“Kakashi is out of the village?” Tsunade was not surprised to hear Shikamaru’s report.

“Well, Naruto wanted to chase out of the village, but I stopped him.” Shikamaru looked at me, then continued to report, “It’s just that I didn’t expect Kurone teacher to chase Kakashi. teacher, otherwise I wouldn’t stop Naruto so easily.”

I was shrugged on the side, indifferent expression.

“I have ordered Naruto to be locked up, and let him go out after this matter has passed, so that he will cause trouble again.” Tsunade leaned his head and said with a headache.

“But Lord Hokage, let Kakashi sacrifice himself to protect the whole village, really…Is it your order?” Shikamaru asked hesitantly.

“Yes, it’s my order, you just carry it out, I’ll be responsible for what happens!” Tsunade said categorically, and then waved his hand, “Shikamaru, go out first. I have something to tell Kurone. “

“Yes, Lord Hokage.” Shikamaru glanced at me again, then walked out, closing the door by the way.

“Lord Hokage, any instructions.” I said blankly.

“I was surprised that you actually stood with Shikamaru and didn’t stop Kakashi with Naruto.” Tsunade stared at my eyes tightly, a little nervous, “The reason why I didn’t tell you about Kakashi , I’m just afraid that in case you block it, no one can block it. Now the main fighting strength in the village is going to the border. If you do it, I’m afraid I will have to do it myself. Fortunately… it depends on your performance, you Do you already know about Kakashi?”

I was nodded and did not speak.

“Did Kakashi tell you? No…From what I know about Kakashi, he will definitely keep it from you… Then…” Tsunade’s browse tightly knit, “Could it be that you guessed it? Yes? As far as I know, when you came to Konoha, Beiliuhu had already left the village, so you probably didn’t know the name of Beiliuhu.”

“Lord Hokage, don’t you Forget, I worked in Anbu for a while. Although few people know about Beiliuhu, there are more or less records of Beiliuhu and his ghost shoots in Anbu’s archives. . It happened that I accidentally saw some information a long time ago, plus the projection in the sky this time, and combined with the disappearance of other village Kekkei Genkai ninja, I probably guessed what happened to Kakashi.” I couldn’t think of any explanation, so I had to make up a set of rhetoric, “Kakashi should have been called down by a certain kind of Ninjutsu, and then controlled to leave the village. His Sharingan is the fifth kind of Kekkei Genkai that he is waiting for. Then, with Kakashi’s character, in order to protect the village, he would definitely choose to sacrifice himself, and then ask Lady Tsunade to leave him with the technique formula of perish together, am I right?”

“Hatake Kurone Ah, if you had not inherited Will of Fire from Third Hokage, and had no ambitions, with your abilities, you might really become the second Danzo, or even Hokage. I really underestimated you before, I didn’t expect you not only With only strength, your mind is too terrifying, not inferior to Nara Shikaku.” Tsunade joked with a wry smile, “I heard that you naturally rejected Jiraiya at the beginning and recommended me to serve as Fifth Hokage. If you say it was because of No qualifications, now you are fully equipped to serve as Hokage in all aspects, how about it, are you interested, six generations?”

“Fifth-Kage Lord, don’t crack a joke. Don’t you think it would be better to let Kakashi be the sixth generation, and then instruct Naruto to cultivate the seventh generation? I have no interest in Hokage and I am too tired. In comparison, Lord-Jiraiya’s free life is what I yearn for. “I slightly smiled, shake one’s head.

“Ai, you and Jiraiya are really…I originally thought of letting Kakashi succeed him. His conditions are very suitable in all aspects, but it was a matter of humility, that’s why I thought of you. “Tsunade frowned. “I didn’t want to sacrifice Kakashi at first, but there was information from Anbu, and Beiliuhu had absorbed four Kekkei Genkai. Now his strength is very strong. Not only that, his ghost budding art can Absorbing Ninjutsu, so all Ninjutsu is meaningless to him. Hidden Sand Village is now on the border of Chen Bing, and Jonin in the village has been sent out. The remaining manpower in the village can’t fight against Bei Liuhu. And your proficient Ninjutsu is again It happens to be invalid for Beiliu, so…”

“I can make a shot, but it’s not necessary.” My hands crossed, lying across my chest, with an arrogant look.

“What do you mean?” There was a hint of surprise in Tsunade’s eyes.

“I mean, I have a way to deal with Beiliuhu. Although Ninjutsu is not effective against him, I have other ways.” I said confidently.

“I want to remind you that Ninjutsu is not effective against him, but Taijutsu alone will not hurt him unless you open Eight-Inner Gates directly, dont tell me…” Suddenly, Tsunade’s eyes lit up, “I remember! You will come to Senjutsu! Hiliu Hu can absorb Ninjutsu, not necessarily Senjutsu based on Natural Energy! You can give it a try, Kakashi can be saved! But after what you said Half a sentence, what does it mean to be unnecessary?”

“I’m not talking about Senjutsu, I have other abilities.” I shake one’s head, and now I have been sealed by the Light Spirit Officer, which is simply impossible to use Senjutsu. However, after defeating Deidara and unlocking the 3rd brass lock last time, the light officer gave me a small reward, so I now have a hidden trump card.

“As for it is not necessary, I mean, other people will naturally take action.” I looked towards the window, said in a tranquil voice.

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