At the same time, Chiyo also took out an old scroll from his pocket and threw it in the sky.

“I haven’t used this thing in several decades. I thought I would not use it again in my life, but I didn’t expect to have to take it out today.” Chiyo shake one’s head helplessly.

Boom! Ten Puppets wearing white clothed clothes jumped out of the scroll. Each Puppet had a big door word on its forehead, and they all wore various baring fangs and brandishing claws monster masks, which looked very fierce.

“Oh! I have long heard that Grandma Chiyo has a stunt called the White Secret Technique ·The Chikamatsu Collection of Ten Puppets, which was made by Puppet Sect Founder Monzaemon. It uses ten fingers to control ten at the same time. A Puppet is the pinnacle of technology among Puppet Master Jutsu.” Sasori exclaimed, “I finally saw it today.”

“Manipulating ten Puppets at the same time? That’s amazing!” Sakura was amazed.

“One of the strengths of a Puppeteer is to see how many Puppets he can manipulate. I heard that Grandma Chiyo once used The Chikamatsu Collection of Ten Puppets to capture a city, but ah.” Sasori opened. A lid on his chest, the densely packed Chakra Threads ejected, Sasori threw the scroll into the sky, and a piece of Puppet was crushed to fill the sky. “I used this to capture a country.” “

“This…how is this possible…” Sakura and Chiyo were stunned, “You can control so many Puppets at the same time, this… there must be hundreds of people!”


I withdrew to the entrance of the cave with difficulty, sat down with my heart in my hands, and said: “This is Sasori’s skill. I have seen it. It is called Red Secret Technique · Performance of a Hundred Puppets. There are 100 Puppets. .”

“But…how did he control a hundred Puppets at the same time?” Sakura looked incredible.

“If I guess it is correct, he has connected Chakra Threads to the regenerating core, so he can break through physical limitations and control so many Puppets.” Chiyo said seriously.

“Hatake Kurone was poisoned. Now his whole body is paralyzed. It will take a few minutes to get back to normal. Now it’s up to the two of us to deal with Sasori’s Puppet.” Chiyo frowns’ head, expressionless Speaking, “Sakura, are you ready?”

“Well, don’t worry!” Sakura solemnly nodded.

su su 簌! Puppet, dressed in dark red, hiding the sky and covering the earth rushed over.

Chiyo also controlled The Chikamatsu Collection of Ten Puppets and entered the Puppet group. Although Sasori’s Puppet is large in number, the quality is not as good as The Chikamatsu Collection of Ten Puppets. After all, to control so many Puppets at the same time requires a lot of focus. The Chikamatsu Collection of Ten Puppets dressed in white clothed clothes are like a series of white training. They are killing and killing in the dark red Puppet crowd. It is unstoppable. Sasori’s Puppets are constantly being destroyed, but I know that Sasori only wins by numbers. , And the smaller the number of Puppets, the more focused Sasori’s control will be, and the more powerful Puppet will be.

In the white clothed Puppet, there is a female Puppet with a hairstyle like Uzumaki Mito, holding a Twinsword, dancing up and down to harvest Sasori’s Puppet constantly. There was another Puppet wearing a blue mask. From the top of the head, many steel thorns protruded and shattered the Puppet beside him. There is also a white-haired Puppet stretched out his arm, and then grows spikes from the joints to trap the enemy and then use ** to destroy the enemy…

Itachi has seen Puppet of Monzaemon, but I still underestimated his strength. I didn’t expect that the Puppet handed down by Monzaemon can display such a powerful formidable power even in the hands of other Puppeteers. The Chikamatsu Collection of Ten Puppets are very strong in every strength. Puppet is seamlessly coordinated with both offense and defense. First-Kage Puppeteer’s strength is really at its peak.

Three Puppets in white clothed clothes stood in the “Pin” font, then opened their mouths, revealing the words “Buddha”, “Dharma” and “Monk” respectively.

“The Three Treasures are sucked!”

The surrounding Puppet was immediately attracted, and then squeezed into pieces.

However, Sasori’s Puppets are too much. Chiyo gradually has quality level not matching up to aspirations. The speed of manipulating Puppet has slowed down a lot. The Chikamatsu Collection of Ten Puppets has also begun to lose out and have been cut out. Wound.

Because there are too many Puppets being sucked, the Three Treasures have lost its effect. The three white clothed Puppets are overwhelmed by the red-clothed Puppets.

“Sakura, I will use Puppet to cover you, hurry up! Attack Sasori’s main body!” Chiyo yelled.

Sakura not saying anything further, moved towards Sasori rushed forward, and three white clothed Puppets guarded Sakura’s side, protecting her from damage.

“Sakura, use this to attack Sasori!” Chiyo yelled, and then a Puppet spit out a white Chakra Ball with a beast head wrapped in it. At the split second that Sakura received, the white clothed Puppet was chopped to pieces.

Finally, Sakura is close to Sasori, and at this time, there is no Puppet guarantee and protect.

“It’s now!” Sakura threw the Chakra Ball fiercely, through the gap in the Puppet, and smashed towards Sasori.

The head of the beast in Chakra Ball gradually grew bigger and opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. Sasori was too late to dodge because he controlled Puppet, and was bitten by the head of the beast and nailed to the rock. On the wall.

“This thing can seal Chakra, this time, you can’t run, Sasori.” Chiyo looked at the messy scene and said.

The Chikamatsu Collection of Ten Puppets has been wiped out, and Sasori’s Puppet, because of losing control, is paralyzed.

looked at Sasori with an empty chest on the rock wall. I know this is not over yet, but it doesn’t matter anymore, because I’m back to normal. The split second that Sasori was hit just now, the regenerative nuclear bomb came out, it should be attached to which Puppet now, it should be waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack.

I watched the Puppet on the ground vigilantly. Although I know that Chiyo and Sakura will be fine, because Sasori will eventually make concessions in the original work, but Sasori must be killed by me, so here, I can’t According to the normal development of things.

Sure enough, just when Chiyo slackened, a Puppet behind her stood up and brandished a knife moved towards Chiyo, and at this time, I also moved.

pu! A long sword exuding azure glow and winding lightning current pierced Sasori’s reproductive core.

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