“This…this is…” I opened my eyes wide and stared at the fiery-red Chakra that remained in front of me. I couldn’t help being stunned, “Nine-Tails Chakra! Here! How come there are so many Nine-Tails Chakra!”

“Kurone, are you here?” At this moment, Asuma came from the depths of the ruins, stood next to me, and said, “You also found out Well, there are a lot of Nine-Tails Chakra left here.”

“Un.” I am nodded, I don’t know what to say.

Nine-Tails Chakra, the first thing I thought of was the pseudo Nine-Tails Jinchuriki in the original work, the son of the original guardian twelve Shi and Ma. After the Attack of Nine-Tails was over, many Nine-Tails Chakra remained near the village. They were collected by the horse, and then sealed in the within-the-body of his son Kong, and then sent Kong to the Temple of Fire. Ninja monk. After Sora grew up a bit, Hema and his men tried to use Sora, the pseudo-Jinchuriki, and the half-Impure World Reincarnation guardians of the Twelve Sages to release Thunder Men and destroy Hidden Leaf Village. Finally, under the joint efforts of Asuma and Naruto, the plan went bankrupt, Koma was killed by Asuma, and Sora embarked on a journey around the world.

There are so many Chakras left in the Temple of Fire. The first thing I thought of was naturally the result of the pseudo-Jinchuriki. However, although I have never seen Sora, I was not there when they attacked the village with Ma. In terms of time, Sora should already not be in this. How could it destroy the Temple of Fire? Was it used by Akatsuki?

“Asuma, I heard Naruto say that there was a youngster ninja named Kong in the Temple of Fire before, which is a pseudo-Jinchuriki, isn’t it?” I asked.

“Empty? Yes, at first I suspected that this matter had something to do with him.” Asuma nodded said seriously, “But I pondered carefully, it should have nothing to do with Kong.”

“Oh? How can you see it.”

“First of all, Sora has already embarked on a journey a few months ago, and now it is estimated that he is already not in Land of Fire; secondly, the people of Akatsuki caught With him, the probability of coming back to destroy the Temple of Fire is not great, because empty matters are highly confidential. No one knows except for the upper layer of Konoha and Naruto, so Lady Tsunade will agree to leave empty; and, the most important thing is. Yes, although Sora can be Nine-Tails, but after all, it is just a pseudo-Jinchuriki, not a real Jinchuriki. The formidable power that can be exerted is extremely small. Even if Nine-Tails is Nine-Tails, the land and land can be dealt with. Impossible has caused this to the Fire Temple Serious consequences. Moreover, our Sensor Ninja found out that the remaining Nine-Tails Chakra Reserves here are very huge, absolutely not caused by nothing, there should be someone else.” Asuma looked at my reaction and continued. “Actually, the most suspicious one should be Naruto. However, Naruto has been following Kurone on your mission, so you have ruled out the suspicion. Now this matter is very confusing. I really don’t know what happened to the Akatsuki people. “

“What you said is very reasonable. It really has nothing to do with Sora and Naruto, but the culprit must have something to do with Nine-Tails.” I nodded, I probably have it in my heart. As a result, “The primary problem now is not to analyze who did it, but to find these two people. Lady Tsunade gave the order to die and absolutely cannot let these two people escape from the Land of Fire.”

“Nine-Tails Chakra is very unique. Our Sensor Ninja just sensed that someone was distributing Nine-Tails Chakra in the distance, but now there is no more.” Asuma asked, “I was planning to go over and take a look. It happened to you. I’m here, so I’m more at ease, and I can definitely take down those two guys.”

“I’m worried that there are not enough of us, or I will go back to the village and find more people.” I am a little worried, although I don’t know why those two guys are still alive, but if it’s really those two, I’m afraid it’s not their oppone. nt.

“I’m afraid it’s too late. When the reinforcements come, those two people may have escaped from Land of Fire. Don’t let slip an opportunity. I decided to chase after him immediately.” Asuma patted my shoulder,” Don’t worry, with your strength, plus our team, even if the opponent is Akatsuki, it’s enough to deal with.”

“Well then.” I agreed with Asuma, after all, waiting for reinforcements. Here, it’s too late for the fighter, but just in case, I’m still going to send a companion back to report the letter.

“Summoning Justu!” I took out a capsule from the Ninja Tool Pouch and crushed it.

With a bang, the Tiger King appeared in front of me. I told Tiger King about the request for help, and then sent it back to report to Tsunade.

“Kurone, you are still so cautious.” Asuma laughed and lit a cigarette, “No one.”

I shake one’s head, and then the team set off.

Asuma’s team, including him, there are a total of nine people, including a Sensor Ninja, a Medical-nin and seven combatants, including six Chunin, two Jonin, plus Quasi -Asuma of Kage Level. It is a relatively powerful team, enough to beat the average Kage Level expert.

We quickly arrived at Sensor Ninja sense, where Nine-Tails Chakra appeared. This is an open area in the forest, without any trees blocking it, and empty.

“Where is the person? Did you run away?” I was about to use Sharingan to explore the surroundings. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of a golden whip moved towards Asuma and pulled it over.

“Asuma! Be careful!” Before I could draw the sword, I reached out and pushed Asuma, the golden whip brushed my arm and fell heavily on the ground.

Everyone immediately reacted, took out their weapons, and turned to the direction of the whip.

Out of the woods, two big men wearing Akatsuki robes walked out, one is a golden long hair, the other is a silver long hair, the top of the head each has a pair of horns, it looks like it should be A pair of brothers have cruel expressions on their faces.

“Sure enough, it was them, the two light glows of Hidden Cloud, and the golden horn silver horn brother.” The two people in front of me, I was frowned, had a few drops of cold sweat across my cheeks, “This is troublesome. “

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