“other people? Who else will help us at this time?” Tsunade asked suspiciously.

Suddenly, Shizune pushed the door open and ran in, and said in a panic: “Lady Tsunade, it’s not good, Naruto ran away!”

“What?!” Tsunade snapped. Get off the table and stand up, “How did he escape from prison?”

“Sakura should have assisted him.” Shizune said weakly.

“Hateful, these two little demon are causing trouble again!” Tsunade was a little angry, she lifts the head looked towards me, I looked like a calm and collected, “Hatake Kurone, the person you said, should Isn’t it Naruto?”

I am shrugged, indifferent expression.

“Mischief! How can Naruto alone defeat Beiliuhu!” Tsunade was very angry, “Hatake Kurone, go and chase Naruto and Sakura back, Naruto must not be lost!”

“Don’t worry, Naruto is okay, you just send a few other little demons to chase, there is no need for me to chase.” I waved his hand and sat down on the sofa by the side.

Tsunade thought for a few seconds, and said to Shizune: “Shizune, go call the third, eighth, and tenth class.”

“Yes! Lady Tsunade! “Shizune nodded, go out.

“Kurone, although I don’t know why you are so confident, I also trust your judgment. But I want to trouble you, protect Naruto secretly, and also protect Kakashi, I know you must be fine. “Tsunade said earnestly.

“Since Lord Hokage has said so, then I will run, rest assured, I will bring everyone back intact.” I nodded with a smile and stood up, thoughts move, back home.

The place where Beiliuhu is located is called Mount Meru. It is located in the joint border of Land of Fire, Land-of-Wind and Land-of-Rivers. It is a deserted place, not far from Hidden Leaf Village. It’s not too far away. If Kakashi is controlled to walk, it will take more than a day, so I still have enough time. I can wait for the Xiaoqiang chasing Naruto to set off for a while before I rush over.

Speaking, I packed my clothes and slept on the bed…

When I woke up again, a ray of warm light hit my face, which was very dazzling , I covered my eyes with my subconscious hand, and I saw the clock hanging on the wall through my fingers, and jumped up all of a sudden.

“Fuck! It’s noon!” I quickly picked up the Azure Edge Sword, fastened the Ninja Tool Pouch, thoughts move, and came to the closest marking point to Mount Meru.

This marked point is a towering tree in the Land of Fire, about ten kilometers away from Mount Meru. At this time, the sky suddenly darkened, the Golden Ring solar eclipse began, and the sun was slowly being blocked by Moon.

“The terrain here is more complicated. If I turn on the third-gate and run all the way, I will be there within 20 minutes.” I picked a wild fruit from the tree and chewed it in my mouth. I got up, and then moved towards Mount Meru and galloped away, “I hope I can catch up.”

Mount Meru, Beiliuhu and the Konoha Twelve-Youngest Strong are facing each other, Naruto has successfully rescued at this time. Kakashi is facing off with Hiruho.

“no stronghold one cannot overcome! Lan Dun·Thunder Cloud Cavity Wave!” Bei Liuhu quickly formed the seal of Lan Dun, and the dazzling lightning hit the Konoha Xiaoqiang.

“Hide behind us! Revolving Heaven!” Neji and Hinata stood in front of everyone, and together they used Revolving Heaven to block the mighty attack, but they also suffered a lot of injuries. , The body was burnt black everywhere.

clang! Sai rode a bird dropping from the sky, and the sword chopped off to Beiliuhu, but he was directly picked up by Beiliuhu, without any damage.

“Hard as iron, physical attacks can’t penetrate my defenses, the technique of steel escape and tempering!” Hiraru shouted hard, squeezing off Sai’s short blade, and hit Sai hard with a punch. Fly out.

“Where is the blind!” Immediately afterwards, Sakura waved the fist and suddenly appeared, hitting Beiliuhu. As long as this fist hits, even if the whole body of Beiliuhu is made of steel, it will Be beaten.

“Swift-Style! Clumsy people can’t touch my atire!” With a swoosh, the humble call disappeared without a trace, and Sakura hit the air with a punch, losing her center of gravity.

Boom! Hei Liu Hu suddenly appeared again and kicked Sakura out.

Naruto ran over and caught Sakura in the sky.

“Raikiri!” Kakashi appeared from behind again, moved towards Beiliu.

“All Ninjutsu is ineffective to me, Dark-Style, Nether Suck!” Hiliu Hu grabbed Kakashi’s hand, and Raikiri disappeared instantly, “Well, then kill you , Solve this group of small ants, and then merge the fifth Kekkei Genkai.”

finished-speaking, lifts the head, the golden ring solar eclipse has not passed yet.

“Rasengan!” Dozens of Naruto’s Shadow Clone holding Giant Rasengan moved towards Beiliuhu, rescued the Kakashi in Beiliuhu’s hand, but Beiliuhu just raised his hand. Suck all the Giant Rasengan in, and killed all the Shadow Clone.

“Give it back to you!” Bei Liuhu slapped it casually, and a huge Rasengan moved towards Naruto flew away.

“Naruto!” everyone shouted.

Boom! The place where the giant Rasengan hit caused a huge amount of smoke, and the ground vibrated. As the smoke slowly dissipated, a huge black giant appeared in the smoke, blocking the attack firmly.

“What Ninjutsu is this?” Everyone looked surprised.

“It seems I have caught up.” Damn wiped the blood left in his eyes and relieved Susanoo, “Naruto, are you okay.”

“Ha, Kurone teacher , You are here at last, and I know that you will not leave Kakashi teacher behind!” Naruto became excited when I saw me coming, “Kurone teacher, be careful, this guy…”

“I understood, Naruto, use this move.” As I said, I took out a shuriken, moved towards Beiliuhu and threw it away, “I will delay it for you, you move faster.”

“I see, Kurone teacher!” Naruto reacted immediately and ran behind a rock.

“Shuriken Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!” I quickly hand-seal, the original shuriken, one point two, two points four, one hundred percent, instantly turned into a shuriken sky full of shuriken, moved towards Beiliuhu Away.

“such insignificant ability, steel escape, impeccable.” Bei Liuhu didn’t care, and opened his hands to face Shuriken.

clang clang clang clang dang dang! shuriken, as if hitting an iron plate, one after another fell at the feet of Bei Liu Hu.

“Raikiri!” I immediately hand sealed, and the dazzling blue lightning gathered in my hands.

“Kurone, Ninjutsu is useless to him, I just used Raikiri and I was absorbed by him!” Kakashi reminded.

“Don’t worry, it’s not over yet, Lan Dun Raikiri!” I then injected Lan Dun Chakra into Raikiri, and the blue lightning color gradually became darker and became black.

“Although Lan Dun is Kekkei Genkai, it is also in the category of Ninjutsu, which is useless.” Kakashi continued to remind.

“It’s not over yet.” The corners of my mouth raised a strange arc, and continued to inject Natural Energy into Raikiri. The original black Raikiri gradually faded in color and turned into a shiny golden, shining brightly. , Rays of light ten thousand zhang.

When I unlocked the third brass lock before, the luminous officer gave me a small phased reward. An opportunity to use Izumo no Kakuspell or the three Senjutsu, just to restrain the humble Retain the ability to breathe in Ninjutsu.

“His this move Raikiri is very different from Kakashi’s Raikiri, there must be a problem!” Bei Liuhu immediately became alert and quickly hand-seal.

“It’s over!” I held Golden Raikiri and moved towards Beiliu.

“I won’t be fooled, Lan Dun·Lei…” Just as Beiliuhu used Ninjutsu against me, the running me disappeared instantly.

“Strange? Where did it go?” Bei Liuhu was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted, “Not good!”

Through the shuriken in a place, I appeared instantly Behind him, he stabbed him with Golden Raikiri.

“I don’t believe it, and there is Ninjutsu that I can’t absorb!” Hiryu don’t believe it stretched out his hand, trying to absorb Golden Raikiri.

But Raikiri in my hand didn’t give him a chance at all, and ruthlessly penetrated the palm of Bei Liuhu, and then penetrated his chest.

“Light Escape·Shining Raikiri!!!” My roar was accompanied by Raikiri’s penetration, and the rays of light in my hand became more and more dazzling like the sun.

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