“Um…” Sasori stopped moving suddenly, blood was flowing from the corner of his mouth, and he slowly turned his head back, “How… maybe… when did you come behind me? “

“Do you remember when you first revealed your real body? At that time, I stabbed you with a sword. Although it didn’t pierce the regenerative core, the body of the sword stuck to it. So I was in your regenerative core It left the mark of Flying Thunder God Jutsu.” I used Ice-Style to block Sasori’s limbs to prevent him from making small movements.

“It turned out to be like this. I am careless, but why are you only doing it now?” Sasori has completely given up resistance.

“Your Puppet has too many tricks, I’m not sure, so I have been waiting for the opportunity.” I laughed, walked to the raised stone and sat down.

“Really cautious.” Sasori moved the corners of his mouth slightly, laughed.

“Yeah, I’m so cautious, but I almost followed your way.” I shake one’s head, “You don’t have much time, do you have any last words or something to tell you Grandma’s confession, please speak quickly.”

“Sasori…” Chiyo walked up, looked Sasori, speechless for a long time.

“If Grandma Chiyo has something to say quickly, I won’t hear it right away.” Sasori looked Chiyo with a complicated expression, I don’t know what she thought of.

“Sasori, you become the way you are now. I have a responsibility. However, you are now full of bad luck. You deserved it when you ended up like this. I hope you are below and can live with your parents. I will soon Come to you.” Chiyo sighed and said.

“boring, still nagging like before.” Sasori put his head aside, not knowing what he was thinking.

Suddenly, Sasori lifts the head, looked Sakura, and said: “As a reward for defeating me, I will tell you the news of Orochimaru. Ten days later, you will go to the Tiandi Bridge in Ninja Village. “

“What do you mean?” As soon as he heard the news of Orochimaru, Sakura stepped forward immediately.

“Orochimaru has my spy under Orochimaru, I made an appointment with him to meet at Tiandiqiao…” Tone barely fell, Sasori’s head lowered.

“Spy? What do you mean? You can make it clearer!”

“Okay, Sakura, he is dead.” I stood up and walked over to relieve Ice- Style, and then pulled out Qingfeng, “Let’s talk about this later.”

In the original work, Sasori was plot against Chiyo because of the make concessions, and the Puppet of the father and mother was pierced and reborn. nuclear. At this time, Sasori probably didn’t have make concessions. I put one on it. It’s a pity that he still didn’t have time to use the fourth scroll.

However, I was still curious about what the fourth scroll was, so I walked to the side of the rock, took Sasori’s body off, and drew the fourth scroll from behind him.

“Hatake Kurone, what are you doing?” Chiyo walked over curiously.

“It’s like this, Sasori’s back is carrying four scrolls. The first three are Fire-Style, Water-Style, and Red Secret Technique Performance of a Hundred Puppets. I’m very curious about the fourth one. What is it, I don’t know if it’s Ninjutsu or Puppet Master Jutsu that is more powerful than Performance of a Hundred Puppets.” I explained, “But I remember Sasori said that Performance of a Hundred Puppets is his stunt. It’s hard to imagine the first What is in the four scrolls, the order of use can be ranked behind Performance of a Hundred Puppets.”

Chiyo and Sakura also expressed their curiousity, so they came over, and in the eyes of the two of them, I Slowly opened the scroll.

The three of us were suddenly shocked, staring at the content in the scroll for a long time.

“It seems that we won, but Sasori, the child, he doesn’t want to play anymore.” Chiyo sighed said.

“Sasori transformed himself into a Puppet, but there is still a physical part. It still hasn’t become a real Puppet. It still has human emotions.” I said silently, and then closed the scroll.

In the scroll, it is not a powerful Ninjutsu or Puppet Master Jutsu, but a family portrait, the young Sasori in it, smiling happily.

“Okay, let’s go after Naruto. Naruto’s character is too impulsive. Gaara was caught this time. I’m afraid Naruto will lose her mind.” Sakura said worriedly.

“Yes, the remaining Akatsuki member, but sneaked into Hidden Sand Village and beat Kazekage Gaara’s expert heads-up. Naruto and Kakashi may not be able to deal with it.” Chiyo also said, “We are here. Now that the side is resolved, please follow me immediately.”

“Well, wait for me.” I nodded, and then sealed Sasori’s body, together with the reproductive nucleus and the father and mother Puppet, to this In the scroll, right next to the family portrait.

“Hatake Kurone, what are you?” Chiyo was taken aback when I saw what I did, and then looked at me gratefully, and said, “If the old man dies, bother you and take me Also seal in, and burn the scroll.”

“I understood.” I put the scroll away, moved towards Chiyo nodded, “But, Chiyo mother-in-law, you have to live as much as possible, don’t Puppet Master Jutsu in Hidden Sand Village still needs someone to inherit.”

As soon as I got out of the cave, I ran into Guy’s third class. All of them were very difficult. It has gone through a lot of hard work.

“What’s the matter? Didn’t I tell you how to crack it? How come you have made such a difficult situation.” I asked suspiciously, “You are here after I have finished fighting.”


“Don’t mention it, I see that clone has exactly the same strength as mine, so I was motivated to fight. I played with him for a long time, and finally opened the Eight-Inner Gates because I couldn’t win.” Guy Sorry speaking.

The other three people also wanted to explain, but I waved and rejected them: “Okay, I know what’s going on with you, it shouldn’t be too late, just don’t say one by one, let’s hurry up Go to Naruto and them.”

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