo said, “Your Puppet was made by him in childhood, so he will naturally crack it easily.”

“This is?” Kankuro has been in a coma and did not notice Chiyo’s arrival. “Are you Lady Chiyo?”

“Yes, the old man is Chiyo and Sasori is my grandson “Chiyo’s face was expressionless.

“Then Gaara will ask you, you will definitely be able to deal with Sasori.” Kankuro said earnestly.

“Twenty years, Sasori is no longer the Sasori he was back then, and I am not sure to convince him that if he persists in your own wrong doings, I will definitely kill him.” Chiyo shake one’s head, look. Looking at us, “As for the rescue of Gaara, you should rely on the Konoha group.”

“Don’t worry, we will definitely rescue Gaara. He is my good friend.” Naruto walked away. Stepping forward, the patted chest promised to arrive.

“Naruto…” Kankuro thoughtfully, then handed out a fragment, “This is a fragment from Sasori’s Puppet, Gaara will ask you.”

“Don’t worry. Right.” I took the fragment that Kankuro desperately got, and handed it to Kakashi, “Kakashi, hand it over to you.” Kakashi took it, without speaking, summon left Pakkun. Pakkun sniffed, then nodded towards Kakashi.

“Tracking is here.” Kakashi said concisely.

“Okay, without further delay, let’s go.” I said solemnly.

“The old man will go with you.” Chiyo also followed.

I did not refuse, after all, to deal with Sasori, Chiyo is a strong help.

Our entire group moved towards Pakkun tracking all the way.


“It’s not far ahead, the smell is very strong.” Pakkun said suddenly.

Everyone immediately became nervous, knowing that they were about to fight the enemy.

“Water-Style · Great Waterfall Jutsu!”

hua! With the huge current blocking us in front of us, a guy wearing an Akatsuki robe dropping from the sky.

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