In this way, I told Jiraiya about the plan of fraudulent death.

“What do you mean? Pretend I was killed by Pain, and let Naruto go to Mount Myōboku to learn Senjutsu?” Jiraiya touched his chin. “That’s a good idea, but Senjutsu of Mount Myōboku is not like that. It’s easy to learn. I have learned that many years, but I still can’t master it perfectly. After all, not everyone is like you… I worry about Naruto…”

“Don’t worry, you forgot, Rasengan. But I learned it in one week. Believe me, within half a year, he will definitely be able to master Sage Mode, because he is Uzumaki Naruto, Child of the Prophecy in the words of Great Toad Sage.”

“I How do you feel that you are more like Child of the Prophecy…” Jiraiya teased and agreed with me.

“Lord-Jiraiya, stop cracking a joke.” I smiled and waved his hand,

In this way, I came to Mount Myōboku with Jiraiya and discussed with all the toads. After a while, prepare to partner with Naruto. At the same time, I also invited Jiraiya to go to Izumo no Kaku for training for a few months, and wait for Naruto to practice Sage Mode before returning to Ninja World.

“What? Let me go to Izumo no Kok for a few months? No, I have to go to gather the wind!” Jiraiya shakes one’s head and refused to come.

“Lord-Jiraiya, if you are exposed in Ninja World, I am afraid it will have a serious impact, so let’s go to Izumo corner to hide first.” I said, I gestured with my eyes. Fukasaku and Shima.

The two Sages immediately reacted and echoed: “Little Kurone is right. Great Toad Sage said that the Spiritual Qi of Cloud Corner is much more abundant than Mount Myōboku, and is more suitable for Senjutsu training, Jiraiya, Jiraiya Take this opportunity to retreat for a few months and practice Sage Mode to perfection. Don’t let Kurone’s kindness be disappointed.”

Jiraiya also felt that the words of the two Sages made sense, and he pondered for a moment. , Finally agreed.

Actually, there are two reasons why I got Jiraiya to Izumo no Kok. The most important thing is to avoid the tracking of the Mianling official. Izumo Nook is a paradise. Apart from me, even Mianling Officials cannot easily enter either. Secondly, after the Fourth Shinobi World War, Jiraiya is suddenly sent out, which can also be used as an exciting trump card. Of course, by the way, let Jiraiya training Sage Mode, I didn’t expect it.

However, according to the plot in the original work, it took a long time for the news of Jiraiya’s death to be returned to Konoha. Because I remember that soon after Jiraiya’s death was a battle between Sasuke and Itachi, Kakashi and Naruto also went there, but they were blocked by Tobi. After returning to Konoha, I got the news of Jiraiya’s sacrifice from Fukasaku. Then, in order to resist Pain, Naruto then went to Mount Myōboku to learn Senjutsu, and did not reappear until Pain attacked Konoha. From then on, there was basically no traditional Ninjutsu duel as before. The battle strength began to collapse, various plug-ins more and more emerged, and trying to surpass genius became a joke, and Kekkei Genkai became a bad street thing, even Awesome Kekkei Tōta has also become a chicken rib, only Five-Attributes’ complete bloodstain can be barely seen. So I have to unlock my seal as soon as possible, otherwise, in the final battle, I can only be a war reporter.

Okay, it’s a long way off. Although the news of Jiraiya’s death shouldn’t be sent back to Konoha so quickly, I decided to change it so that Naruto could buy more time for training Sage Mode and let him Sage Mode is more complete, and it is more handy when dealing with Pain. As for Sasuke and Itachi, I just need to go there. I definitely can’t change the decision of Itachi. As for Sasuke, it is impossible to bring it back, so it makes no difference whether Naruto goes or not.


The plan is finalized, and then it’s time to test the acting skills. Fukasaku and I must work together to fool the entire ninja of Hidden Leaf Village, including Tsunade, so that they all think that Jiraiya died in Hidden Rain Village and died in Pain’s hands.

In the early morning of 2nd day, Anbu came to summon me. I guess Fukasaku and the others should have told Tsunade the news. Sure enough, when I pushed Hokage’s Office away, there was a sluggish atmosphere inside. Everyone drooped their faces. Tsunade bit her lip silently, not knowing what she was thinking, Shizune, who was standing by, was secretly wiping tears. Fukasaku, who was sitting at the table, gave me a wink, and I immediately asked.

“Lady Tsunade, what happened? Why is Fukasaku Sage here too? I don’t think your expressions are right…” I immediately pretended to be surprised.

Tsunade didn’t answer me, turned his head aside, and waved his hand to signal Shizune.

“Lord-Jiraiya he…” Shizune stopped sobbing and explained, “Lord-Jiraiya lost to opponent when he was scouting Akatsuki leader Pain in Hidden Rain Village. He desperately sent information and sacrificed… …This Fukasaku Sage just brought this situation here.”

“What?!!! Lord-Jiraiya He…” I took a step back in shock and asked tremblingly, “Lord- Jiraiya he…he…was Pain…???” I looked towards Fukasaku Sage.

Fukasaku Sage did not speak, slowly nodded.

“Why? Lord-Jiraiya is so strong, so…” I showed a distressed look and beat my chest angrily, “no! impossible! I don’t believe it!”

“Kurone, calm down.” Tsunade finally spoke. She raised her head and said, “We all underestimate Pain’s strength, Jiraiya, he sacrificed for Konoha. I have a great responsibility. Before I I was planning to send you there, but you happened to be injured, so I changed the candidate to Jiraiya. Kurone, I have seen the report you submitted about Hidden Rain Village and Pain that year, and you gave Pain a very high one. Appraisal, but I thought that since you can draw with Pain at the beginning, Jiraiya must be no problem. Blame me! Underestimate the enemy killed Jiraiya!”

“No, Lady Tsunade, this is not Your responsibility is that I didn’t write it clearly. In fact, Pain’s strength is very strong, and it has reached the super Kage Level that year. I used Forbidden Jutsu to reluctantly fight with him, and then the serious injury escaped from Hidden Rain Village. Now that many years have passed, Pain’s strength may have reached the late stage of Super Kage Level. It is normal for Lord-Jiraiya to lose, and I am also responsible…”

“Okay, don’t rush It’s meaningless to fight for this responsibility.” Fukasaku suddenly started to talk and interrupted us. “Little Jiraiya exchanged his life for Pain’s information. In addition, Akatsuki’s purpose is to collect Tailed Beast, so soon, they will come. Hidden Leaf Village catches Naruto. The top priority now is to protect Naruto and defend against the enemy. If Pain invades Konoha, how to deal with it?”

“If Pain is really as Kurone said, strength has been reached The horrible late stage in the super Kage Level, then unless I join forces with Kurone, I can barely deal with it, but that will bring a lot of loss to Konoha, so we have to think of a better way.” Tsunade’s expression began to become serious.

In fact, Tsunade is a little worried. Although her own strength is only about Kage Level Peak, her recovery ability is very strong. It is not easy for Pain to beat her. Although my strength is not as good as Pain, the trump card is almost exposed, and it is not dominant against Pain, but with Tsunade, there is actually no problem with Pain. However, Tsunade probably thought that I was also about the same strength as Jiraiya, so I was a little worried.

“I have an idea.” I said suddenly, “It’s better…”

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