“Fire-Style 路 Hell Array!” A tube suddenly stretched out from the palms of Sasori’s hands, and a bright red flame spouted out of it, light from the color If you look at it, you know that the temperature is extremely high enough to melt the metal.

Sure enough, Sakura threw out a few kunai, which all turned into molten iron in the flame.

“Fire-Style? Interesting, who gave you the courage to use Fire-Style in front of me.” I said with a sneer, without stopping the hand seal, “Lava-Style 路Lava Hound!”

Wow! The rocks on the ground formed the appearance of two hounds and turned into a lava shape, which looked very scary. The two hounds twisted their necks and moved towards Sasori and rushed.

Sasori moved his hand and sprayed the flames at the lava hound, probably to melt the hound.

However, under the burning of the flame, the Lava Hound not only did not disintegrate, but became bigger and more red.

“What’s going on here?” Sasori frowns said.

“The expert paragraph, this move Lava-Style, not only restrained Fire-Style, but also absorbed the power of Fire-Style, making itself stronger.” Chiyo admired.

“hateful!” Sasori had to throw away the Fire-Style scroll and took a new one. As soon as the old scroll is thrown out, it turns to ashes. It should be disposable and can no longer be used.

“Water-Style 路 Corrosion stream!” Sasori’s palm immediately spouted two streams of water, like a high-pressure water gun, which not only cooled the lava, but also directly cut the lava hound into gravel. Piece.

“Hatake Kurone! Be careful! The water pressure is very high, and it can cut very hard things.” Chiyo reminded.

“Don’t worry, although I don’t understand Puppet Master Jutsu, I have not lost the attribute Ninjutsu yet!” I laughed and continued to hand seal.

“Chiyo mother-in-law, don’t worry, Kurone teacher, he is not lost to The Ninjutsu Professor Third Hokage, an expert proficient in Nature Transformation!” Sakura proudly said, “I added Naruto before, but also There is Kakashi teacher. When Kurone teacher doesn鈥檛 use Ninjutsu, it takes a lot of effort to win.”

“How about this? It seems that I underestimated you.” Chiyo smiled. shake one’s head, “Konoha is really talented.”

“Go to hell!” Sasori waved the water and cut towards me.

“Ice-Style. The technique of quick freezing!” Just when the high-pressure water flow was about to cut me, I slammed my hand on the water flow.

“Hatake Kurone (Kurone teacher)!” Seeing my dangerous behavior, Chiyo and Sakura exclaimed.

“hmph, merely this.” A touch of sneaked appeared at the corner of Sasori’s mouth, but it immediately solidified.

Because the water flow was at the split second I met, it became ice and it froze Sasori’s hand.

“You can’t run now.” I laughed, “Lightning-Style 路 Chidori flow!”

The lightning current is transmitted to Sasori’s body along the ice pillar, speed So fast, Sasori couldn’t react at all.

“Um…” Although it is Puppet’s body, the body is connected to the regenerative nucleus. When hit by the lightning current, Sasori’s whole body twitches, looking from a distance, like Awkward dance.

“Sakura!” I called back.

Sakura immediately understood what I meant, and rushed up and punched Sasori in the chest.

Boom! Sasori’s body was completely shattered, and the parts scattered all over the place. Even the regenerating core bounced out and fell to the ground.

“Huh…Finally defeated him, worthy-of is Kurone teacher.” Sakura relaxed, slumped on the ground.

I laughed, walked over, picked up Sasori’s reproductive core, and looked at it carefully.

I know that Sasori is still alive at the moment because the regenerating core has not been harmed. In fact, I made concessions deliberately to let Sakura knock out the regenerating core. Because I’m really curious about how Sasori made the heart into such a cylindrical shape, and besides, he couldn’t turn the sky over just a regenerating nucleus.

Sasori鈥檚 regenerative nucleus has a large “Sasori” on the surface, which is covered with densely packed nerve nodes. Under Sharingan’s perspective, I was surprised to find that in the regenerative nucleus, there is not only a heart, but also a brain. No wonder, as long as the regenerative nucleus is not destroyed, Sasori will never die.

“Kurone teacher, what are you holding in your hand? It looks disgusting.” Sakura frowns said.

“This…” I raised Sasori’s reproductive nucleus and said, “This is…Um…”

Suddenly, there was a thorn in my palm. Pain, I loosened the reproductive nucleus reflexively and covered my hand.

“damned! I didn’t expect the nerves of the regenerating nucleus to sting!” I looked at my palm, and the stung place had turned black, “Oops! Poisoned!”

“Sakura! Give me the antidote!” I yelled anxiously.

“What’s the matter?” Sakura took out the antidote from her bag for unknown reasons and threw it to me.

I took the antidote and quickly injected it into the within-the-body, and then glanced around to find Sasori’s reproductive nucleus.

“damned! Where did the regenerative nuclear go?”

“Kurone teacher? What are you looking for? Why is it suddenly poisoned?” Sakura walked over.

“Quick! Find the cylindrical thing that says’Sasori’, that is Sasori’s heart! Destroy him! Otherwise Sasori can be resurrected!” I yelled anxiously, at this moment, my head He was dizzy, his eyes gradually blurred, and his limbs became weak. When Sakura was giving Kankuro treatment, I heard that after being poisoned with an antidote, the body would be paralyzed for a long time, and the body would be weak and unable to condense Chakra.

“Ahhh!” Sakura screamed suddenly and pointed his finger behind me.

I looked back with difficulty. Sure enough, Sasori has been resurrected. Because the regenerated nucleus has returned to its place, Puppet has been reassembled, and Sasori is sneaked and looked at me.

“I didn’t expect you to develop the detoxification agent. It was really unexpected. But then again, I was hit by the three of you in such a difficult situation and almost died!” Sasori’s expression changed. Getting savage, he took out the third scroll, fiercely said, “Then let you see my stunt!”

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