“How about letting Naruto go to Mount Myōboku to learn Senjutsu?” I suggested.

“I have the same idea.” Fukasaku nodded, “Pain is difficult to deal with, but Jiraiya’s Sage Mode will have some advantages in dealing with it, but his grasp is not perfect, plus the strength gap, So I lost. So I think it’s a good idea to let Naruto learn Sage Mode. Little Kurone only took about half a year to fully master Sage Mode, and he said that Naruto’s innate talent is no worse than him. I also want to see how much time Naruto can take to master.”

To be honest, Fukasaku’s reason is not very convincing, and even a little far-fetched, but at this point, Tsunade is bluffed. Because she can also see that the main purpose of letting Naruto go to Mount Myōboku to study is not entirely to let Naruto learn Sage Mode, the most important thing is to protect his safety. As long as Naruto stays at Mount Myōboku, Pain will not be found for a while.

“Kurone and Fukasaku Sage have something to say, I approve it.” Tsunade thought for a moment, nodded, “Shizune, you go and inform Naruto to let him come to the office.”

“Yes, Lady Tsunade!”

Soon, Naruto was brought to the office by Shizune, and at the same time, Sakura followed in.

“Mother-in-law Tsunade, what can I do for you?” Naruto pushed the door open and the carefree came in, “Huh? Kurone teacher is there too! Ha? Who is this green toad? Lecherous Sage Pie Are you here?”

“Naruto! Don’t be rude! This is Lord-Jiraiya’s Master, Fukasaku Sage.” Tsunade frowns scolded, “Fukasaku Sage, don’t mind, Naruto is like that. “It’s okay.”

“It’s okay, little Naruto is just like the old little Jiraiya, stupid, hahaha!” Fukasaku laughed heartily and didn’t care at all. “The name Sage is lascivious. It also fits the little Jiraiya’s style very well, interesting, hahaha!”

“Little…Jiraiya…toad grandfather, are you really the master of lecherous Sage?” Naruto scratched his head in confusion.

“authentic.” Fukasaku took off his hands, looked a little playful Naruto.

Naruto looked at several people around him, and when he got a certain look, he was somewhat respectful: “It turns out that this is the case, then Fukasaku Sage, is there anything you are here? What about Lecherous Sage?”

“Naruto, I want to tell you one thing next, I hope you are mentally prepared.” Suddenly, the atmosphere in the entire office became serious, and everyone put away their smiles, which made Naruto Somewhat uncomfortable.

“Why…what’s wrong?” Naruto stammeringly asked, “What happened…what happened?”

“Little Jiraiya, he…sacrificed. “Fukasaku lowered his head, as if he didn’t want to recall the painful battle.

“What?” Naruto suddenly shocked, “Fukasaku Sage, what are you kidding! How could it be possible for Lecherous Sage… Mother-in-law Tsunade, Kurone teacher, tell me, Lecherous Sage just went out to perform the mission, right? “

“Naruto, be strong.” I walked to Naruto and patted his shoulder, “Lord-Jiraiya sacrificed for Hidden Leaf Village and to protect you, so I went to Hidden Rain Village to scout Chief Akatsuki’s information was unfortunately sacrificed. Naruto, you have to cheer up, work hard to promote strength, protect yourself, protect your companions, and then avenge your Master Jiraiya.”

Speaking, Fukasaku Sage followed Naruto probably explained the process of Jiraiya’s sacrifice.

“Laughter Sage…he…he really…dead…” Naruto seemed to have been hit hard, his expression was a bit sluggish, and he muttered to himself.

“Naruto…” Sakura saw Naruto’s reaction and wanted to go up to comfort him, but didn’t know what to do.

“Naruto, I know you are sad now.” I shook Naruto’s shoulder, looked at his eyes and said, “I know that few people recognize you, Lord-Jiraiya is your Master. It’s very important to you. So his death gave you a big blow, but you still have many companions who still care about you. You have to cheer up as soon as possible. The purpose of Akatsuki is to collect all Tailed Beasts, remember Well, Gaara was attacked by their evil scheme before. If I guess right, now you and Jinchuriki of the Eight-Tails should be the only ones who have not been attacked, so it is very likely that Pain himself will come to catch you himself. Hurry up to promote strength, protect your companions, and protect yourself.”

“Kurone teacher, what should I do?” Naruto’s expression improved a bit after hearing my words, but he still looked confused.

“You also know that the summoning contract you signed with Lord-Jiraiya is Toad Clan, and the source is Mount Myōboku, one of the Three-Great Sage Regions.” I started to give Naruto a brief and concise introduction to Senjutsu. “And Mount Myōboku has always had a Secret Jutsu called Senjutsu, which can absorb Natural Energy instead of Chakra, and exert a greater formidable power than ordinary Ninjutsu. This Senjutsu…”

After the explanation, not only did Naruto fail to understand, but Sakura next to him went around.

“Kurone teacher, what you said is a bit complicated, I don’t understand a bit, I think Naruto should not understand.” Sakura said embarrassedly.

“Hehehe, I really don’t understand, Kurone teacher, can you say it more popularly, just like when we were taught at Ninja School.” Naruto smiled hehe and scratched his head.

“I…this…forget it…” I helplessly spread my hands, “Naruto, just go back to Mount Myōboku with Fukasaku Sage, and learn and understand.”

“Yes, without further ado, pack your bags and follow me back to Mount Myōboku immediately.” Fukasaku Sage nodded, “The time left for you is running out.”


After sending Naruto away, I was just relaxed when I was called by Tsunade.

“Is there anything else? Lady Tsunade.”

“Well, there is another thing. Anbu got Uchiha Sasuke’s trace again. It is said that he is looking for Uchiha On the way to Itachi, I originally planned to let Kakashi take Naruto with them. Now Naruto has left the village. So, let Kakashi and Kakashi take a few little demons to see if you can bring Sasuke back. It’s possible. If it does, Uchiha Itachi is also solved.”

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