**’s Pain, unexpectedly removed all my Flying Thunder God Jutsu tags, which is really cautious. Without the signs around Hidden Rain Village, I could only teleport to the nearest location, and then walked slowly for a hundred kilometers to Hidden Rain Village.

I ran a long way and finally came to the outskirts of Hidden Rain Village, and then I entered the scope of Pain’s Rain Tiger Free Art. I took a short nap, and then used the old method, Ice-Style to wrap myself. Turn it on again and sneak in. Pain’s leadership skills are good. In just nine years, Hidden Rain Village has been rebuilt even more prosperous than it was before. It’s just that the dark and depressing atmosphere has not changed in the slightest.

Not long after I entered the center of the village, fierce fighting came from the tallest building.

“Jiraiya has…come? Then I have to move faster. I can only collect the corpse for the lecherous Sage when I am too late.” I quickly pulled out the green front and lifted my sword toward the Pain. Ran inside the building.


“If Kurone had not brought your information to the village, I would have you plot against it today.” Jiraiya gazed The six pairs of Rinnegan showed a rare serious expression, “Should I call you Pain? Or Nagato?”

“Teacher Jiraiya, I am very grateful for your original life-saving grace and teaching , But now our philosophy is different, I will not start off leniently, today I will definitely kill you.” Deva Path coldly said, “Six-Paths of Pain can be forced out, except for Hatake Kurone, which is the teacher you Now, I know that the teacher is very strong, so I will do my best, and I hope the teacher will do my best to prevent me from being killed so easily.”

“Hatake Kurone…I remember he was also Barely at Quasi-Kage Level. At first I thought he could draw with you, and your strength would not be too strong. I played against it today, it seems that I was wrong. Hatake Kurone really couldn’t use common sense. It is inferred that Quasi-Kage Level beats Kage Level and he can do it.” Jiraiya laughed, his face gradually showing Sage facial makeup and densely packed toad Madara points, which is the performance of incomplete Sage Mode.

“You are right. Hatake Kurone is the best ninja I have ever seen. If it weren’t for the fetters of children, the future would be limitless.” Deva Path saw Jiraiya I don’t care about the changes, “And we didn’t draw back then. I don’t know if Hatake Kurone was humble or concealed something. Although I don’t want to admit it, I did lose to him.”

“I think he probably has his own plan. Okay, I won’t talk too much nonsense.” Jiraiya arched up slowly, ready to go, “If I didn’t save you back then, it would be fine, and now I won’t There are that many troubles.”

“I respect you as our mentor, Teacher Jiraiya, you should make the move first.” As soon as all Pain sleeves were exposed, the long black stick caught his hand. .

“Summoning Justu!” Jiraiya bit her finger quickly, and two toads slightly larger than the palm appeared in the smoke.

“Hah, little Jiraiya, long time no see. You summon us out this time. Something must happen.” Fukasaku looked at the six people in front of him and was a little surprised. “This Yes…this is Rinnegan?”

“Yes, this should be the legendary Rinnegan.” Shima nodded.

“Fukasaku Sage, Sesame Sage, this time the enemy is more difficult, so I ask you two to join me and fight with Sage Mode together.” Jiraiya said respectfully.

“No problem, I haven’t fought together for a long time, little Jiraiya.” The two elder Sage laughed, and jumped on Jiraiya’s shoulders from left to right.

Pain did not respond at all, and waited quietly for Jiraiya to take action.

“Use that move first.” Jiraiya looked around.

“Understood!” The two Sages immediately understood the meaning.

Three people are printed at the same time.

“Sage Art ·Fire-Style ·toad oil bomb!” The two Sages spit out a lot of toad oil, which made Jiraiya’s Fire-Style more rapid and violent. This is a rare S- Rank Fire Ninjutsu, the formidable power is huge, but Pain is not enough.

An exploded Pain immediately jumped in front of all Pains, stretched out his hands forward, and the powerful Fire-Style of this move immediately disappeared without a trace.

“What kind of trick is this, it can absorb S-Rank Fire-Style!” Shima frowned.

“This guy with the explosive head should be able to absorb Ninjutsu. As for whether there is an upper limit for absorption, it remains to be seen.” Fukasaku stared at the Pain closely, slowly said.

Jiraiya nodded: “I think so too, let’s use Taijutsu for now, but there are six enemies, and their field of view seems to be shared, which is very tricky.”

Suddenly, the corner of Jiraiya’s mouth raised a weird curve: “It seems that our winning rate is 10% higher.”

“Do you think I can’t see it?” Deva Path twitched the corner of his mouth, moved towards A hand was stretched out from the corner, “Bansho Tennin!”

“Fuck!” I was completely unprepared, and the Ice-Style on my body shattered in an instant, and then was sucked by Deva Path.

“Hatake Kurone, do you think I have made any progress in the past nine years? Nine years ago I ate that many dumb losses. You thought you were using the same old style, but I still can’t see you? Still fall into you Do you like the routine?” Deva Path pinched my neck, coldly said, “It’s over, feel the pain.”

ka-cha! Deva Path broke my neck with force.

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