“Is it worth trading one life for another?” Kakashi sighed said.

“Life is equivalent. As for whether it is worth it or not, I think only Chiyo’s mother-in-law understood herself.” I said expressionlessly, and then turned around and came to the crystallized Deidara.

“What do you do with this guy?” Guy came over and asked, “Do you want to bring back Konoha?”

“What to bring?” I let out a dumb smile, “Inside , It’s an Earth-Style clone that’s all.”

“What?” After hearing my words, even Kakashi was shocked, and he immediately said with a bitter smile, “I didn’t expect him to run away like this Now, I’m careless.”

“Don’t blame you, Akatsuki’s members are all S-Rank Missing-nin. How can you get in without a little ability, and clean him up next time. “I smiled and hand-seal, “Particle-Style · The original world peeled off!”

The whole crystal block instantly turned into dust, and my within-the-body seal did not change, proving that it was indeed just a clone.

When I defeated Sasori just now, I unlocked a brass lock within-the-body. Now my strength has almost entered Kage Level. If this happens then, there are some people who deal with Akatsuki. grasp.

I looked back at Gaara. He was awake, but he hadn’t completely slowed down. After all, he walked in the gate of hell. However, judging from his expression looking at Chiyo, Naruto and the others should have told him the truth.

“Hateful! If I were stronger, I won’t be plot against by the Akatsuki guys! Mother-in-law Chiyo won’t be because of me…” Gaara lowered her head reproachfully, tightly Gritting his teeth, “Maybe I am not suitable for Kazekage, because of my incompetence, Hidden Sand Village has suffered such a great loss.”

“Gaara, it is not your fault! Cheer up!” Naruto He leaned down, shook Gaara’s shoulder vigorously, and said loudly, “You are Kazekage! If you are all broken, what will happen to Hidden Sand Village! Granny Chiyo died to save you, you are like this, her sacrifice Does it make sense?”

“Naruto…” Gaara lifts the head, her eyes become firm, “Yes! You are right! I can’t sink! I want to become-stronger! I want more Lead Hidden Sand Village to glory!”

“That’s right!” Naruto smiled hehe and helped Gaara up and gave him a thumbs up, “I have heard about it, you and The enemy battle, crushed an arm of the enemy, and finally saved the village, Chakra was exhausted, and was caught by the enemy. It was a qualified Kazekage!”

Listen to Naruto’s series of talks Gaara’s expression finally stabilized, she put away her negative emotions, and her face was firm. I know from this moment on, Gaara has been transformed. Although she has lost Shukaku, she has lost her horse.

truly worthy of Naruto, eloquence is great, a few words alleviated the dignified atmosphere of the scene and encouraged everyone, especially Gaara. No wonder Naruto was able to influence Gaara in the original work, turning him from a murder weapon, a monster, to an outstanding ninja, having many friends, and even becoming a Kazekage. Naruto has the greatest influence on Gaara, so that as soon as Gaara appears on the stage, it will not leave Naruto in three sentences, making readers always think that Gaara has the same feelings as Naruto.

Okay, let’s get back to business. I put away my thoughts, walked to Chiyo’s corpse, and squatted down. After defeating Sasori, Chiyo once asked me one thing, and now it’s probably time to cash it out.

“Kurone teacher, what are you?” Sakura was a little surprised seeing my actions.

“Chiyo’s mother-in-law told me before, let me seal her corpse with Sasori, and her father’s and mother’s Puppet, and then destroy it. Although it’s a bit cruel, the dead are bigger, so I’ll help Let her give it a hand.” I took out the scroll, sealed Chiyo’s corpse in, and burned the scroll with Fire-Style, “Chiyo senior, farewell.”

The scroll that looked gradually burned out, Gaara has a complicated expression and doesn’t know what she is thinking. But no matter what, Chiyo and Sasori will at least not be released by Impure World Reincarnation anymore, and their family can be reunited in the Pure Land of Bliss.

Finally, this battle ended with Akatsuki’s conspiracy. In Hidden Sand Village, in addition to Chiyo’s death, there are also two high level spys that were used as clones, and some extra casualties. Of course, the biggest loss was the one-Tails that was taken away. As for Konoha who came to the rescue, although several people were injured, it did not have any impact. It can be said that the rescue mission was completed excellently. As for the One-Tails not retaken, Hidden Sand Village can’t blame us. .

This time, Hidden Sand Village lost their only Tailed Beast, and the village’s battle strength dropped drastically. It can no longer be equal to other Ninja Villages, so it has also been ridiculed by other Ninja Villages. However, Akatsuki’s actions will definitely not stop. When the next time, Two-Tails to Seven-Tails are arrested one after another, I don’t think they can laugh.

In this way, after accepting the extreme thanks from Gaara and Hidden Sand Village, we returned to Hidden Leaf Village.

“This time I was rewarded. I unlocked a locked seal and improved my combat experience a lot.” Lying on the bed, I quietly thought, “I didn’t expect Sasori It’s so powerful. The three of us spent Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers to clean him up. It’s really… But after this time, I should be able to relax for a while.”

I didn’t expect it. It happened, 2nd day, I was called by Tsunade, and I met an unexpected person in Hokage’s Office.

“Senior Kurone, long time no see!” A handsome face appeared before my eyes.

“Yes, I haven’t seen it in years.” I said with a smile, “Tenzo, I trust you have been well since we last met.”

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