“This little demon is still so rough.” Itachi shakes one’s head and glanced at Naruto.

Naruto stopped for an instant, his expression became sluggish, as if he had been caught by an evil spirit.

“Naruto!” Sakura yelled, and found that Naruto didn’t respond, so he was going to go up and take a look.

“Rasengan!” Naruto suddenly went crazy, and moved towards the tree next to him.

bang! The thick-mouthed tree fell to the ground.

“Naruto should be Genjutsu, let me go.” I came to Naruto in an instant, and used Chakra to help Naruto unlock Genjutsu.

“Huh…” Naruto relaxed, laughed awkwardly, “Finally left Genjutsu, thank you, Kurone teacher.”

“It seems that training is still fruitful, but It’s not bad to find out that I’ve hit Genjutsu.” I smiled at Patted Naruto’s shoulder, “but don’t move up next time, otherwise I won’t know how to die.”

I understand, Kurone teacher. But unfortunately, even though I realized that I was Genjutsu, I still couldn’t solve it.” Naruto wrinkled his frowned head, and the subconscious was about to look at Itachi.

“Don’t blame you, Uchiha Clan’s Genjutsu outstanding is not so easy to unlock.” Kakashi walked up, pushed the headband up, and said, “even more how is in front of you with Mangekyo Sharingan Uchiha Itachi, I have suffered from his Tsukuyomi.”

“But then, Kakashi, you should be able to use Mangekyo Sharingan now.” I asked.

“Well, but I’m not skilled yet, this thing is too expensive for Chakra.” Kakashi nodded.

“What we are in front of is the clone clone, only Chakra, which is one of the main body somewhat, and Itachi has very little Chakra itself, so Mangekyo Dojutsu, he will only use it once at most, and the clone will not carry it. Live.” I analyzed, “I will fight him head-on for a while to prevent him from using Tsukuyomi on you. You can help and find a weak spot to attack.”

“The worthy-of is a Kurone big brother, so I quickly found my weakness and formulated tactics.” Itachi said blankly, “Then I have to try my best.”

“Uchiha’s Genjutsu is famously strong. Is this black lightning okay?” Chiyo, who was unknown, asked.

“Don’t worry, I have never experienced the feeling of Genjutsu before!” I laughed and pulled out Qingfeng moved towards Itachi and rushed.

When Itachi saw me rushing, he took out a few shuriken and threw them at a tricky angle.

I didn’t bother to block it either. I raised Qingfeng with one hand and one-handed hand seals with the other (I have figured out a lot of things in the 100 years of Shikkotsu Forest.).

“Magnet-Style ·Adsorption!”

Dang dang dang! All the shuriken were attracted to the blue front. I faced Itachi and slammed the shuriken back. .

“En?” Itachi froze for a moment, then threw out a few shurikens, trying to block those shurikens.

“It’s not over yet! Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

The shuriken I threw was instantly one by two, two by four, and it turned into hundreds of shuriken rain. The only thing in front of me is Itachi’s clone that’s all, and I am rushing to save Gaara, so I didn’t keep my hands, and I wanted to kill him directly.

I saw Itachi’s Sharingan turned, and then hand-seal quickly. The hand-seal action is exactly the same as me.

“Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

The shuriken thrown by Itachi also turned into shuriken rain. Due to the magnetic force, it would easily attract and collide with my shuriken rain. Landed one after another.

“Sharingan’s ability to copy is really tricky.” I wrinkled my frowned head. It seems that even the clone of Itachi is not easy to deal with.

“Unexpectedly, the Kurone big brother even mastered the one-handed hand seals. The worthy-of is what I admire…” Itachi didn’t finish speaking, suddenly his expression stunned.

Under my Sharingan’s clear sight, you can easily see that Itachi is tied up by a few sharp Chakra Threads. Looking back, Chiyo has raised his hand.

Chiyo worthy-of is a Puppeteer of Kage Level, and in the short ten seconds that I was fighting with Itachi, I threw Chakra Threads away from the top secret.

“Raikiri!” Kakashi suddenly got out of the soil behind Itachi, and moved towards Itachi’s heart stabbed.

Wow…Itachi’s body suddenly turned into countless crows and dispersed.

“Crow Clone Jutsu? Kakashi! Be careful behind!” I reminded.

The crows quickly gathered together again, forming the appearance of Itachi, and appeared behind Kakashi.

pu! kunai pierced Kakashi’s back.

Stab it! Kakashi’s body turned into a lightning current, flowing along the kunai to Itachi’s body.

“Purple Light!” Taking advantage of Itachi’s paralysis, Kakashi’s main body jumped out of the hole in the ground and stabbed towards Itachi.

Itachi exhausted all his strength, slightly turned his body sideways, and Zidian passed by and tore Itachi’s clothes.

Kakashi saw the momentum and kicked Itachi with a fierce kick, kicking Itachi out.

“Giant Rasengan!” Naruto, who had been waiting for a long time, hit Itachi’s back with a ball.

Itachi smiled knowingly, then he was blown away heavily and did not get up again.

“It seems to be dead. This sacrifice seems to be from Hidden Sand.” I stepped forward and checked the corpse.

Chiyo came over, glanced at corpse, and said puzzledly: “Yura? This is our Hidden Sand’s Jonin, or a high level character. I didn’t expect to be… depending on the situation, it should be Akatsuki. The spy. Forget it, death cannot wipe out the crimes.”

Naruto was still stunned, seeming to be puzzled by Itachi’s last smile.

“Okay, the enemy is resolved, let’s go on our way.” I waved.

Finally, we stopped in front of a cave, and Guy’s third shift also solved the enemy and caught up.

The cave was blocked by a huge rock, and on the rock, there were Taoist symbols.

“It’s here. I’m not good at fighting. I’ll leave it to you.” Pakkun finished speaking and disappeared with a bang.

“Okay, then in a spurt of energy, rush in and rescue Gaara.” Naruto stepped forward, ready to use Rasengan.

“Naruto, wait a minute. There is a barrier here. You must crack it to get in.” Kakashi grabbed Naruto and said, “As far as I know, this barrier is composed of four symbols. Yes, they are in the four directions of East, South, West, and North. They must be torn off at the same time to crack the barrier.”

“What are you waiting for, go find the other three symbols.” Naruto Speaking anxiously.

“Wait, there is a problem with this symbol.” I remembered the plot of the original work, and said seriously, “If I remember it well, this symbol will appear as a special clone after tearing it off. , Exactly the same as the person who tears the talisman, and the strength is the same, clone will keep attacking you until one party dies.”

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