“Hatake Kurone, why are you hurt again?” Tsunade looked at me with a look of confusion, then looked at other people, “obviously your strength is the strongest, why other people seem to be something No, just you hurt like this?”

“hahaha, maybe I was too waved and made a mistake…” I scratched my head awkwardly, as if I really said to Tsunade, every time In the war, I always got hurt. Fortunately, the injuries were not fatal, and there were no serious sequelae.

“But thanks to you, Kakashi and the little demon were brought back intact, and the border crisis was also lifted. This time Konoha has avoided a lot of losses. On behalf of the entire Konoha, thank you. “Finished-speaking, Tsunade stood up and gestured to me nodded.” Kakashi and several other Xiaoqiangs also thanked me.

“Where is it, first, I am Konoha Ninja, these are not what I should do; second, in fact, I didn’t try my best, and I was almost called plot against by the humiliation, thanks to Naruto, you want to thank you. You should thank Naruto. It was him who reignited everyone鈥檚 Will of Fire.鈥?I patted Naruto鈥檚 shoulder and pushed him to the front. 鈥淚 think what Naruto said makes sense. We all It should be introspection. Indeed, Will of Fire tells us that for the sake of our companions and for the village, we can sacrifice our lives for protection. However, at first we must sacrifice our companions at the expense of our companions. This is not called Will of Fire.”

“Naruto and Kurone are right, we should all reflect.” Tsunade smiled wryly and glanced at Kakashi at each other, nodded.

“I just said it casually, hahaha.” Naruto scratched his head somewhat sorry, “Where is Kurone teacher, I’m just good luck…”

“Okay , Naruto, don’t be humble, the biggest credit this time is yours.” Kakashi also came over to patted Naruto’s shoulder.

Standing aside, looked at the happy appearances of the Xiaoqiangs, I can鈥檛 help feeling a lot of emotions, but the protagonist鈥檚 eloquence is so powerful, I really can鈥檛 say such a reasonable and inspiring thing, I really should be well. Learn a little bit.

“Okay, this incident is end here, you all go back and have a good rest and sum up your combat experience.” Tsunade sat down, waved his hand, and said, “Kurone stay for a while, I have a mission Here… Forget it, you are all injured, I’ll find someone else. Kurone, you should go back and rest.”

“What mission? I’m fine.” Although I don’t want to take it with me. I was hurt to execute the mission, but I felt that this mission must be unusual, otherwise Tsunade would not specifically look for me, and ordinary Jonin could not execute it, indicating that this mission is at least S-Rank or higher. “Or Lord Hokage would give me some information. , I’m good to judge if I can complete it.”

“Originally, this mission is most suitable for you, but now you are injured, I can’t guarantee your safety. This mission is very dangerous.” Tsunade shake one’s head, the tone is very serious, “Moreover, the confidentiality level of this mission is very high. Only me and the executor can know the content, so I can’t tell you, you can go back.”

“Well, if there is If you need my help, please send Anbu to find me at any time.鈥?I nodded and did not continue to ask. Although I think this mission is very unusual, according to the confidentiality regulations, I am indeed not qualified to know the content of the mission that does not belong to me.

In this way, I rested at home for a week, and the injury was almost completely recovered, but I have always been worried about the mission. Since the ordinary Jonin can’t execute that mysterious mission, the candidate for Tsunade must be above Quasi-Kage Level, or even Kage Level. There are very few Kage Level experts that can be mobilized in Konoha now. As far as I know, both Kakashi and Yamato have been training with Naruto recently, and Guy has no mission. He takes Lee upside down and circle Konoha several times every day. Konoha’s talents are now withered, and there are only a few experts. Tsunade himself is Kage Level, but Hokage Impossible carries out the mission himself, and Danzo is even more impossible to accept Tsunade’s assignment. Who else could it be…

“Wait.” A light bulb flashed in my mind, “Danzo…Tsunade…Jiraiya! That’s right! Why did I forget Jiraiya!” Besides me, now Jiraiya can be regarded as the first expert of Konoha on the surface, Tsunade is likely to send him. If this happens then this mission is also very obvious, I am afraid it is the leader of the detection of Hidden Rain Village and the detection of Akatsuki mission.”

No wonder, Tsunade said before that I was the most suitable candidate for this mission, because I had been to Hidden Rain Village and fought against Pain. The Hidden Rain Village in the past was also destroyed by me. If I go this time, I will be familiar with the road, and my Flying Thunder God Jutsu retreat is also very convenient. If this happens then, I am indeed more appropriate than Jiraiya. It just happened that I was injured in this incident in Beiliuhu, which disrupted Tsunade’s deployment, so I had to send Jiraiya there just like the original work.

Because this mission鈥檚 confidentiality rank is very high, I definitely can鈥檛 go to Tsunade for inquiries, I can only act on my own. Although it will change the trajectory of history, Jiraiya, I still have to try to save it. When the time comes, I will discuss it with the Mian Lingguan. Since my heaven-shaking, earth-shattering battle in Hidden Rain Village nine years ago, facing Pain, my advantage has disappeared. The bodies of those Pains must have been changed, so I am afraid that I can’t formulate the tactics in advance like last time, and can only rely on Flying Thunder God Jutsu to play and analyze. But now I have unlocked the seals of three bronze locks and a silver lock, and the strength has been restored to the Kage Level Early-Stage, which is the difference between Heaven and Earth compared to the Quasi-Kage Level of the year.

Although I don鈥檛 know when Jiraiya will go to Hidden Rain Village, but I plan to go to Hidden Rain Village to scout. Pain can鈥檛 see through me anyway. I don鈥檛 use Chakra, just walk in for two laps. Go, by the way, secretly paste some flying Thunder God Jutsu talisman paper.

Wants to walk to walk, I arrange my equipment, thoughts move……thoughts move……one move……mov……

“Fuck, Hidden Rain Village is a hundred kilometers in radius ‘S tags have been erased…”

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