“What? Let me go to Tiandiqiao with me?” After hearing Tsunade’s words, I couldn’t help but complain.

I didn’t expect these trivial things to let me go. Although the Tiandiqiao, Orochimaru and Yakushi-Kabuto will appear this time, there is no danger. But if I go, I will inevitably fight Orochimaru. Besides, I can’t kill Orochimaru for sure. Yakushi-Kabuto, I don’t know what strength it is now. If I don’t reach Kage Level, it doesn’t make sense for me to defeat him. If I have reached Kage Level, I won’t be so easy to kill him in front of Orochimaru. Besides, Yakushi-Kabuto is behind, and there are many things to promote the development of plot. I just want to understand the seal, it is definitely irrational to kill him blindly. Therefore, this time I went to Tiandiqiao, I didn’t need to participate at all, and I was thankless. But Tsunade gave the order and I had to go.

“What are you complaining about, don’t forget the original agreement.” Tsunade gave me a blank look, “Let you escort Naruto to take over that’s all, so repulsive.”

“You can’t Let Kakashi and the others go? This kind of mission, there is no need for me to go.” I shrugged helplessly, shitting.

“This mission is not dangerous, but it is very important. It requires careful people to go. When Kakashi went to Hidden Sand Village to rescue Gaara, Chakra was a bit overused and needed a two-day rest. Send village I don’t worry about going to other people. After thinking about it, I think Hatake Kurone is the most suitable.” Tsunade stared at me and said.

“I…” After listening to Tsunade’s words, I was speechless and had to compromise, “Come on, let me go. Then you call Tenzo to help me?”

“Yes, when I rescued Gaara last time, Naruto within-the-body’s Nine-Tails showed signs of being uncontrollable, so this time I specially transferred to Wood-Style’s Tenzo. Wood-Style It is useful for Nine-Tails. Although I know that you can also use Wood-Style, I am worried that if you have to deal with the enemy, you will not have time to take care of Naruto, so I still assign Tenzo to you as a deputy to ensure nothing is lost.” Tsunade analysis After a bit of pros and cons, I can’t help but look at it with admiration.

“Worthy-of is Hokage, so thoughtful.” I didn’t mean anything to praise, and said with a smile.

“Oh, it’s really rare. Hatake Kurone, who dared to fight against Danzo, would still shoot my flattery.” Hearing what I said, Tsunade was taken aback and then laughed.

“It’s not a flattery, I’m telling the truth.” After listening to Tsunade’s words, I immediately put away my smile and got serious, otherwise I would really be regarded as a flattery.

“Senior Kurone, I have to ask you for your advice again this time.” Tenzo smiled and walked over.

“I haven’t seen you in a few years, Tenzo, why do you tell me so, we were an Anbu’s life and death brother.” I took Tenzo’s shoulder and fiercely hammered him a few times.

“Senior, elder… forgive…” Tenzo struggled.

“You two, stop making trouble, I haven’t finished it yet!” Seeing me fighting with Tenzo, Tsunade pretended to be angry and said, “You two is not a child anymore, one more than thirty Years old, one is almost thirty years old, how can he still be like Naruto and the others, fooling around.”

When I heard Tsunade’s lesson, Tenzo and I became serious.

“Lady Tsunade is going to announce the person going to Tiandiqiao, I guess, besides Naruto and Tenzo, there should be Sakura.” I said casually.

“Tenzo is from Anbu, so you can’t use your real name directly this time. You can alias…emmmm…just call Yamato.” Tsunade pondered said, “Sakura naturally has to follow. Yes, after all, she is a Medical-nin, and the news this time is related to Sasuke. As for Naruto, it would be even more impossible not to let him go. But…”

Seeing Tsunade who has stopped talking, I sneered: “If I guess it’s right, Danzo should want to send someone in, after all, it’s a big deal.”

“I can’t hide it from you.” Tsunade sighed said, “Danzo persuaded The two Elders of the staff, arranged a Root member to replace Sasuke, joined Team-7, and participated in this operation. The code name of that Anbu is called Sai.”

“Sai… “Hearing this name, a very white and handsome face appeared in my mind, “It’s him.”

“Why? Senior Kurone, do you know this Saai?” Hear me Talking, Tenzo asked.

“No, I don’t know…” I waved his hand.

“In this operation, Hatake Kurone is the Captain and Yamato is the Vice-Captain. You two will discuss and decide what is going on.” Tsunade continued, “As for that Sai, what did Danzo send him to do? , I think you guys know too, so don’t worry about him, just make sure that he doesn’t affect his actions. If he does anything harmful to Konoha or Naruto, you know what to do.” After that, Tsunade revealed a murderous aura. Look.

Tenzo and I looked tight: “Understood.”

Fortunately, Sai’s heart is Konoha. He has his own thoughts and was not completely obliterate. So in the end, he was also influenced by Naruto. The influence, from the dark roots to the sunlight, contributed a lot to Konoha.

After coming out of Tsunade, I discussed with Yamato. Although there are still eight or nine days before the action, we still gather everyone together. After all, a new team needs to run in to play the strongest. Great power.

But what I didn’t expect was that Naruto had already met Sai and had a big fight.

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