“What did you say!” Naruto jumped up immediately when he heard the words of the pocket, “No! Sasuke is in danger! I have to go and take him back to Konoha.”

“Naruto, calm down!” Yamato grabbed Naruto and said, “The Orochimaru stronghold is so big, do you know where Sasuke is? Just run wild! Senior Kurone will do something, obey the order!”

When I heard Yamato throw the pot to me, I had no choice but to say: “Don’t worry, Naruto, it’s impossible to kill Sasuke with Sai’s strength. Orochimaru’s stronghold mechanism is heavy and it looks like a maze. Like, you follow me and don’t run around.”

After hearing what I said, Naruto calmed down and said to me: “I’m understood, Kurone teacher, then let’s go in quickly.”


I gave him a white look, then looked at the pocket, and said with a smile, “I think this pocket is not very honest. It is inconvenient to take him with us when we go in. It’s better…”

Speaking, I slowly draw Qingfeng.

“Eh eh eh! Don’t kill me!” Tou started to panic, and immediately shouted, “I am useful! Useful!”

“Oh? Then you tell me , What’s the use of you?” I smirked and inserted Qingfeng back, “If you can’t reflect your value, then I won’t keep you.”

“I I, I… I can show you the way, I know where Sasuke is!” Dou said immediately.

“Oh is it?” I opened Sharingan and stared at him, “Do you think I need you to lead the way?”

“Kurone-senpai has Sharingan, Who needs your unreliable spy to lead the way!” Yamato laughed, squeezed his eyebrows at me, deliberately raised his voice, and said, “Since it’s useless, then kill it.”

“Don’t…don’t, don’t, don’t…I also know Orochimaru’s eyeliner in Konoha, I can tell you.” Dou quickly said.

“It’s worth a little bit.” I held back a smile, pretending to be serious.

Actually, I didn’t plan to kill the pocket at all. After all, he has a very big boost to the plot behind. Without him, Fourth Shinobi World War would still be uncertain what it would become. As for the eyeliner, it’s just an excuse to spare him that’s all.

“Congratulations, you can live.” I winked at Yamato, “Yamato, leave a clone to watch him, let’s go in.”

“good!” Yamato Put your hands together, create a wooden clone, and stand beside your pocket.

“Let’s go in.” I took everyone and walked into Orochimaru’s stronghold.

I scanned it with Sharingan, and I saw Sasuke in a deep room.

“Sasuke is sleeping in a deep room.” Suddenly, another figure appeared in my line of sight, “Wait! Sai seems to have entered.”

“What !” Everyone was surprised.

“Sasuke is in danger! Hurry!” Naruto ran inside immediately.

“Naruto! You will get lost if you run like this!” Sakura shouted.

“Don’t worry! Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Naruto created hundreds of Shadow Clone, which instantly filled the narrow aisles, “Everyone spread out and open! Take different forks, find Sasuke and report to the main body immediately !”

“good!” The Shadow Clone immediately scattered and went in different directions.

“This is a way, it seems that Naruto is not stupid yet, haha.” I laughed and continued to walk forward.

“Sai didn’t seem to intend to kill Sasuke, but wanted to catch Sasuke. Sasuke broke free and the two fought.” I continued.

After running for a few minutes, we came to a blocked door.

“Sasuke and Sai are behind this door.” I waved his hand and said.

“Sasuke!” Naruto pushed in immediately, followed by Sakura, and Yamato followed along.

“Naruto is really persevering.” I shake one’s head, helplessly followed.

Get rid of the narrow passage of all black, no daylight, everything becomes clear at once. Behind the door is an arena-like place, and the top of the head is the sky, which is very spacious.

Sasuke is standing on a high place, looking at Sai, who is squatting on the ground, with an arrogant look.

“Sasuke! I finally found you!” Naruto exclaimed excitedly.

“Sasuke-san…” Sakura was also quite excited.

“Naruto? Sakura?” Sasuke was taken aback for a moment, and then said blankly, “long time no see.”

“Who are you again?” Sasuke stared. Yamato asked, “Where is Kakashi?”

“Senior Kakashi is in the hospital. I haven’t come. I am the agent of Team-7, Jonin-Sensei Yamato.” Yamato stared at Sasuke and said, “You are Uchiha. Sasuke.”

“Is it a substitute for Kakashi?” Sasuke didn’t pay attention to Yamato, glanced at Sai, and said, “Then this guy is the one who replaced me. It’s really whimsical. It’s boring to take me back to Konoha.”

“Sasuke! Come with me back to Konoha! The friends in the village are waiting for you!” Naruto said sincerely.

“A boring bond. What I want to pursue is a powerful force, Naruto, you are too weak, you…” Suddenly, Sasuke noticed me who was walking in the back, and was slightly taken aback.” Is Kurone teacher here?”

Sasuke calls Kakashi by his first name, but I didn’t expect to call me teacher. It seems that I have a lot of influence on him.

“Sasuke, long time no see, you become-stronger a lot.” I smiled slightly.

“Kurone teacher is overwhelmed, but you are a recognized expert by Konoha.” Sasuke smiled frankly, “I wonder if you are following this time, are you planning to take me back?”

“If possible, it would be a good idea to take you back. Naruto has suffered a lot for you.” I said with a smile.

“Although I know that I should not be the opponent of Kurone teacher, but in the past three years, I have become-stronger a lot.” Sasuke slowly draws Kusanagi sword and said, “Let me see Look, how far is the gap between me and Kurone teacher!”

“Sasuke! Your opponent is me!” Naruto stood in front of Sasuke with a serious face, “I lost three years ago. Today I I will defeat you and take you back!”

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