“Ha, Yinjiao, I didn’t expect someone to know us.” The golden horn looked at me with a faint smile, “This little demon is very knowledgeable.”

“Kurone, who are they?” Asuma asked in confusion, “Never heard of it, is it famous?”

“It seems that we haven’t appeared in Ninja World for a long time. No one knows us anymore, golden horn.” Silver Horn shake one’s head and said with a smile, “Well, let Ninja World know us again.”

“Don’t say no for a while. Clearly, you know that Second Hokage died in their hands.” I answered Asuma while keeping my eyes on the golden horn and silver horn, and did not dare to relax, “Everyone, take extreme vigilance. , Or you will die!”

“Understood!” Asuma heard what I said, although there are many questions, but knowing that it is not the time to ask questions, he immediately got serious and took out a finger.

“It’s useless, just rely on a few of you, not enough to see.” Yin Jiao made a playful expression.

“Silver Horn, don’t be careless, this leader kid looks hard to deal with, please clean him up first!” Golden Horn took out a huge Purple Gold gourd from his crotch and pulled out the plug , Yelled at me, “Cursed! Purple Gold gourd!”

“Oh!” I tightened my chrysanthemum. I accidentally wiped the Golden Cloth Rope when I saved Asuma. I thought it was all right. , I didn’t expect to be recruited, no, I can’t let him succeed! It’s over if you get sucked in!

“Lan Dun·Hei…” Before I finished the hand seal, there was a sharp pain in my chest. A wave of Chakra suddenly condensed in my throat, and then forcibly opened my mouth and rushed out.

“Cut the assertion spirit! Seven Stars Sword!” Taking advantage of everyone’s stunned effort, Silver Horn rushed up and slashed at me with a sword.

“wú wú wú!” I am speechless and can’t move, but I still moved towards Asuma, winking and making a sound.

Asuma reacted immediately, waving his hand and shouting: “Quick! Protect Hatake Kurone! Don’t let the enemy come over!”

The ninjas immediately came around me, but the silver corner first One step, came to me, cut Yan Ling with a sword, then touched the ground and walked back with snakeskin.

“Absorb it! Purple Gold gourd!” The cut-off Yan Ling was sucked in by the Purple Gold gourd.

Yinjiao smiled evilly at me, and then looked towards Seven Stars Sword. If I remember correctly, my mantra should have been displayed there.

“Fuck! It’s over!” My subconscious cursed.

“Yes, you are indeed over.” Yin Jiao smiled, turned the Seven Stars Sword around and pointed at me. I saw the words “Fuck” written on it, “You are The opponent I came across was sucked in at the fastest speed, haha, it’s really interesting!”

“Fuck!” I couldn’t help but say again. Suddenly, my body felt something. The huge attraction force is pushing me towards Purple Gold gourd. This attraction force is so huge that even Pain’s Bansho Tennin can’t reach it, and it doesn’t give me a chance to resist.

“Asuma! Watch out for the Golden Cloth Rope…” I shouted with all my strength, and then lost control of my body.

“Ahhhhhhh Ahhh!” My eyes turned around and then I plunged into endless darkness.

“This…Kurone has been sucked in??” Asuma stared at the Azure Edge Sword that fell on the ground, stared wide-eyed, “There is such a powerful Ninja Tool, no wonder even Second -Kage items will be…”

“The most powerful one is solved, and the rest is all, Silver Horn, do it quickly!” Golden Horn said in a commanding tone.

“Okay, big brother!”

“Everyone, be careful of the rope in the golden horn’s hands. After being touched by that thing, they will spit out like Kurone. Once the chakra of the spirit is cut off, as long as you speak Zen, you will be sucked into that gourd!” Asuma moved towards everyone shouted.

Worth-of is Asuma. In such a short time, I analyzed the function of the golden horn silver angle brother Ninja Tool.

“Understood, as long as you don’t get touched by the rope, or you don’t speak meditation, right!” A Jonin nodded, “That’s still easy!”

“Really?” Silver Horn laughed, put away the Seven Stars Sword, and then took out a huge fan and slammed it vigorously.

“Fan? Wind-Style?” A Jonin immediately reacted, rushed to everyone, and printed, “Earth-Style · Mud Wall!”

Silver Corner The corner of his mouth raised a strange arc, and he continued to wave the fan.

Unexpectedly, the fan is not Wind-Style, but Lightning-Style. Lightning-Style instantly penetrated Mud Wall, killing the completely unprepared Jonin behind Mud Wall.

“Not good! It’s Lightning-Style! Be careful, everyone!” Asuma said, immediately ending Wind-Style’s seal, wanting to resist.

But Silver Horn waved the palm-leaf fan, and it fanned out Fire-Style again. Asuma avoided it. The fire took advantage of the wind and burned two Chunins to death. Even Asuma was injured.

After that, Yinjiao successively fanned out the powerful Water-Style, Wind-Style, Earth-Style and other Ninjutsu. The Asuma team was unable to deal with it, and the team members were killed.

“damned! This guy’s fan can actually fan out the five elements of Ninjutsu. We can’t resist it at all. If Kurone was there, it would be fine.” Asuma looked back at the two remaining team members, clenched the teeth , Shouted, “I block them, you two run!”

“But Captain!” The two team members did not run away, but stood beside Asuma, “We won’t leave!” I want to die together! Konoha Ninja is not easy to bully!”


“Hey! It’s really touching! Then I’ll give you a ride!” A cruel smile appeared on Yinjiao’s face.

Suddenly, a kunai appeared out of thin air and moved towards the silver horn’s face.

“such insignificant ability!” Yinjiao fanned Kunai with a fan disdainfully, “I want to sneak attack me!”

At this moment, a dark figure came from Kunai. It came out, blade light flashed, and the head of the silver horn rose up into the sky.

“Lightning-Style · Thunder Light Swordization!”

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