“You guy! Who the hell is it? Why follow me?” Faced with Sai’s stalking, Naruto sent out several Shadow Clone very angrily, but Sai was helpless.

Looking at Sai’s smirk, Naruto felt that the other party was laughing at him, even more impossible to restrain one’s anger. But judging from the opponent’s headband, it is also Konoha’s ninja after all, so using a large formidable power Ninjutsu like Rasengan is also not appropriate.

“damned! Where did this guy come out! Why is he following me?” Naruto scratched his head, feeling helpless.

“Almost done, Naruto, Sai, stop making trouble.” At this time, I jumped off the roof next to me and stood between the two of them, stopping the confrontation between the two.

“Very good! Kurone teacher, you are finally here! This guy has been following me, I can’t help him, Kurone teacher, hurry up…” Naruto said quickly as if he had seen the savior.

“Okay, stop making trouble!” I scolded, and then took a meaningful look at Sajing, “The third practice ground is set, and there is a mission to release.”

“hmph ! I have a mission, I will let you go this time.” Naruto glanced at Sai, then turned and walked away.

Sai was still expressionless, silently conjured a bird with the super beast pseudo-painting, and flew away.

“The team was at odds at the beginning, it was really a headache.” I knocked on my head, feeling helpless, think about the agent Captain in the original work is Yamato, it should also be a headache for the relationship between the two people Right.

“Forget it, let’s do it, Sai will be affected by Naruto anyway.” I didn’t bother to care about that many, a moment came to the third practice ground.

After waiting for a few minutes, everyone came to the practice ground one after another, but Naruto and Sai couldn’t see each other and almost fought. It’s just because of me that I dare not act rashly.

“Kurone teacher, why did this guy come? And this senior, who is it?” Naruto leaned over, pointed at Saai, and pointed at Yamato behind me, curiously asked, “Won’t Kakashi teacher come?”

“Naruto!” Sakura punched Naruto, then dragged him back, saying, “Kurone teacher will tell you the details of the mission, don’t make a noise!”

“Oh…” Naruto touched the bag on his head with a bitter expression, and said helplessly.

“Kakashi overused Chakra last time. I need to take a break.” I gave Naruto a blank look, and then announced, “So this mission is led by me, Fifth-Hokage also sent Anbu, Root I sent this Chunin to help us, so let’s introduce yourself.”

“Good senior Kurone.” Yamato took two steps forward and smiled and said, “My name is Yamato, and I am directly under Anbu of Hokage. , This mission is to assist Team-7 in carrying out this mission, please treat me kindly.”

“At the same time, I am also Vice-Captain of the mission team. If someone doesn’t obey the order, I’ll do it myself.”

“At the same time, I am also Vice-Captain of the mission team. If you advocate…” Then, Yamato scowled and stared at Naruto and said, “I will practice dark methods.”

“…” Naruto was startled by Yamato’s gloomy face. Jump, and behaved very seriously immediately, “Make sure to obey the order.”

“Un.” Yamato’s expression immediately changed back, with a smile on his face.

“I am Sai, from the root, I am ordered by Lord Danzo to assist Hatake Kurone Captain in completing this mission.”

Sai’s introduction is very concise and clear, giving people a kind of coldness feel.

“My name is Haruno Sakura, I am Medical-nin, Lady Tsunade’s discipline, please take care of me.” Sakura also introduced herself.

“I am Uzumaki Naruto, I will become Hokage in the future.” Naruto carefree patted his chest, grinning, “I…”

“It’s alright, so be it “I hurriedly interrupted Naruto. If he was asked to talk about his ambitions, he might not be able to stop again. “Next, I will announce the status of this mission.”

I came out a scroll and handed it to the three people in front of me. The content on the scroll is already familiar to me. This is something I must do as a Captain.

“Because the risk is not very high, this time the mission is rated as B-Rank.” During the three people’s pass on the scroll, I said, “The location of the mission is in Ninja Village. Tiandiqiao, the high level of Konoha has been negotiated with Ninja Village, so there will be no ninja from Ninja Village to interfere with us. And the content of the mission, I think you should have seen it, that is, with the late Akatsuki member Sasori of The Red Sand got information from Orochimaru’s spy connector. And in this information, there is likely to be information about Sasuke.”

“Sasuke!” Upon hearing the name, Naruto and Sakura looked at each other. Tight, his expression became serious. Especially Naruto’s eyes became hot.

“It’s been three years, and finally there is news from Sasuke.” Naruto held the fist tightly, with a rare serious expression.

“Okay, the mission situation has also been reported to you. Let me talk about the mission arrangement.” I glanced at Naruto and said blankly, “I have discussed the action plan with Yamato Vice-Captain. After that, several action plans have been formulated based on the actual situation. Because of confidentiality, I will not tell you in detail now.”

“What! Then what are we going to do in the past few days.” Naruto Holding head with both hands, a look of disgust.

“There are still eight days before the mission. In order to ensure that the mission is foolproof, so you have only one thing in these eight days, practice and practice again.”

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