“What?!” After hearing Asuma’s words, Yamato and I were surprised, but we were not surprised by the same thing.

Yamato’s surprise should only be because Akatsuki acted again. And I am, to a large extent, doubtful. Because I clearly remember that it was Kakuzu and Hidan in Akatsuki that destroyed the Temple of Fire in the original work. They mistakenly thought that Nine-Tails was in the Temple of Fire, so they fought on the same ground, and eventually the entire Temple of Fire was destroyed. At once. But this time, Kakuzu and Hidan were killed by me a long time ago. It is impossible to destroy the Temple of Fire. Then who did it?

“Well, I won’t tell you more, I’m going to the scene as soon as possible.” Asuma waved his hand and led the team out of the village.

I can see that although he has always been stern, he must be very sad. After all, his good friend, Dilu, is dead and guarding the twelve warriors, now he is the only one left.

Bid farewell to Asuma, and on the way to return to Hokage Residence, I began to think.

First of all, from Asuma’s words, it is indeed the fire temple that Akatsuki attacked. There should be no doubt about this. People who have the ability to destroy the entire Temple of Fire definitely have a strength above Kage Level. Such an expert will leave a deep engrave image when it is taken. Impossible is so stupid as to blame Akatsuki for such an obvious stupid trick. The Temple of Fire has always been aloof from wordly affairs. Even if the attacker has an antagonism with the abbot, there is no need to destroy the entire Temple of Fire. This is tantamount to the entire Land of Fire declaration of war. Therefore, this style of behavior should be made by the people of Akatsuki. So, who is it in Akatsuki?

I killed both Kakuzu and Hidan. At least Hidan was burned to ashes by me. There is absolutely no possibility of survival. It’s Kakuzu, is it resurrected by Akatsuki in any way? Impossible, all of his heart was blown by me, but it is not as simple as re-transplanting the heart to live, the only way is to revolve Revolving Heaven. However, I guess that with the character of Nagato and Yahiko, he did not use Revolving Heaven to live, even if Konan died, I guess he would not use Revolving Heaven to live, let alone Kakuzu. Therefore, Kakuzu must be dead, and it is him that is impossible.

Destroying the entire Fire Temple, the style used must be very powerful and violent. Who else in Akatsuki meets this requirement?

Let me stroke those members of Akatsuki: In addition to a group of unnamed early extras, and half an extra Biwa Juzo, there are also Orochimaru who quit Akatsuki. There are a total of nine Akatsuki in the original work. Pain and Konan, these two people are impossible, because once Pain comes out, he will definitely go straight to Hidden Leaf Village. Impossible will go to the Temple of Fire to do these meaningless things; absolutely, it is also impossible. Although this product is a secret mastermind, But it’s just peeping and peeping, engaging in information or something, there is not such a strong fighting strength at all; Kakuzu and Hidan, these two are dead; Sasori and Deidara, Sasori has belched, as for Deidara, it is a bit suspicious. But think about it carefully, it is not easy to destroy the entire Temple of Fire with Deidara’s strength. Pain It shouldn’t be let him come out alone to catch Tailed Beast; could it be Tobi and Deidara doing it together? It seems impossible. Tobi will not reveal his identity as Obito because of this incident. Therefore, he will not show his strength and make fun of himself. So it doesn’t matter whether there is Tobi or not. The only thing left is Itachi and Hoshigaki. The Hohzuki Mangetsu at Kisame’s location is now; the destruction of the Fire Temple is naturally impossible by Itachi, so similarly, Hohzuki Mangetsu is less susceptible.

Thinking of this, my head is bigger. Almost all the combinations in Akatsuki are not very suspicious, but it is indeed made by Akatsuki. It is difficult to say that there are a few more me in Akatsuki. Unknown newcomer?

It’s really possible this time! I suddenly thought that since Hohzuki Mangetsu will take the place of Hoshigaki Kisame, Akatsuki is likely to recruit two newcomers to replace Kakuzu and Hidan.

“It seems that I need to visit the Temple of Fire. I don’t know if the two mysterious persons have left any clues.” I thought to myself.

“Hatake Kurone! What are you talking to yourself?” A stern shout pulled me back to reality from thinking.

I looked up and found out that at some point, I had already stood in front of Hokage’s Office, Tsunade with Yamato.

“Hatake Kurone, what are you thinking about? Why are you absent-minded all the time?” Tsunade also noticed that I was absent and asked.

“Sorry Lady Tsunade, I ran into Asuma at the entrance of the village who was going to the Temple of Fire, and he told me about the Temple of Fire.” I didn’t excuse it, and told her exactly. “On the way here, I have been thinking about who actually attacked the Fire Temple. I generally know the members in Akatsuki. After some analysis, there is no result. So I suspect that a newcomer has joined Akatsuki, or Said that there are hidden members in Akatsuki that we don’t know about, and I have a hunch that the strength of these two people is probably very strong.”

“It turns out that it is, it would be troublesome.” Tsunade’s expression Becoming serious, she said softly, “We heard from Anbu on Hidden Cloud that Two-Tails Jinchuriki was caught by Akatsuki. From the perspective of the course of action, it is estimated that these two people did it. And, I’m afraid these two people. The two people are still somewhere in the Land of Fire. In this way, Yamato will report the details of your mission to me, Hatake Kurone. You will immediately go to the Temple of Fire and see if you can find any traces. Try to find those two people with the Asuma team. If you can find them, find a way to hold them, and then send someone to report. I will mobilize people and destroy them. I will definitely not let them out of the Land of Fire.”

“Well, that’s what I think too. It’s all over me. If you dare to break ground on Tai Sui, then don’t even think about leaving.” I said in a deep voice, then turned my head to face Yamato.

“God…Yamato, I’ll leave the report to you.”

“Senior, be careful.” Yamato said concisely.

I lived in the Temple of Fire for a long time before, so there are quite a few Flying Thunder God Jutsu technique formulas I left in the vicinity. thoughts move, I came to the gate of the Temple of Fire.

“Who!” As soon as I appeared, a few Konoha’s Jonins surrounded me. After seeing that it was me, they immediately sighed in relief, “It turned out to be Senior Kurone, who surprised us. “

I waved his hand to signal them to continue to be on guard, lifts the head and looked at the original majestic gate of the Temple of Fire, but now, only the ruined walls are left.

“This…this is too miserable…” I slowly walked in, looking corpses everywhere across the ruins of the field, and couldn’t help but shocked, “I didn’t expect to be more than Kakuzu in the original work. Absolutely.”

Suddenly, I felt a strange wave of Chakra in the ruins.

“This power…so familiar…Sharingan, open!” I opened Sharingan to better observe the remaining Chakra in the ruins.

“This…how is this possible!” I stared wide-eyed and shouted.

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