However, Sasuke only used Sharingan to look at Naruto, and Naruto hit Genjutsu and froze in place.

“If it wasn’t because I didn’t want to kill you, I would have used your life in exchange for a stronger power.” Sasuke posted in front of Naruto, said softly in Naruto’s ear, and slowly Raise the Kusanagi sword.

“Not good! Naruto is dangerous!” Yamato saw the situation and immediately raised his hand, using Wood-Style to isolate Naruto from Sasuke.

Sasuke did not speak, and silently stepped back a few steps, quietly looking Yamato rescued Naruto, and then released Genjutsu from Naruto.

“Hateful!” Naruto woke up and immediately showed a guilty expression, “Is there such a big gap between Sasuke and I! What am I doing these three years!”

“no! I don’t believe it! Come again!” Naruto stood up again, ready to seal Shadow Clone, “I haven’t lost yet! I must take you back!”

“Enough! Naruto.” I stepped forward and patted Naruto’s shoulder. “You have been left behind by Sasuke. Now you can’t beat him. Go back and train well, surpass him, and beat him.”

“Kurone teacher…I…Can I do it?” Naruto gazed me, full of confusion, “I have lost twice. Can I really win Sasuke?”

“Of course, I believe you, you are going to be a Hokage person, because you are… Uzumaki Naruto!” My words seemed to touch Naruto’s nerves and made Naruto tears in his eyes.

“Kurone teacher…ten years ago, in Ramen Ichiraku’s shop, you encouraged me like that! I always remember!” Naruto’s choked words were mixed with tears, which made Sakura next to him a little bit Moved, “I will not let you down! Kurone teacher, I will definitely become Hokage!”

This scene seems to be back ten years ago, at dusk, Ramen Ichiraku shop, a young man Jonin and a lonely Little Brat, eating ramen and chatting about life.

“It’s really useless lowest ranking, I will cry!” Sasuke’s eyes are a bit complicated, but he still said indifferently, “Kurone teacher, Sasuke is not talented, I hope to ask for some advice.”

“Okay, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke. In the past, I was your teacher. Today, I will give you another lesson.” I slowly draw Qingfeng and walked in front of Sasuke, “No training Ending, don’t be arrogant because you are becoming-stronger, remember, in this world, there is always someone who is better than us, the road to become-stronger is endless.”

“Three You’ve grown a lot taller, Sasuke, you’ve grown a lot in the new year. You’re going to surpass me.” I said with a smile while holding Qingfeng in my hand.

Sasuke didn’t talk nonsense and stabbed me directly.

clang! I smashed Sasuke’s stab with one sword, and exclaimed: “Well, Sasuke, your attack is still so fierce, Naruto, you have to learn to attack must be steady and ruthless, don’t talk nonsense.”

Dang dang dang! Sasuke even changed direction to attack me, but I easily blocked it.

“Yamato Captain, why Kurone teacher has always been on defense and did not take the initiative to attack? Is Sasuke’s strength strong enough to tie Kurone teacher?” Sakura asked.

“You underestimate Senior Kurone, let alone Sasuke, even if we all go together, it is not his opponent. Senior Kurone is just testing Sasuke’s strength that’s all, because Sasuke is now open With Sharingan, as long as Senior moves, he can immediately discover Senior’s attacking intentions and respond to them. So Senior responds to changes in the same way, only using clever tricks to resolve Sasuke’s attacks, and even Chakra has no use. This is tactical. It’s called Yiyi waiting for work.” Yamato explained.

“It turns out that it is, it seems that I still have a lot to learn.” Naruto stared thoughtfully at the figure of me fighting with Sasuke, and said softly.

“Kurone teacher looks down on me! It’s so perfunctory!” Sasuke saw his full attack, but I was imperviously blocked, and he said with some annoyance.

“I’m afraid of hurting you.” With that, I gathered some Chakras, attached them to Qingfeng, and slashed them out forcefully.

Sasuke saw that this sword was coming quickly, and also used Sharingan to see that I had increased my strength, and did not dare to neglect, so he immediately put the Kusanagi sword in front of him by a block.

clang! The heavy collision of the two swords wiped out the violent sparks. Sasuke stepped back several steps before stabilizing the figure, and the hand holding the sword couldn’t stop shaking.

“Very powerful Chakra!” Sasuke said with lingering fear, “If Kurone teacher does his best, I can’t stop even one move, right?”

“Since Kenjutsu I If you can’t win, then try Ninjutsu!” As he said, Sasuke quickly hand-seal, and the dazzling lightning current climbed onto the Kusanagi sword.

“Chidori flow, not bad, not bad.” I was quite amazed. At the same time, Qing Feng flicked it, and the black lightning current also entangled the sword.

Under the lightning current of black, Azure Edge Sword exudes the rays of light of azure. The two colors complement each other, and there is an indescribable weirdness.

“Black’s lightning current? What kind of technique is this? Forget it, don’t worry.” Sasuke shake one’s head, rushing towards me.

Actually, this move is just the Chidori stream of the Lan Dun version. Although it has a smaller formidable power than the Chidori stream, it is more flexible and complements the advantages of Qingfeng. Sasuke’s Chidori stream will meet with me, and it will definitely be defeated. It’s just that after defeating Sasuke, what should I do? I can’t let Yamato go in front of them, let him go, and I can’t catch him back to Konoha. It’s really difficult.

Just as I was struggling, a kunai flew from the top of the head and interrupted Sasuke’s attack. Sasuke immediately took two steps back and lifted the head.

I also lifted the head, saw the familiar face, and finally relaxed: “Orochimaru, you finally appeared.”

“No way, originally I didn’t want to appear in The only thing in front of you is that I won’t show up again. You probably have to take my good discipline back to Konoha.” Orochimaru sneered, “Sasuke, you can’t beat him. We should go. If we don’t go, we won’t be able to go. “

Sasuke looked at me, then looked up at Orochimaru, put away the Kusanagi sword, and walked with Orochimaru.

At this time, Yamato leaned in my ear and said to me: “Yakushi-Kabuto killed my clone and ran, what should I do next.”

“Kurone teacher , Sasuke…” Sakura asked hesitantly, “Shall we chase?”

I looked at Naruto, but he was surprisingly not chasing Sasuke. It seems that it was me and Sasuke. The match had a big impact on him.

“Let’s go back, I will work hard, sooner or later one day, I will defeat Sasuke, defeat Orochimaru, and bring Sasuke back to Konoha.” Naruto looked my eyes and said firmly.

“It seems that this trip is not in vain.” Yamato and I glanced at each other, and said with a smile.

“Well, the mission is over, go back to Konoha.” I walked to Sai and said, “Although I don’t know what mission Danzo has given you, you can go back and come back. There is Lady Tsunade here. , He won’t be difficult for you. But I’ll give you a piece of advice. If you stay in the dark for too long, you will lose the light. I hope you can do it for yourself.”

Sai thoughtfully nodded, riding the bird first. .

And I took Yamato and they returned to Konoha. As soon as I entered the gate, I ran into the Asuma team who hurried out.

“Hey Asuma, are you extremely worried about going out, is there any emergency mission?” I asked casually.

“The Temple of Fire is destroyed.” Asuma’s face was very bad, he said in a deep voice, “Akatsuki is starting to act again.”

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