“Asuma! Yeah!” I held Asuma’s shoulder with my left hand, holding the green front in my right hand, and stabbing the Nine-Tails-shaped golden horn forcefully. But I completely underestimated the defensive power of the Nine-Tails Chakra armor. The sharpness of the Nine-Tails Chakra armor was even more sharp than the green front of the Kusanagi sword, and it was unable to pierce the Nine-Tails Chakra armor.

“Lightning-Style · Qingfeng sharp gun!”

The dazzling lightning is wrapped around Azure Edge Sword, condensed into a long spear. Because of Qingfeng’s blessing, its formidable power far exceeds Lightning-Style · Chidori Sharp Spear, and is even as good as Ninjutsu of the Raikiri series.

Stab it! The green sharp spear barely pierced the Nine-Tails Chakra armor, but the golden horn released Asuma in time and backed away again and again. The sharp gun is condensed by Lightning-Style Chakra, so it can be made as one pleases longer. However, when the golden horn withdrew to more than ten meters, I finally reluctantly withdrew the Qingfeng sharp gun because of the lack of Chakra.

“Asuma…” Before the golden horn came up, I quickly laid Asuma on the ground and used Medical-Ninjutsu to stop him from bleeding, “Asuma, hold on! You will not die!”

“Kurone…cough cough…” Asuma vomited several mouthfuls of blood, held me with her hand, shake one’s head, and said, “I can’t do it… don’t waste Chakra… Hurry up…”

“Don’t be stupid! You will not die!” I ignored him, but continued to use Medical-Ninjutsu to stop him from bleeding. However, Asuma was penetrated to the point of death. The medical level cannot stop the blood, “damned! Blame me! Blame me! If you don’t let you come over!”

“It should be my fault…I am too confident. Now… I thought that only a few of us could… be able to deal with Akatsuki…” Asuma gave a wry smile, and gradually dropped his hands to the ground. His eyes became distracted, and his mouth could not help repeating, “Quick…Go…Quickly …Go…”

“Okay! Let’s go together!” I picked up Asuma, thoughts move.

Huh? Why are you still in place?

My heart moved again.

What’s going on! I opened my eyes wide, and gazed was looking at my golden horn jokingly, and shouted: “damn it! Did you do anything! Why can’t my Flying Thunder God Jutsu be used anymore!”

” Who else can anyone besides me?” The golden horn’s Nine-Tails hasn’t been lifted yet. At this time, his smiling face looks very strange, “How else do you think Second Hokage died?”

“damned! When did you set up the barrier!” I immediately used Sharingan to observe all around, and sure enough, I found some clues, “Those Ninja Tools weren’t randomly littered by you, you had planned!”

“I didn’t expect to find out so quickly, Sharingan is really extraordinary.” Golden Horn laughed hehe and said, “Yes, I calculated the positions of these Ninja Tools in advance, and the four Ninja Tools are grouped together. In the area, a powerful barrier can be automatically generated. Except for me and Yinjiao, other people in the barrier cannot use Space-Time Ninjutsu, and Chakra’s recovery speed will be extremely slow. Hahaha, I didn’t expect it! You are dead today!”

I don’t say anything further, and I immediately run wildly outside the barrier holding Asuma.

Run! Run! As long as I run out of the barrier, I can use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to escape! But how could Golden Horn looked at me to escape?

Boom! Only split second, the golden horn appeared in front of me and kicked my chest heavily.

“Susanoo!” I immediately mobilized part of the beard, blocked my chest, and resisted most of the attacks, but the golden horn kick still kicked me back to the center of the barrier.

damned, Chakra is almost gone. I wiped the blood that overflowed from my eye sockets, keeping my eyes on the golden horn.

“Sorry Asuma, I can’t save you.” I slowly put Asuma down, at this time he had no signs of breathing.

I can still use the big formidable power Ninjutsu or a Mangekyo Dojutsu again, and the Chakra will be exhausted, but even if it is released, it is very difficult to deal with the golden horn. It seems that only Eight-Inner Gates can be used.

“Eight-Inner Gates, seventh gate Gate of Shock, open!”

The rays of light covered my whole body.

“There is even Chakra? What kind of Ninjutsu is this? Blue Chakra coat, and aura is very powerful.” Golden Horn’s expression changed from joking to serious, “It seems that I underestimate you. However, you are dead today!”

“Then you have to see how much you have!” I leaned back, pointed at the golden horn, folded my hands together, and made the mark.

“Daytime Tiger!”

Daytime Tiger is a concentrated ultra-high speed front punch attack on the opponent, first compressing the air and then spreading it in one breath, *** The shape is like a tiger, the formidable power is powerful, and the scattered shock wave is enough to make it difficult for people from several kilometers away to stand firm.

I rarely put Eight-Inner Gates opened seven-gates or more, because the side effects of seven-gates and above are particularly huge. Once a hit is missed, I won’t have a chance to come unless I open Eight-Gates again. Second time. Therefore, it is the first time for me to use Daytime Tiger this move. I hope I can kill the golden horn directly. No matter what, I can break the barrier and create opportunities for me to use Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

“What kind of trick is this! No, I can’t be hit!” The golden horn reacted immediately, condensing Tailed Beast Ball in his mouth, because the damage range of the Daytime Tiger this move is extremely large, unless Space-Time is used Ninjutsu, otherwise there is no time to evade, so they can only use more powerful techniques to fight against.

If it is the Tailed Beast Ball released by the Nine-Tails main body, it will definitely be able to easily penetrate the Daytime Tiger, but the golden horn is not Nine-Tails after all, so his Tailed Beast Ball is also greatly discounted. As soon as the two forces collided, the golden horn flew out heavily. Not only that, the trees several hundred meters in radius were all lifted up. According to my estimation, a strong shock can be felt even a few kilometers away.

“It should be solved…”

Eight-Inner Gates was lifted, and the side effects immediately appeared. I collapsed to the ground, and the whole body skeleton seemed to be crushed. pain.

“Next, I should wait for the reinforcements to come.” I looked at Asuma’s corpse, not far away, and not only sighed, “Unexpectedly, Asuma still failed to escape the fate of death, alas…”

Suddenly, a figure a hundred meters away got up from the ground and staggered towards me.

“What?! Golden Horn is not dead yet!” I opened my eyes wide, and stared at the closer and closer silhouette.

The Nine-Tails of golden horn has disappeared, and the whole body is a horrible to see wound, covered in blood and a very difficult situation, but he is still alive!

“Boy! I didn’t expect it! I gave up all the Nine-Tails Chakra as the price, and escaped!” Golden Horn walked up to me, fiercely said, “Can beat me In such a difficult situation, except for the fellow Senju Tobirama, that is you! But you can’t move anymore! End here!”

Golden Horn picked up the Seven Stars Sword and hacked at me .

damned! My consciousness is a bit blurred and I can’t concentrate, so I can’t use Flying Thunder God Jutsu. Could it be that I am really going to die here today?

that’s all, Xiaoxue, I’m looking for you.

“Smoke Luo!”

At this time, a black clothed person dropping from the sky fell in front of the golden horn, and just glanced at each other with the golden horn, the golden horn was stunned In the same place.

Dang! Seven Stars Sword fell on the ground, and golden horn’s eyes were loose.


A quagmire appeared on the underfoot of the golden horn, causing him to sink slowly. At this time, the golden horn also reacted and struggled.

“What is this?! who you are! Ahhh!” But he was already an arrow at the end of its flight at this time, unable to resist, and soon completely sank into Yomi’s quagmire in.

“Who is this person…” My consciousness became more and more blurred. I half closed my eyes and looked at the back of this black clothed person, “Is it an enemy or a friend…”

Solved the golden horn, the black clothed person turned around.

“Mangekyo!” I stared closely at the black clothed person’s eyes, full of surprise, and then I put my gaze on his face.

“You!!! You are…”

Finally, I couldn’t hold on and fell into darkness completely.

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