All of this happened in a flash, and it was not until everyone reacted to see what the shadows looked like.

“Kurone!” Asuma first reacted, “very good! You are not dead!”

“Silver Horn!” golden horn looked The silver horn fell on the ground and can no longer die Dead head, impossible to restrain one’s anger, “impossible! Purple Gold gourd obviously sucked you in! How did you escape!”

I ignored him, but quickly thought about the countermeasures Although I solved the silver horn by sneak attack, it will inevitably arouse golden horn’s anger and vigilance, so dealing with golden horn is a bit troublesome.

“I see!” Golden Horn stared at the Kunai on the ground, gritted his teeth and said, “Unexpectedly, there are people who will be the Flying Thunder God Jutsu of Second Hokage. It seems to be We are careless.”

“The enemy could see through Flying Thunder God Jutsu so quickly, it really is not a good crop!” Asuma’s face also became solemn.

“But what about Flying Thunder God Jutsu! Even Second Hokage himself died in the hands of our brothers. Today, I will use you to pay homage to the Silver Horn!” The golden horn put the Purple Gold gourd on the ground, and fiercely said.

“Preparing to meet the enemy, he is about to go up.” I squeezed Qingfeng tightly, staring at the golden horn.

Shua! As soon as the golden horn raised his hand, Seven Stars Sword and palm-leaf fan immediately returned to his hand. He moved towards I threw the Seven Stars Sword vigorously, and then waved the palm-leaf fan and rushed over.

clang! The heavy Seven Stars Sword collided with the green front in my hand, causing me to step back several steps, and I picked up the Seven Stars Sword smoothly.

“Fuck!” As soon as I held the Seven Stars Sword, I felt that Chakra was being continuously sucked away from me. I was so scared that I threw the Seven Stars Sword far away. “Unexpectedly The Ninja Tool of Sage of Six-Paths consumes Chakra so much, no wonder only the golden horn silver horn dare to use these things.”

In the few seconds I threw the Seven Stars Sword, I didn’t pay attention, team Another Jonin was killed by the golden horn with a palm-leaf fan.

“Black Gate!” Another Chunin shouted the name of the dead Jonin, and rushed over with the weapon moved towards golden horn.

“Black pillar! Danger! Come back!” Asuma shouted.

bang! The golden horn waved the palm-leaf fan and used Fire-Style to burn the black pillars that rushed up into black charcoal.

“damned! Now I’m left with Asuma.” I immediately stood side by side with Asuma, and now the only way to win the golden horn is to cooperate with Asuma. As for Mangekyo Sharingan, With my current Chakra, it is better not to use it.

“You two are left! Almost! Almost! ah ha ha!” Golden Horn showed an increasingly ferocious expression, fanning the palm-leaf fan frantically.

Ninjutsu moved towards all kinds of unknown Five Elements Ninjutsu moved towards me and Asuma, of course, I can’t just sit still.

“Water-Style ·Wild Water Wave!”

“Fire-Style ·Burning Ash!”

“Lightning-Style ·False Darkness!”

“Earth-Style ·The Art of Earth Dragon!”

“Wind-Style ·Great Breakthrough!”


My fingers are like clockwork, hand-seal quickly, using attributes to counteract the attack of Ninjutsu, Asuma also put a few Ninjutsu from time to time to relieve my pressure.

Golden Horn obviously did not expect that I would be able to use Five-Attributes Ninjutsu proficiently to easily offset his attack.

“I don’t believe it! Your Chakra can’t be used up!” Golden Horn said, speeding up the frequency of the palm-leaf fan.

Ninjutsu hiding the sky and covering the earth is swept by several times more than before. This time I can’t stop it completely, and my Chakra is also impossible to make ends meet.

However, being unstoppable does not necessarily mean that I have no choice. At the moment when Ninjutsu struck, I grabbed Asuma’s shoulders, thoughts move……

looked at the smoke in front of me, and Golden Horn was satisfied and nodded: “Finally we solved these two guys, Silver Horn, I’ll report it to you…”

“Blast your head!” I suddenly appeared and pierced the golden horn’s forehead with a sword.

“Here is this move!” Golden Horn just wanted to wave the palm-leaf fan to resist, only to find that Asuma rushed out at some point, and tightly grasped the palm-leaf fan handle.

“Kurone! Hurry up!” Asuma clung to the palm-leaf fan, not letting go, and shouted at me.

In desperation, he had to let go of the palm-leaf fan, kicked Asuma out with the palm-leaf fan, and then punched me.

Because I didn’t open Eight-Inner Gates, my reaction speed was obviously slower than him, so this sword only stabbed the shoulder of Golden Horn, and I was hit hard by him. temple up.

“Um…” I was like a kite with a broken line. I flew upside down for tens of meters, and my ears were always filled with the sound of “Weng Buzzing”, and my seven orifices were bleeding, and I looked terrifying.

“Kurone!” Asuma threw away the palm-leaf fan and immediately ran towards me.

“I was punched in the vital part, and I will die!” Golden Horn twisted his neck and said with a smile, “You are the only one left!”

“Hachiman !” I stood up abruptly, and Mangekyo aimed at the golden horn, and a black arrow shot at the golden horn with lightning speed.

After putting this move, before I had time to see the result, I slumped on the ground, covering my eyes, panting. When Golden Horn punched me just now, fortunately, I opened Mangekyo in time and wrapped my head with mustache. But the golden horn this fist formidable power is so huge that it shattered Tosaku. Fortunately, when it fell on my head, the power was not so strong anymore, otherwise my head would probably be blown by him.

I shook my head, the rumbling sound in my ears gradually disappeared, thinking that the golden horn hit me with a Hachiman, and I would definitely die, so I was about to talk to Asuma.

Suddenly, Asuma ran towards me and shouted: “Kurone! Avoid! Danger!”

“En?” I turned my head and saw one The fiery-red monster rushed towards me, “Fuck! This is not Nine-Tails…”

Oops! Unexpectedly, the golden horn turned into a Nine-Tails would have avoided the Hachiman who was supposed to be hit, but I have not yet fully recovered from it, and I have no time to react.

pu! Just when the golden horn of Nine-Tails came to me, a black shadow stood in front of me, and the sharp claws of Nine-Tails penetrated his chest.


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