“How…maybe…can’t absorb…” The shining Raikiri looked incredibly through his chest, with a complicated expression, “Impossible! Are you not Ninjutsu? Who are you…”

“Did you not hear them call my name, my name is Hagi…Black…sound.” I deliberately lengthened my voice so that he Hearing clearly, I blew an awesome by the way, “With your information ability, it is impossible to know me. After all, I was a bit famous more than ten years ago.”

“hehe, of course I know yours. The name, black lightning from Konoha, inherited Hatake Kurone from Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato Flying Thunder God Jutsu, killed Fourth-Kage Mizukage eleven years ago, and has since become famous all over the world, and is called the Kekkei Genkai Encyclopedia by Ninja World.” “I’m just a little confused, where did you come from?

When I was in Konoha more than ten years ago, I never heard of the Hatake Clan clan and your number one. People. Even if you use all kinds of weird Kekkei Genkai, as long as it is in the category of Ninjutsu, I can absorb it, but why…”

“You don’t need to worry about it, anyway I’m dying.” I shake one’s head, think about it, let him understand, “Interesting, Kekkei Genkai completes, it is quite vivid. Yes, I am really proficient in various Ninjutsu including Kekkei Genkai, but, I know you can absorb Ninjutsu, so I used Ninjutsu this time. As for what it is, I want to tell you that you won’t understand it.”

“I was underestimated. That’s right, I did get one by you, but…” Bei Liuhu licked his lips, looked up at the unfinished Golden Circle solar eclipse, “It’s still too late, as long as you die before…”

“My mouth is hard when I die…” I noticed something was wrong, so I quickly withdrew my hand.

“Ghost Shooting Technique!” Bei Liuhu firmly grasped my arm with one hand, so I couldn’t draw it out, and the other hand patted my forehead.

“Fuck!” My hand was held tightly by Bei Liu Hu and I couldn’t pull it out. If I use Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Bei Liu Hu will also be taken by me, so I just Looked, Biliuhu patted my forehead with his hand.

At this moment, there was a continuous Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! rumbling sound from the sky, Bei Liuhu and I both raised our heads, and a huge shuriken-shaped object appeared in the sky. the sky.

“What is this again?” Bei Liuhu stopped his hand and raised his head suspiciously.

“Kurone teacher, dodge!” Naruto dropping from the sky, holding Rasenshuriken moved towards Beiliu.

“Naruto don’t care about me, get rid of him! I’ll be fine!” The corner of my mouth raised a strange arc, because Kakuzu died long ago, so I have never seen Naruto use Rasenshuriken. This move is not very clear about the specific formidable power of this move, but now I can only take a gamble. I remember that Third Raikage used Lightning-Style armor to perfectly block Rasenshuriken in the original work. Although my Lightning-Style armor does not have such high defensive power, it shouldn’t be a spike, and as long as……

“I don’t believe it anymore. I can’t absorb Hatake Kurone’s technique. Can I still absorb a Genin technique?” Hiriuhu gave up using the ghost budding technique on me and extended the hand to Naruto. , But soon, his face changed and he became savage, “I can’t absorb it, how can it be!!!”

Although Naruto was worried about me, the sword was out of its sheath and it was too late to take it back, so he I can only shift Rasenshuriken’s direction slightly to the humble call, so that I can be less impacted.

“Wind-Style ·Rasenshuriken!!!” Following Naruto’s roar, Rasenshuriken slammed directly on Bei Liuhu. The deafening rumbling sound made me close at hand as if my head had been knocked. Like a sap. I quickly withdrew my hand, used the Lightning-Style armor as lightning speed was too short to cover one’s ears whilst stealing a bell, and then quickly retreated to the outside……

bang! , Dozens of meters around were caught in the impact range, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, Naruto himself was also thrown out heavily by the blast.

As the smoke cleared, everyone started looking for me after finding Naruto.

“Kurone! Where are you!” Kakashi took the lead and shouted.

“Kurone teacher!” Other Xiaoqiangs also followed.

“I can’t smell the smell of Kurone teacher.” Inuzuka Kiba shake one’s head.

“Kurone teacher…” Hinata said timidly, “Naruto that move formidable power is so big…My Byakugan can’t see where Kurone teacher is.”

Neji didn’t speak either, just shake one’s head.

“Impossible! Kurone teacher must be okay! Kurone teacher is so powerful…” Naruto shouted excitedly. After all, it was the Rasenshuriken he used just now. If I die, it will be his own hands. I.

“Naruto that move just now has such a large kill range, I’m afraid Kurone teacher…” Sai landed from the sky on a bird, and followed shake one’s head, “When the explosion just now, a black light flashed by. Then I saw Kurone teacher disappeared in the smoke and no one could be found.”

“Don’t worry, Kurone won’t die so easily.” Kakashi’s gaze focused on the scattered surrounding Bei Liuhu Above the shuriken, his eyes narrowed, and there was an unnoticeable space fluctuation.

“Why? I just left for a while, you miss me?” I smiled and appeared out of thin air beside Beiliuhu.

“Kurone teacher, I knew you were okay! Very good!” Naruto suddenly rushed up. I couldn’t stand firmly and made him rush to the sky.

“It hurts! Smelly brat! Get me up quickly!” I pushed Naruto away, wiped the blood from my eye sockets with my hand, and then sat on the floor.

“Kurone teacher, you are injured!” Sakura hurried over and checked it with Medical-Ninjutsu. “Fortunately, the injury was not very serious. The eardrum was shocked, but it was not deaf. The internal organs shocked. Injured, ribs shattered, and part of the hair was scorched. Naruto’s Rasenshuriken the formidable power of this move I know very well, Kurone teacher, it’s a miracle that you can survive.”

Speaking, Sakura gave Damn gauze After dropping the blood from my ears and nose, I found out that my seven orifices were bleeding from the shock wave. Just now I knew that my ears were always full of buzzing, and I didn’t notice any bleeding at all. Sure enough, with my Lightning-Style armor, Rasenshuriken can’t stop at all. Fortunately, I used Susanoo in time, and then quickly transferred it with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, but that’s it, I was still shocked by the shock wave.

“It seems that Naruto has surpassed me a long time ago.” Kakashi smiled and stretched out his hand to me and pulled me up, “Kurone, you have to keep it up. Oh, I think Naruto It’s not far from surpassing you.”

“That’s natural, the back wave pushes the front wave.” I held Kakashi’s hand, stood up, and affected my body injury, “hiss… “

I gritted my teeth and held back, and then smiled, looking Naruto and other people laughing and talking. Although I suffered a bit of injury this time, I gained a lot. I didn’t expect that Beiliuhu turned out to be over Kage Level, and this time he directly unlocked a silver lock for me, which restored my strength a lot. Not only that, when I was using Flying Thunder God Jutsu just now, due to running out of Chakra, I accidentally discovered some secrets of Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

As the golden circle solar eclipse becomes a thing of the past, one after another, transmigrated clouds, the sky in the sky gradually reveals the rays of light, and we are again bathed in the sun.

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu four paragraphs, it seems that it is not far…” gazed the distant horizon, my eyes are full of determination, “Xiaoxue, wait for me!”

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