“Hatake Kurone, long time no see.” Hohzuki Mangetsu bit a bite of shark-like fangs and smiled and said, “Let’s forget about our previous accounts. “

“This guy is not simple to use such a big Water-Style in the desert.” Chiyo wrinkled his frowned head, “Is it the original Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.”

“Unexpectedly, you old woman is quite knowledgeable.” Hohzuki Mangetsu said contemptuously, “I haven’t seen you for so many years, Hatake Kurone, you still look like a loser, haha.”

“OK Now, defeated, get out.” I sneeered. Hohzuki Mangetsu was obviously to delay time and let Akatsuki complete the Seal of Tailed Beast. I can’t let him succeed.

“What did you say!” My contempt angered Hohzuki Mangetsu, and he drew his knife with a shudder, but instead of rushing over, it was a sign of bluffing, “Water-Style · Water Dragon Bullet Jutsu!”

Tom Tom Tom! Several Water Dragon Bullets were spit out. Although the momentum is huge, the actual formidable power is not very good.

“Earth-Style · Mud Wall!” Kakashi stepped forward, holding down the ground, and an earth wall blocked everyone in front of him.

Water Dragon Bullet hit the earth wall, but it just caused a crack.

Dang dang! Hohzuki Mangetsu is holding Longsword and fought with us. Although there are many of us, Hohzuki Mangetsu is the elite of the original Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. With a knife, Taijutsu is very superb. One person deals with the nine of us, and almost never loses the losing end in a short time. And because of the terrain, everyone’s Ninjutsu couldn’t be used, so he couldn’t even take him down for a while.

“Kurone, I don’t think something is right.” Kakashi leaned over and said.

“What’s wrong?”

“It stands to reason that almost all of Akatsuki’s members are S-Rank Missing-nin of Kage Level strength. This Hohzuki Mangetsu is also the original Seven The outstanding character in Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.” Kakashi analyzed, “But you found no. Up to now, he has either used Taijutsu or attacked us with some painless Low-Rank Ninjutsu, even if it delays time. I should also use some big formidable power Ninjutsu. He gave me the feeling that, like me, Chakra is insufficient, so I don’t use big formidable power Ninjutsu.”

“Chakra is not enough? Shouldn’t it? Ah, this fellow Chakra…Wait!” Hohzuki Mangetsu appeared to replace Hoshigaki Kisame in the original work, and Hoshigaki Kisame was in this plot…I suddenly remembered, blurt out, “Like to clone!”

“What Ninjutsu is Xiangzhuan clone?” Guy asked.

Hohzuki Mangetsu’s mouth twitched visibly when I yelled Xiangzhuan clone.

“The so-called Xiangzhuan clone is simply a special kind of clone, which takes living people as sacrifices and turns into the main body. It has the strength of the main body, but Chakra Reserves only has the main body. It is one of somewhat and cannot be recovered. Once exhausted, clone will die.” I explained, “That’s why you have not dared to use large formidable power Ninjutsu, right?”

“It seems to be I underestimated you. I didn’t expect you to recognize the weird Ninjutsu like our boss.” Hohzuki Mangetsu smiled and showed a bit of fangs, “But so what, with the Longsword in my hand, although I can’t You all solve it, but it’s not a problem to delay it for a while.”

Indeed, even if we go together, it will take some time to get him down, and I don’t want to spend too much Chakra. , After all, my current strength is only Quasi-Kage Level, if Chakra is not enough, facing the enemy behind, I can only watch the show. However, I have already figured out a countermeasure against him.

“Crescent Moon Dance!” I turned into three illusory shadows and moved towards Hohzuki Mangetsu.

Nintaijutsu, invented by this move Second Hokage, is difficult to crack. Unless the defense is strong or the strength is suppressed, it will definitely be cut.

peng~ peng~! Hohzuki Mangetsu hit the illusory shadow with two cuts.

pu! My sword penetrated Hohzuki Mangetsu’s body without resistance, but all the places where Hohzuki Mangetsu was cut turned into water and there was no injury. This is Hohzuki clan’s unique hydration technique, which is immune to most physical damage and is very powerful.

“Kurone teacher! Watch out!” Naruto yelled.

“Go to hell!” Hohzuki Mangetsu’s knife fell and slashed on me.

The corners of my mouth raised a strange arc, turning into a lightning current.

Hohzuki Mangetsu released his hand without the slightest hesitation, threw away the knife, and was not hit by the lightning current.

“What a pity! Almost!” Sakura said regretfully.

“I knew it was Thunder clone, and I played this old trick, hehe.” Hohzuki Mangetsu mocked, “The main body is waiting for the sneak attack near me, but unfortunately I was not paralyzed by the lightning current. , You’re miscalculated, come out!”

“Konoha double-force whirlwind!” Guy and Lee kicked towards Hohzuki Mangetsu one by one.

Hohzuki Mangetsu lost his knife, and his strength dropped sharply. He was kicked off unexpectedly.

“Guy, this guy is handed over to you, and the other people follow me! Go and save Gaara!” I waved and said, “By the way, this guy is a clone. You don’t need to keep alive, just Kill me.”

“Stop me! Don’t leave!” Hohzuki Mangetsu got up and chased us, but was surrounded by the third shift.

“Kurone, leave it to us, you go quickly.” Guy turned his head and showed a firm look at me, and a big White Fang, and also gave a thumbs up.

I got rid of Hohzuki Mangetsu, I was pondered, and it is estimated that I will soon encounter Itachi’s elephant and turn to clone. Itachi is not as easy to pass as Hohzuki Mangetsu. Although he is from our side, it is impossible to let us go directly in the past. We have to fight anyway, and then make concessions to let us pass.

I was thinking about it, suddenly a few shuriken flew over at a very tricky angle, spreading out, and there was no way to resist it with Ninjutsu.

“Sharingan, open!” I immediately opened Sharingan and captured the shuriken’s trajectory, and then threw a few shuriken to block it.

“Long time no see, Kurone big brother, your Shurikenjutsu is much better than before.”

Several crows flew from everywhere, gathering At the same time, Itachi’s figure slowly appeared.

“I have passed the awards, they are all old friends, how about letting us go?” I laughed.

“I heard Mangetsu say that you saw through the clone to clone, which surprised me a bit, but our organization is sealing One-Tails, the leader has an order and must hold you.” Itachi shake one’s head Speaking of, “You must defeat my elephant and turn clone to pass.”

Although Itachi didn’t let us pass, it changed the method to reveal that Akatsuki was sealing One-Tails.

“Okay, then I’m welcome.” I was expressionless, and pulled out Qingfeng.

“What nonsense with Missing-nin, look at the trick!” Naruto rushed forward without any explanation.

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